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Linkzmax said:


As for the 200 posts thing. It does seem like you're talking about the original argument over the numbers(page 1 by 100) and this one(page 4 by 100). You did have some posts on page 2 relating to the numbers, but I'd now agree that it wasn't an exaggeration. I was going by Wonk's point that you responded(to the original point) two posts later. So I apologize for that and though I didn't think much of it since it didn't make sense to do, it's absolutely stricken as any kind of evidence. The argument itself could still be up for debate, but so much has happened since then that there has to be more for a convincing case.

his quote where 200 posts first came up

"Then you squeeze that  flag raising stunt about ME  prolonging an argument I didn't even respond to until 200 posts later in the game when I wasn't even arguing about it, just using it as as a means  to support my SK theory. And the way you snuck that fos in the middle of repeated observation was really sneaky Wonk."

So I find it hard to read as him refering to his comment on Zex when my suspicion on him had been from him continuing the argument. 

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Linkzmax said:

 I just think it could be a newb townie latching onto someone they got a feeling is scum and then clouding everything into evidence.


As for the 200 posts thing. It does seem like you're talking about the original argument over the numbers(page 1 by 100) and this one(page 4 by 100). You did have some posts on page 2 relating to the numbers, but I'd now agree that it wasn't an exaggeration. I was going by Wonk's point that you responded(to the original point) two posts later. So I apologize for that and though I didn't think much of it since it didn't make sense to do, it's absolutely stricken as any kind of evidence. The argument itself could still be up for debate, but so much has happened since then that there has to be more for a convincing case.


I'm just not ready to believe he's town yet yet, I'm sorry, but his big gigantic parrot post followed by his pursuit to paint me as scum ever since is the most suspicious thing I've seen all game.

How do you find scum? Mainly from their posts. The more posts, the more they share their thoughts. For us to be  the more we can find contradictions, slips, and suspicions. If you focus all your attention on one thing for a long period of time, the less people are going to have on you. Which is basically what Wonk has gotten away with for so long. Even now, As I catch up on the game, he yet uses all my  posts ( recent before today) against me...

And you, Linkz, are the only person to really acknowledge him, which I can't help but admire you for because I almost feel sorry for him. The way he clinged on you and thanked you afterwords was pathetic, and I honestly don't see how anyone or yourself mentioned how desperate that was ... unless you were really desperate to keep this game active?

The second paragraph is just one of many baseless accusations Wonk has thrown at me. I really really don't feel like reading back into the thread, but I'm sure I can debunk many of the accusations you find interesting against me.

That goes to everyone. Questions? Ask. Tomorrow I promise I'll be back to contribute and not just defend myself. I'm back home and I'm back at work so I should be online for hours tomorrow.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Linkzmax said:

nen-suer said:

Since you asked. I'm pretty sure every single player posted during day two, it was pretty active at first. And even once it got slow towards the end, all but maybe 4(that's an estimate, I'm not going to actually go back and check) players still popped in and said something here or there.

Now onto your thinking that MG and SAK conspired during the night to set you up for a lynch today. Here you were sure Wonk and ST were mafia for siding against you. I'm getting the feeling that you're a bit paranoid. There's a line between not trusting anyone, and believing just about everyone is teaming up against you.

You said: "Its funny how he & MG suddenly chose to go after me today like they decided to do so  during the night
today they moved to the top of my list.....even the killing methods fit there play style."  Can you explain the bolded for me. I had a small glance at MG as mafia last round, where he wanted to go after good players(as did everyone) but also those that were onto him.(I don't think that's the case here really) I have no idea how SAK thinks as mafia.

So.. how has your opinion changed now that MG surely turned out to be Mafia... and if I am correct this bolded 'he' reffers to SAK, my suspect of the day... what if they realy have been trying to get the lynchtrain on the rails onto nen... whats your thought about that...

Wonktonodi said:
hatmoza said:
Linkzmax said:

The "200 posts later" is certainly hyperbole, but it really doesn't make sense given the posts were fairly close to each other, both in number and in time. I can't imagine why hat would try to create the idea of a significant gap like that.


And I think you have points in the third link that they deserved a response from hat. Some of it is trivial, and some self-defense, but overall at the very least it should have prompted a "nice try, but you're still scum."

exaggerating? I'm pretty sure the post count between my argument with zex and that post was well over a hundred posts. 

I believe I answered all of his questions fairly. They included stuff like the "math fail joke" and "me and nordlead always do this" they're quite long responses before I got sick of the same questions and realized my lynch wagon on Wonk wasn't going anywhere.

I'll remember, or try to remember to pull them up. And as you said, most of those questions are trivial anyway, a sign of grasping at straws.

It was 2 posts latter that you first responed to zex with the numbers with pleanty more after so hardly the 200 you said before or the 100 you say now. If comenting on how you distance yourself from something with information that false and then even when called out on it continue to say such things then you and I have very different notions of grasping at straws.



I said well over 100, not 100.

A mafia player really can't be this stupid... If you are town; dear lord at your drop of play since your last game.

By the way, Linkz confirmed it was actually over 200 posts.

Linkzmax said:

As for the 200 posts thing. It does seem like you're talking about the original argument over the numbers(page 1 by 100) and this one(page 4 by 100). You did have some posts on page 2 relating to the numbers, but I'd now agree that it wasn't an exaggeration. I was going by Wonk's point that you responded(to the original point) two posts later. So I apologize for that and though I didn't think much of it since it didn't make sense to do, it's absolutely stricken as any kind of evidence. The argument itself could still be up for debate, but so much has happened since then that there has to be more for a convincing case.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Current votes (7 required to lynch):

[2, L-5] SAK: STEF, (RAD), NEN


[1, L-6] HAT: WONK

[1, L-6] NEN: SAK

[1, L-6] LINK: RAD


Votes for a time limit (4 required): GNIZ

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Vote: timelimit

hatmoza said:
Linkzmax said:


I actually skimmed ahead and read your little talk with Wonk. Don't worry. I'm not suspicious of you because  of that, but I do want to ask: Don't you find it strange that ever since my assault weeks ago on him, he's been bent on trying to make me seem bad by what seems to be revenge on me for making him look bad? (by bad I mean calling him a parrot and active lurker).

I'm not the best person at leading lynches but I know when I'm fighting a lost battle so I gave up on lynching him and I ignored him a lot after his break down (which I still believe to be a mark of a newb mafia player: revenge voting/accusing etc). Go back and skim over the game and witness for yourself how disturbed he was from me. How desperate he was to come after me with what I honestly believe to be bologna accusations, accusations full of desperation, accusations that lead to very little responses to the point were they were almost ignored when the game was active. And those who did refer to us said things like " oh I'm kinda suspicious of Wonk now" ( I believe Gnizmo and FF) and you know why 2 veteran players agreed that he was suspicious? Not because of my accusations, but because of the way he responded. 


I focused on you because I think you are scum and was hoping for more discussion from the town.  Other than Links there really wasn't any talk on the subject.  Mostly people saying nothing but those who said anything mostly said they got bad vibes from me and such.  You mentioned two Gnizmo who just had bad vibes from me mentioned twice and FF who although not sure what to think of the whole think didn't like my "think of the children" post.  SAK who agreed with your points, Stefl who didn't say you looked clean but only FOSed me and Trucks who IIRC only mentioned me and not you.  Nen just ingored it at first and now had a little to say on the matter but was waiting for you to say more.  With that many people it couldn't just be scum saying they are getting bad vibes from me so I'm deffinatly doing it wrong.

I guess I'm not sure what else to do in this game.  I would have tried to go for lurkers but there were just so many this game that it felt like there was no point.  Now 3 are gone but still pleanty remain.  So I couldn't focus on those lurking now yet there isn't as much of a point to focus on them they are being prodded by the mod.  I'm still sure you are scum but you could be a fellow townie.  With you modding last game it would be easy for you to see me as scum again since last time you would read what I said knowing I was scum while this game you could just still read what I say as being scum.  So me posting mentioning you could easily make you jump on it as a scum trying to make you look bad leading me to jump on your responce as being trying to hard to prove he's innocent.

More to say but got called away

I'm not sure how you can say theres a connenction with me and mg, because, he barely made any connections besides the fact that I said that every time hes been mafia (even though he said once he's been mafia), he plays like that, and then suspects me for saying it (now, I know the concept of mafia throwing each other out, thing is I'm not mafia, so its an entirely different story.)

I'm going to be looking into this discussion about hat and wonk, need to reread it to understand whats going on and stuff. ...>_>

ps.I might request for a mod kill due to unsuspecting circumstances and to much studying going on so just going to leave that out there. This isn't an excuse to why I'm not focused and particapting as much as I would in the game.


So I came here just to say I'm deeply sorry for being absent, but I had my reasons.

Over Christmas I met a girl and I have been hanging around with here a lot, and you know how (at least I hope so) time consuming girls can be. I simply don't have the time at the moment to constantly keep with mafia games. I hope that doesn't change your view on possible future games with me. Again, all I can say I'm really sorry, but RL > internet community for me. I hope you understand that.

btw: at the time you modkilled me, I was just barely at page 9, so the modkill was completely justified.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

noname2200 said:

Oh, and it goes without saying, but if you would also like an out right now, please let us know, and we will oblige.

I am here to out and out say I don't think I can commit the time the game deserves right now. I am balancing a lot of new home life stuff I assumed would not take up quite so much of my time. I might be able to re-balance and gain some stride after this weekend, but that is the earliest. I could bore you all with the details, but really it seems a waste of time. If you deem Monday an acceptable time for me to become even remotely active I will return then. If not then I certainly understand.

I really wanted to be able to make this work, but a lot of the time I used to use to play these forum games is simply gone. I openly admit there is more time I could use to potentially play the game, but I have devoted it to reading, and video games as it is a rather small window sadly. I offer this all simply because I am trying to play this all above the table and make it perfectly clear to the mods and players should they want to keep me, lynch me, have me mod killed, or simply replace me.

So if Monday satisfies all parties I am still in. If not my apologies for not being active enough, and hopefully this game gets as exciting as it should be.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229