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Forums - General Discussion - Riots in the UK about tuition fee increases - an observation

Good to see some socialist anger coming back on scene. The Left in the developed world hasn't really shown this kind of productive, proletarian rage in a while, and it helps keep things grounded in reality (especially in the face of all this anti-Keynesian nonsense)


I really want to see it happen in Ireland, though. Show the big banks that their slavery rates aren't welcome by anyone.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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The Fury said:
SamuelRSmith said:

Here's an idea... why don't we just get rid of the royal family in its entirety? Buckingham Palace is essentially the world's largest council house, anyway. And we'd also save money in other areas (for example, when the Government wants to erect wind turbines, they have to pay money to the Royals for the right to use the land.)

You'd also put thousands of people out of jobs, save money sure but a lot of people work for the Royal family.

Sorry to sound cold, but they're jobs that shouldn't have ever existed.

I'm a staunch republican.

Mr Khan said:

Good to see some socialist anger coming back on scene. The Left in the developed world hasn't really shown this kind of productive, proletarian rage in a while, and it helps keep things grounded in reality (especially in the face of all this anti-Keynesian nonsense)


I really want to see it happen in Ireland, though. Show the big banks that their slavery rates aren't welcome by anyone.

The banks in Ireland have already been bailed out by the US Federal Reserve.  Now the EU and/or IMF/WB are looking at bailing them out.  I mean, really how poorly can those banks be run?  Maybe it would be better if all of the banks in Ireland were owned by companies from other nations or even national banks from other nations?  The world can only bail out the Irelend banks so many times...


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SamuelRSmith said:
Kasz216 said:
highwaystar101 said:
Kasz216 said:

Yeah.  I saw they attacked the Prince.  They know he doesn't set tuition fees right?

That made me angry. It's the most inappropriate, misplaced anger ever. The prince has always made it known that he supports British education system and its students strongly. The students that attacked him clearly didn't understand this.

Yeah, I couldn't imagine he was for Tuiton fees rising.   I mean, he's a figurehead, figureheads don't tend to be for anything unpopular... plus he always seemed pretty "Common man friendly".

The government gives the royal family money right?  Has anyone looked at nicking that a bit?  Things like that and nicking their own pay is the stuff you wish would be done just for ceremony but never is.

A US congressman makes $174,000.  I'd like to see that dropped to $100,000.

I don't actually think the royal family are allowed to pass actual comment on any Government policy - so we shouldn't technically know if he's for or against (I know this is true of the monarch, I'm not sure if it extends to other members).

Here's an idea... why don't we just get rid of the royal family in its entirety? Buckingham Palace is essentially the world's largest council house, anyway. And we'd also save money in other areas (for example, when the Government wants to erect wind turbines, they have to pay money to the Royals for the right to use the land.)

Wasn't the royal family put in power by god?  They have a god given right to rule over England right?  How can the nation go against god?  Sure, saving billions of dollars sounds like a good idea but I thought royalty was selected by god to watch over the little people?


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FreeTalkLive said:

This is what governments do.  It would make a lot more sense for the UK government and all governments to end any relation to universities.  Governments just make the university system worse.  Get the government out of higher education.

Our universities are extremely good - the second biggest destination in the world for foreign students. The government doesn't have any control over universities right now anyway - except funding. Every MP in Parliament now got their own education under the system with no tuition fees and it clearly worked - why impose £9000 fees on us?

The fees won't reduce the national debt - it will increase it by £4bn next year and more by 2015 as they have to borrow to fund loans. They will save nothing overall, just defer payment into the future with interest.

The fees won't increase university funding - cuts mean it is a net decrease in revenue.

Higher education directly benefits every single person in this country, that is why it should be publicly funded. The leaders and professionals of tomorrow create many less skilled jobs below them and drive the economy.

If they want to save money, why not just cut whole universities? Those that only have soft option degrees that don't help anyone find a graduate job.

This will decrease the number of poor people entering higher education,  because universities won't want to have to pay their £9000 fee for them (as this system requires) so they will take fewer of them.

University entry should be based 100% on your academic suitability for the course, not on your ability to pay. This affects me because as a research scientist I won't be able to afford fee repayment so will have the debt forever (we earn ~£25k, just above the repayment limit). It's fine for future doctors and lawyers but not scientists. Top universities will charge more creating a seperation by ability to pay (yes, even with deferred repayment, it will appear unaffordable to many).

They rolled in the fees with little debate or time. Last time they warned students years in advance so we could pepare.This time it will affect everyone from now on.  30 MPs went back on their signed election pledges to oppose tuition fee rises in order to vote for it - many people voted Lib Dem for their flagship policy of this only. If we had known they would do that I guess the Lib Dem vote would have gone to Labour.

So, if this policy doesn't reduce national debt, increase access, increase university funding, promote science careers OR save taxpayers money, what IS it good for? Actually our Prime Minsister did say one group it will benefit - foreign students will now have to pay less. GREAT.

Around the Network
SamuelRSmith said:
The Fury said:
SamuelRSmith said:

Here's an idea... why don't we just get rid of the royal family in its entirety? Buckingham Palace is essentially the world's largest council house, anyway. And we'd also save money in other areas (for example, when the Government wants to erect wind turbines, they have to pay money to the Royals for the right to use the land.)

You'd also put thousands of people out of jobs, save money sure but a lot of people work for the Royal family.

Sorry to sound cold, but they're jobs that shouldn't have ever existed.

I'm a staunch republican.

How about the tourism industry? The royal family attracts thousands of tourists to the UK each year.

Places like Windsor castle, Balmoral castle and Buckingham palace are major tourist attractions, and, let's face it, half of our image overseas is represented by our royal family.

nothing is going to be free again and as far as i know £9000 is the high end of whatever it is and while i understand what NJ5 is talking about what we saw yesterday is unacceptable from people who haven't even paid into the tax system,pissing and vandalising memorials,breaking original windows on very old buildings without a thought for anyone else,

from what i saw on the news alot of them were schoolkids who quite honestly haven't got a clue about anything,one said i come from the slums of london,innit,what if i start dealing,you get me,i can tell you we don't have slums seeing as you get benefits and your rent paid by the tax payer,half of them have no respect for this country innit,they don't know good they got it,u get me

if i was in charge you wouldn't be able to vote until you left university and paid a certain amount of tax,get your head in your books or get a job and STFU

people talking about revolutions wtf,get a life first and then talk to me about it

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zuvuyeay said:

people talking about revolutions wtf,get a life first and then talk to me about it

A revolution in the UK would destroy the economy and mostly stop a great deal of new investments.  It's about the worst possible thing for the UK right now.  UK needs to continue to cut spending by doing things like cutting welfare/handouts/unearned bennies just like the government is doing.  Maybe school fees will go up even more...


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FreeTalkLive said:
zuvuyeay said:

people talking about revolutions wtf,get a life first and then talk to me about it

A revolution in the UK would destroy the economy and mostly stop a great deal of new investments.  It's about the worst possible thing for the UK right now.  UK needs to continue to cut spending by doing things like cutting welfare/handouts/unearned bennies just like the government is doing.  Maybe school fees will go up even more...

And that sort of thing prompts anger: hence revolution


Hopefully some of the constituencies represented by LD's will force the LD's to jump ship and dissolve the parliament, forcing a new election before any revolutionary anger gets out of hand

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

FreeTalkLive said:
zuvuyeay said:

people talking about revolutions wtf,get a life first and then talk to me about it

A revolution in the UK would destroy the economy and mostly stop a great deal of new investments.  It's about the worst possible thing for the UK right now.  UK needs to continue to cut spending by doing things like cutting welfare/handouts/unearned bennies just like the government is doing.  Maybe school fees will go up even more...

i don't know what a revolution or uprising would mean,these people would have to leave home first 

luckily labour have gone so hopefully the freeloaders will start having to actually work for a change instead of making everyone else pay for their kids and lifestyles

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond