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SamuelRSmith said:
Kasz216 said:
highwaystar101 said:
Kasz216 said:

Yeah.  I saw they attacked the Prince.  They know he doesn't set tuition fees right?

That made me angry. It's the most inappropriate, misplaced anger ever. The prince has always made it known that he supports British education system and its students strongly. The students that attacked him clearly didn't understand this.

Yeah, I couldn't imagine he was for Tuiton fees rising.   I mean, he's a figurehead, figureheads don't tend to be for anything unpopular... plus he always seemed pretty "Common man friendly".

The government gives the royal family money right?  Has anyone looked at nicking that a bit?  Things like that and nicking their own pay is the stuff you wish would be done just for ceremony but never is.

A US congressman makes $174,000.  I'd like to see that dropped to $100,000.

I don't actually think the royal family are allowed to pass actual comment on any Government policy - so we shouldn't technically know if he's for or against (I know this is true of the monarch, I'm not sure if it extends to other members).

Here's an idea... why don't we just get rid of the royal family in its entirety? Buckingham Palace is essentially the world's largest council house, anyway. And we'd also save money in other areas (for example, when the Government wants to erect wind turbines, they have to pay money to the Royals for the right to use the land.)

Wasn't the royal family put in power by god?  They have a god given right to rule over England right?  How can the nation go against god?  Sure, saving billions of dollars sounds like a good idea but I thought royalty was selected by god to watch over the little people?


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