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Forums - General Discussion - FIFA World Cup 2018 & 2022 host nations announced.

its simple England lose because of BBC scandel report about fifa

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kowenicki said:
zgamer5 said:
kowenicki said:
zgamer5 said:
kowenicki said:
zgamer5 said:

qatar yes!!!!!!!!!! now i can get tickets to the next world cup final!

bet you dont...

il take that bet! in 2022 i will post a thread with live pictures about the world cup final, and hopefully il be in a box but thats not fun :(.

thank god my dad knows a sheikh from qatar!

il do anything to watch a match 2 years ago i paid 200 pounds tickets to watch an arsenal chelsea fa cup semi final at easter, i traveled to london just to do that. and last year i missed 4 exams and went to cyprus so i could watch a champions league match btw chelesea and apoel niccosia. ofcourse thats not alot but considering i live in lebanon its something to be proud of!

and again someone makes my point perfectly...

inclusive my arse... all about money.

you do know that most of the tickets are reserved to people who go with their country, in an organized way! or its people who book years in advance, also many of the workers and the organizers of the world cup get tickets, hence its very hard to get a ticket to get a ticket to the finals, this isnt a premier league match.

of course I know that.. like i said.. you prove my point.  money talks.


money talks all over the world, not just in the middle east.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:

Qatar and Russia can easily deploy their military/police to maintain law and order if things got out of control. Threat of football hooligans is reduced in half when the English team fails to qualify for the World Cup. 

England  is over run with football hooligans and law and order would be very hard to maintain. English football hooligans cause all the trouble at the World Cup events and they cause trouble at every single football match. Football hooligans run around Beer can in one hand and house brick or roof tile in the other hand. English hooligans are drunken disorderly thugs and a threat to the community. Any drunken English fan from any socio-economic class or ethnicity is capable of a being a public enemy number one and a football hooligan. 

Imagine a World Cup in the heartland of football hooligans? The reputation of the game would be tarnished by hosting a World Cup in England.

Do you flip a coin and decide which country you support when you write your tripe? Barmy barmy army eh?

England was a lame duck/dummy bid nation who never stood a chance of winning the votes from the FIFA officials. The FIFA officials did not support England. Russia and Qatar have both never hosted the WC before and it is good for the game to host it in a unique nation/region. 

tooto123 said:

its simple England lose because of BBC scandel report about fifa

Yeah it was pretty detrimental for the English bid, should really have been released after the results. 

sorry for may bad english ( scandal )

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America is the richest country in the world and on the cusp of becoming a nation that likes soccer. FIFA really blew an opportunity not letting us host. 

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

kowenicki said:
perpride said:
kowenicki said:
perpride said:
kowenicki said:
perpride said:

Dude I couldn't disagree with you more.

I think the host nations they picked are absolutley perfect. Football is an all-inclusive sport. FIFA is an all-inclusive organization. These two nations clearly had the readiness for the task which is at hand. 

I'm not so much excited for Russia 2018, even though I can respect that they will be hosting it and of course I think they will do a magnficient job.

It's Qatar 2022 which has me HYPED UP!!! A world cup being hosted in the Middle-East is an absolutley brilliant idea. It's what FIFA is all about. And I've heard rumors their putting cooling systems in every single seat of their stadiums.

I'm from Iran, so I might actually even go to that one.

Sorry dudes, I don't know if you are from England or what, but you sound like you are the way you're complaining.

Give me 5 good reasons why.

why should I give 5 reasons when the committee already decided? They're job is to decide what country is best fit to host the event. But here:

1 - First middle eastern nation to ever host a world cup. There's a reason it's called the "World Cup". T

dude....booo fucking hooo. If it was up to America and England, they would be hosting every single fucking Olympics and World Cup....

stop crying over something that's already decided!!!

You can't just be happy for a country of people who never dreamt of hosting something like this?

You made a thread called "FIFA World Cup 2018 & 2022 hosts nations announced" to call FIFA's committee a bunch of retards and hail yourself as king supreme on deciding these matters? Small suggestion, next time, make a thread called "fuck you FIFA, England and America should have won!!!!1!1one!1111".

What a great idea!!..  I like it.

I actually propose that England host every World Cup, Scotland every Golf Open, US the superbowl, Greece every Olympics.

Great idea... cuts all this crap.

PS I think England and Australia should have won.  keep smiling big fella.


It grows bigger with every new post in this thread :)

Full results of 2022 voting:

Round 1: Australia1 vote, Japan 3 votes, US 3 votes, South Korea 4 votes and Qatar 11 votes.

Round 2: Japan 2 votes, South Korea 5 votes, US 5 votes and Qatar 10 votes.

Round 3 South Korea 5 votes, US 6 votes and Qatar 11 votes.

Round 4 US 8 votes and Qatar 14 votes (Qatar obtain absolute majority)


Fun quote I read on a forum: "Qatar had bloody well better have a good a plan for avoiding a terrorist attack, because when thousands of drunken western men and immodest western women turn up on Muslim land (as some people will see it) in a show for the world, Qatar will become the biggest target on the planet."


leatherhat said:

America is the richest country in the world and on the cusp of becoming a nation that likes soccer. FIFA really blew an opportunity not letting us host. 

A good point you raise. But America hosted under 20 years ago. I think it's time for someone new to step up. America will surely get their chance in the next few bids. said:

We are talking about the gulf here. One of the richiest regions on earth and people are MAAAD about football but not the arabic football because it sucks. Qatar won't disappoint, all hail Qatar!

Hail Qatar! and Frank de Boer who was paid to be ambassador to Qatar 2022