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dtewi said:

Godofwar, can you at least sparknote those long posts?

Read that post....atleast the bit starting from the vote on radishhead by final fan

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vote: Final-Fan

It's the only chance that I've got to prove that I'm pro-town.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

GodOfWar_3ever said:
dtewi said:

Godofwar, can you at least sparknote those long posts?

Read that post....atleast the bit starting from the vote on radishhead by final fan

Could you summarize your suspicions in one nice eloquent post?

Now then, I think we should lynch the scummiest person that would give us the most info.




My top suspects.

I think lynching Kantor and Homer could exonerate a fair few people and condemn some others, with Kantor more so than others.

Unvote: radish for the time being.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Final-Fan -

"I don't want a day 1 lynch from the get go, I want discussion on day 1. If a lynch comes from it, so be it."

Final-Fan said:

I have to disagree, prof.  His DEFENSE is that he exaggerates "waffling" into "certainty" when he talks to us.  That is unacceptable.  

radish:  see above.  Either you are telling the truth and deserve to be lynched (maybe it will teach you a lesson), or you are lying and REALLY deserve to be lynched.  

Vote radishhead.

Radishhead deserves to be lynched according to him....even if he is pro-town.

Final-Fan said:

Seriously radish, you need to learn to not do that and if necessary we'll hang it out of you.  Starting today.  FINISH HIM! 

Final-Fan said:

I'm sympathetic, but radish just really deserves to die.  I think we have a decent Day 1 under our belts and you can always get back on his nuts tomorrow. 

Thats in quick succession btw....he wants to end radishhead ASAP, and says that he "deserves to be lynched" multiple times, implying that he has to die even if he is pro-town for playing badly.

I don't know about you, but that screams that final-fan is gonna put the blame on radish when he turns up pro-town (this is assuming that radish is pro-town...I have a feeling that he might be) for playing badly, thus negating any suspicions we would have on anyone who took a prominent place on the mislynch.

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

See what I mean ? Why would anyone make 4 posts implying that radish deserves to be lynched and if he isn't, its his own fault ?

That and I'm getting a very scummy read on final-fan...he has been somewhat different in this game.

Also, he was one of the early voters on radish....


GodOfWar_3ever said:

Final-Fan -

"I don't want a day 1 lynch from the get go, I want discussion on day 1. If a lynch comes from it, so be it."

Final-Fan said:

I have to disagree, prof.  His DEFENSE is that he exaggerates "waffling" into "certainty" when he talks to us.  That is unacceptable.  

radish:  see above.  Either you are telling the truth and deserve to be lynched (maybe it will teach you a lesson), or you are lying and REALLY deserve to be lynched.  

Vote radishhead.

Radishhead deserves to be lynched according to him....even if he is pro-town.

Final-Fan said:

Seriously radish, you need to learn to not do that and if necessary we'll hang it out of you.  Starting today.  FINISH HIM! 

Final-Fan said:

I'm sympathetic, but radish just really deserves to die.  I think we have a decent Day 1 under our belts and you can always get back on his nuts tomorrow. 

Thats in quick succession btw....he wants to end radishhead ASAP, and says that he "deserves to be lynched" multiple times, implying that he has to die even if he is pro-town for playing badly.

I don't know about you, but that screams that final-fan is gonna put the blame on radish when he turns up pro-town (this is assuming that radish is pro-town...I have a feeling that he might be) for playing badly, thus negating any suspicions we would have on anyone who took a prominent place on the mislynch.

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 


See what I mean ? Why would anyone make 4 posts implying that radish deserves to be lynched and if he isn't, its his own fault ?


That and I'm getting a very scummy read on final-fan...he has been somewhat different in this game.

Also, he was one of the early voters on radish....


I agree, this is very inconsistent. He glorifies the conversation but then wants the day to end quickly somewhat which a lynch on radish. I would be more on his side if lynching radish actually helped anything in the long run. So far, it's just bad play. It gives us no leads.

Around the Network

[5,L-4] radishhead: (dtewi), nordlead, Hephaestos, Final-Fan, (GodOfWar_3ever), (Wonktonodi), (Kantor), TruckOSaurus, (dtewi), Homer_Simpson
[2,L-7] Final-Fan: (GodOfWar_3ever), (theprof00), (theprof00), GodOfWar_3ever, radishhead
[2,L-7] Kantor: (theprof00), theprof00, (Homer_Simpson), noname2200
[1,L-8] TruckOSaurus: dsister, (noname2200)
[1,L-8] theprof00: (Kantor), Wonktonodi
[1,L-8] Homer_Simpson: Kantor
[0] GodofWar_3ever: (Final-Fan), (nordlead)
[0] noname2200: (TruckOSaurus)
[0] Heaphaestos: (GodOfWar_3ever)
[0] Vetteman94: (dtewi)
[0] No Lynch: (radishhead)

[5] No Vote: Linkzmax, MetalGear_94, Stefl1504, Vetteman94, dtewi
With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Sorry guys. been busy with stuff the last two days and my brother is home from college today. So more posts tomorrow 


*note to self start on page 5*

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

[7,L-2] radishhead: (dtewi), nordlead, Hephaestos, Final-Fan, GodofWar_3ever, Wonktonodi, (Kantor), TruckOSaurus, dtewi
[3,L-6] Kantor: (theprof00), theprof00, Homer_Simpson, noname2200
[1,L-8] TruckOSaurus: dsister, (noname2200)
[1,L-8] Homer_Simpson: Kantor
[0] Final-Fan: (GodofWar_3ever), (theprof00), (theprof00)
[0] GodofWar_3ever: (Final-Fan), (nordlead)
[0] noname2200: (TruckOSaurus)
[0] Heaphaestos: (GodofWar_3ever)
[0] Vetteman94: (dtewi)
[0] theprof00: (Kantor)
[0] No Lynch: (radishhead)

Ok, so looking through my suspects again, it appears that they have all voted for radish. This seems odd to me. And not in a good way. I highly doubt they would all jump on a bandwagon to lynch a townie. The only possible explanations are either a) only one or two of them is mafia and radish is a townie, or b) they are all mafia and so is radish

So, I decided to look at the people who haven't voted for radish at all, assuming that they are distancing themselves from the lynch (or mislynch) represented by scenario a.


So, we end up with this list:

homer- kantor
linkz- none
noname- tos>kantor
radish- none?
prof- kantor>ff>ff>kantor
vette- none

Out of those people, we have a list of people who have barely contributed:

Left over, we have

Now, the first four haven't been very active.
Dsis made some points that I would call pro-town. But he hasn't really been here that much, has barely commented on anything or really contributed much else. Pro-town statements could simply be cover

MG94 is similar here, however, I would say he's contirbuted more than dsis, but doesn't look as pro-town as dsis appears to be.

stefl has been absent too, and has only really appeared in order to verify some statements others have been making. I'd say he's contributed less than both of the above.

Vette only showed up to argue with me. While I would call those contributions, it also has to be said that it could be simply "safe" dialogue. ie; no real risk or opinion, simply logic and facts (even strictly so). This is not a bad thing, though, and I always get a scum read on vette, so I really don't know what to think about him. He just always plays so straight that it's hard to tell. Is the straight laced executive a coke dealer?


For the second group of five we have

noname: I really feel he's made most of the good contributions so far. Good interrogation and pressure application. I would almost leave him off the list.

radish: playing poorly, everyone can see that. Not really going to linger on him.

prof: I'll let someone else fill this in

homer: made a poor vote on kantor but other than that has been contributing. Not sure what to think of him. I feel that if radish is mafia, then so is homer.

linkz: Still not sure what to think. I know linkz is a very good player and has good intuitions but I haven't seen any real contributions from him. He is on call working, so I can't fault him for being absent, but I am also concerned that if he is indeed mafia, we are going to have a tough game ahead of us.



So, to finish this up; dsis, vette, mg, and stefl: Why have you been absent, and why have you not voted for anyone despite large amounts of evidence against several people? And no, the answer to the first question does not answer the second one. Even wonk found his way into a vote despite his absence. 

I would like to know what each of you have to say about radish, kantor, homer and anyone else.

theprof00 said:

I agree, this is very inconsistent. He glorifies the conversation but then wants the day to end quickly somewhat which a lynch on radish. I would be more on his side if lynching radish actually helped anything in the long run. So far, it's just bad play. It gives us no leads.

Oh, lovely, why NOT just agree with GoW instead of replying to anything I said about you, or my response TO YOU. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Player Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6     Role
Dsister Truck                
Final-Fan Radish                
GodOfWar_3ever  F-F                
Hephaestos Radish                
Homer_Simpson Radish
Kantor Homer                
Noname2200 Truck                
Nordlead Radish                
Radishhead F-F                
Theprof00 Kantor                
TruckOsaurus Radish                
Wonktonodi Prof                

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson