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nordlead said:

If we don't lynch someone we might as well have started with night 1 and had the scum night kill someone. That way we wouldn't at least waste hours typing complete nonsense and garbage.

HoS: Homer_Simpson

So you guys pick on me for being aggressive about a day 1 lynch, yet we see this guy HoSing someone who says hes just not ready to lynch someone just yet. Being vocal about it from the very beginning or hit and run comments like this - Whats more scummy ? You decide.

Final-Fan said:

With all due respect, I think nordlead is greatly overestimating the importance of actually having a body at our feet as we go into Night 1. 

The town definitely needs to have real conversation, and that does mean provoking responses out of people and trying to lynch people.  If someone actually gets lynched in that process, fine; but if we do enough of that and they all get out from under it, that's fine too.  The important part of the Day 1 lynch process is the conversation, not the corpse. 

He could've easily quoted nordlead and had a direct convo with him. Yet, final-fan talks of him in 3rd person to disagree with him so it wouldn't look like 2 mafia  intentionally distancing themselves ?

Final-Fan said:

It's been a long time since nordlead played, but I vaguely think that's consistent with his earlier stance, so no FoS. 

Again, talking of nordlead in 3rd person, although this time, its much more acceptable, given he's not talking about what nordlead has said directly, but describing his play style/stance on day 1 lynches.

Final-Fan said:

So we throw someone under the bus and just hope they're scum? 

Vote:  GodOfWar_3ever

Final-fan misinterprets my desire of lynching day 1 into asking for a random lynch, and the very next post...

nordlead said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Vetteman94 said:

I dont think he needs to frame you to make you sound scummy,  you are doing a pretty good job yourself.

Why thank you  

hahahahaha. This reminds me of a game I played in but I can't figure out which one it was. Essentially a scum sold themselves out on day one with one of the first posts in the game.

vote GodOfWar_3ever

nordlead depicts my sarcasm to slipping up. LMAO...

If I'd have known any better, these scumbags were trying to carefully orchestrate my lynch. 

Final-fan randomly lynches me, contradicting with his "I want discussion, and possibly a lynch if something productive comes out of it" stance, nord tries to act like I may have slipped up although I was being sarcastic, while radishhead, hephaestos and vetteman express their suspicion towards me.

These sly scumbags were trying to get me lynched. Thankfully, none of you guys took the bait.

Final-Fan said:

Not really.  That would only be true if you interpret my post as
"Vote for someone?  OK, vote you."

But it could easily be a sarcastic vote: 
"Vote for someone?  Well then I'll vote for YOU, ho ho.  How about that?"

And what it actually  was was a sarcastic way of making a real vote, based on the aggressiveness which I FoSed him for earlier along with his channeling that aggressiveness into pushing for a lynch of someone, anyone.  Which I thought would be inferrable by anyone who paid attention to the exchange between me and him. 

FoS theprof00

Where is this exchange he speaks of ? I haven't really had a direct conversation with him, other than the retarded dogs vs cats thing OR responded to his FoS at that time.

nordlead said:

I object to adding a new person to the game. While it doesn't seem obvious at first, it doesn't play out fair.

1) it doesn't make sense to add him as mafia, so the town won't likely vote him

2) he can't be the doctor/cop because we already have them so the scum won't night kill him

If everyone wants to add him then I vote for a complete restart.

Pretty much everyone had given their take on the whole radishhead situation at that time....amidst that chaos, hatmoza requests to add a new player into the game. nordlead doesn't seem to be interested in the radishhead debacle, yet he comments on adding j0 to the game.

nordlead said:

Making it clear that you won't day 1 lynch means you will not lynch day 1. After quite strongly claiming that you won't you get proven to be caught in a lie now trying to backtrack by making it seem like you only sorta won't lynch on day 1 unless someone says "i'm mafia" (which never happens, even in my previous link mario didn't come out and say it).

Here is a stance I take. I vote people caught in lies regardless of alignment due to it just being poor play (pro-town should never lie and especially not caught in one). Lies are the tools of the devil (uh... scum ). I voted gow because he made a dumb statement that reminded me of mario, but this is another matter.

unvote: godofwar_3ever
vote: radishhead

nordlead is the 2nd person to vote for radishhead. Out of curiosity, lets see what final fan's first post after nordlead's vote on radish is -

Final-Fan said:

I have to disagree, prof.  His DEFENSE is that he exaggerates "waffling" into "certainty" when he talks to us.  That is unacceptable. 

radish:  see above.  Either you are telling the truth and deserve to be lynched (maybe it will teach you a lesson), or you are lying and REALLY deserve to be lynched. 

Vote radishhead.

Radishhead "deserves to be lynched" according to F-F. I've had a change in mind. I say he deserves to stay alive today. We lynch him tomorrow. Today we lynch either one of these clowns for the scummy read they give me...

But thats not all -

Final-Fan said:

No, radishhead, actually when two completely separate communities react to your play style by screaming LYNCH then you're doing something wrong. 

As for "I didn't lie I only exaggerated" your exaggeration is to the point that it might as well be a lie.  "I am totally against a first day lynch, as always; well OK I used to lynch first day; well actually it's just that I don't want to lynch someone without a really good reason, and I wildly exaggerate when I say things."

"Obviously, if the situation changes before the end of the day, I'll vote for someone"
(NOTE:  The italicized quote was not part of the exchange with noname that put the pressure on you.  It shows that you flatly contradict yourself even within this thread.)
"I've never lynched on the first day"
"I've made it clear in all the games that I've played here that I don't lynch on Day 1"
"It's not my fault that I don't like GOW very much :(
     "Ironically, I think the reason that I voted for him was because he was trying to get a 1st day lynch"
(NOTE:  Note that when your words are proven to be wrong, the first thing you say isn't 'haha sorry I was exaggerating' but rather making excuses -- 'that was a one time thing because I hate GOW and he was trying to do a 1st day lynch'.)
"it's just my way of telling people that I've got all bases covered"
(NOTE:  Second example of being proven wrong; more excuses.)
"I've never made a contradiction in a Mafia game before. It's all about how you interpret what I say"
"It wasn't a lie though, because in all my mafia games I've made it clear that I don't 1st day lynch, but I also make it clear that I will lynch people if the situation changes."
"Maybe you're a Mafia who is intimidated by the careful thinking that I could bring to the game"
(NOTE:  hahaha ahahaNO.  "Careful thought" and "blatant self-contradiction for no reason" are mutually exclusive.) 

NEW:  "I'm annoyed that some people have seen through my disguise - I actually have no preference either way, but  I make it look like I do so that I can't be blamed for a mislynch on the first day."

This is so scummy it's just ... super scummy! 

Seriously radish, you need to learn to not do that and if necessary we'll hang it out of you.  Starting today.  FINISH HIM! 

While I don't think radishhead is town (I have a stinking feeling that he may be playing badly), Final-fan is impatient to get him killed...whats with the "Finish him !" ?

As you can see, final-fan thinks that radishhead deserves to die even if he was town cause he is playing badly...I think this is a precaution to say "Oh well....he was just playing bad" if he turns up town.

And then he says this again -

Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
please someone unvote radish

I'm sympathetic, but radish just really deserves to die.  I think we have a decent Day 1 under our belts and you can always get back on his nuts tomorrow. 

Again...radishhead deserves to die......He also preps up to blame radish for his poor play if he ends up town..

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

Yet again he preps up for the "radishhead was playing badly even though he was town" excuse after he gets lynched (assuming that radish is town...)

Conclusion -

Every time I read one of nordlead's posts, I get a scummy read...but thats not substantial enough for a lynch I guess....But final-fan on the other hand... his constant reminders on how radish deserves to die makes me suspicious enough to vote for him... but first, I gotta analyse noname's posts...

post analysis, if noname seems more scummier, I will vote for his lynch.

However, I'd like to point this out -

If radishhead is innocent, then final fan is most definitely scum.