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noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

OP updated with timer :3

I think we're actually doing pretty well in terms of pacing, and I'd argue that a timer is unnecessary at this point, especially since it will expire before the weekend ends.  I formally request that the time limit be removed for the time being.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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hatmoza said:

Glad you agree!

Seriously though, timers are for when progress has been stalled.  Does this game seem stalled to you?  Serious question: I'm fishing to see if you're telling us to lynch radish.  Because if you are, I'll totally do it (and then take credit/blame you, as appropriate).

My thoughts.

A few pages back Homer had some good points in like 3 consecutive posts. However, I wanted to counter that Kantor's Radish vote was not baseless, he just didn't post his reason. Reason had already been stated by others and a lack of stating a reason for a vote is by no means scummy if others have agreed and he joins. Bandwagonning can be suspicious, but that is different than a baseless vote. However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated, radish's essential lie in saying he won't lynch, then going wishywashy to backtrack. Had Kantor said "vote radish" before he ever screwed up, or made up some weird reason for voting him then I'd agree. I have more problems with "baseless" votes that are illogical or poor reasoning for a vote than a vote without a written reason as he may well have one. For example, Homer_Simpson's reasoning of "controlling the town" is incredibly poor, as Kantor had little to do with the bandwagon and no one really seems to be following him (in my eyes anyways). Sure, he jumped on, but dtewi is the one who really pushed for it more than anyone and still does. GoW also seemed to push for a Radish lynch. However, Kantor's flip-flopping of votes based on any votes heading his way is troublesome.

However, what I really want to ask those not voting (or hadn't) Radish, is how can you not vote someone who lies rather than stating the truth (to the best of our knowledge)?

As a final note, I believe a Radish lynch would clear/condem Kantor. If Radish was scum, then I can see why he would jump off at any chance. If Radish was town, then Kantor would have no reason to change his vote as a Radish lynch seemed iminent. I may be wrong, but it seems logical to me considering the circumstances. So I have no reason to change my vote unless lynching Kantor gets to L-1 or someone else does something worthy of a lynch.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

nordlead said:

 However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated...

Where did he imply this?  He completely avoided the entire radish topic when he first responded to prof.

dsister said:

I'd rather wait a bit. Look for someone that will be disruptive or that will lurk. 


(last time you were so agreeable with me you ended up scum >.>)

anyone know who dsis was talking to here? page 1 @100 about 55 percent of the way down the page

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noname2200 said:
nordlead said:

 However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated...

Where did he imply this?  He completely avoided the entire radish topic when he first responded to prof.

not only that, but his vote for radish was baseless too.

I believe he said that he was voting for radish because radish was against lynching on day one.

When looking at the evidence against radish, there are far better reasons to be lynching him...not wanting a day one lynch isn't one of those solid reasons.

theprof00 said:
noname2200 said:
nordlead said:

 However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated...

Where did he imply this?  He completely avoided the entire radish topic when he first responded to prof.

not only that, but his vote for radish was baseless too.

I believe he said that he was voting for radish because radish was against lynching on day one.

When looking at the evidence against radish, there are far better reasons to be lynching him...not wanting a day one lynch isn't one of those solid reasons.

I'm voting for Radish because he didn't want to lynch day 1. He said he never lynched day 1, then decided to backtrack because others found out otherwise. You say it is baseless, I say it is saying what I am saying just in slightly different words. I took his post where he originally voted as an nod toward the same reasoning I had. Maybe I interpret it differently than you, but that is how I saw it. No, he didn't explicitly say why he was voting becuse radish lied, but as I said I don't think it is as bad as a poor reason for a vote.

As for avoiding prof, I agree avoiding a question is bad (granted with over 340 posts in a single day I can see it happening). However, he denied avoiding questions and I may have missed the second time they were asked in the screwed up thread.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

nordlead said:
theprof00 said:
noname2200 said:
nordlead said:

 However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated...

Where did he imply this?  He completely avoided the entire radish topic when he first responded to prof.

not only that, but his vote for radish was baseless too.

I believe he said that he was voting for radish because radish was against lynching on day one.

When looking at the evidence against radish, there are far better reasons to be lynching him...not wanting a day one lynch isn't one of those solid reasons.

I'm voting for Radish because he didn't want to lynch day 1. He said he never lynched day 1, then decided to backtrack because others found out otherwise. You say it is baseless, I say it is saying what I am saying just in slightly different words. I took his post where he originally voted as an nod toward the same reasoning I had. Maybe I interpret it differently than you, but that is how I saw it. No, he didn't explicitly say why he was voting becuse radish lied, but as I said I don't think it is as bad as a poor reason for a vote.

As for avoiding prof, I agree avoiding a question is bad (granted with over 340 posts in a single day I can see it happening). However, he denied avoiding questions and I may have missed the second time they were asked in the screwed up thread.

i'm sorry I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to kantors vote. Take my post, and insert Kantor where "his" is in the first line.


You knew it was about Kantor after all? (bolded)

Why did you bring yourself up at all?

You are sounding some serious alarms nord.

noname2200 said:

This contains some flaws, most notably that it has Truck voting twice.  I'm also eager to hear what your thoughts about the game are, since you've been online for as much of the game as anyone, but have been eerily silent for most of it this time around.


[7,L-2] radishhead: (dtewi), nordlead, Hephaestos, Final-Fan, GodofWar_3ever, Wonktonodi, (Kantor), TruckOSaurus, dtewi
[3,L-6] Kantor: (theprof00), theprof00, Homer_Simpson, noname2200
[1,L-8] TruckOSaurus: dsister, (noname2200)
[1,L-8] Homer_Simpson: Kantor
[0] Final-Fan: (GodofWar_3ever), (theprof00), (theprof00)
[0] GodofWar_3ever: (Final-Fan), (nordlead)
[0] noname2200: (TruckOSaurus)
[0] Heaphaestos: (GodofWar_3ever)
[0] Vetteman94: (dtewi)
[0] theprof00: (Kantor)
[0] No Lynch: (radishhead)

[5] No Vote: Linkzmax, MetalGear_94, Stefl1504, Vetteman94, radishhead
With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Any other flaws I missed?

I have been on a lot. I'd post more, but I think I'd just be parroting others. I'll go through everyone real quick:
dsister's been absent since page 1(by 100s). Not enough posts for a read, but very rational answer about going for a day one lynch. @prof I believe that post was directed at FF, unless you meant the lurky/disruptive part?

In the last game, dtewi was on my case for being trustful of a few players as town. At the time I couldn't tell if it was frustration that part of the uninformed majority were becoming informed, or just that it was sucking fun out of the game. This time around there's bitterness towards a helpful to town(or at least those against day one lynches) presentation of hard numbers showing lynch is likely better than no lynch. I don't like the way he tried to rally for votes on radish either, but that could've just been bait to see who'd make baseless votes.

FF made me spend quite some time trying to answer his lolcat picture with one in kind. Sure I didn't have to, but it would've been impolite not to. Said "The important part of the Day 1 lynch process is the conversation, not the corpse. " in and 24 hours later goes fine with that, except right afterwards there's 

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

Maybe it's just me, but if radish is town(and I think so far it's been just bad play not necessarily scummy play) then we haven't really had much other conversation to take into day two.

Like others, GoW's over-aggressiveness at first didn't sit well with me. It came across more bloodthirsty to me, as in eager to see anyone hang rather than trying to scumhunt and get lynches right. Then again he says it'll be the new playstyle to get through day one. Prof's right about his long post on radish as well, I mean that was just ridiculous. I know he said he'd post reasons for his vote later, and I've followed through on promises myself with long posts; however, I'd say it was clear(and likely still is) that radish is going to be lynched today. I'm not saying all of that work was a waste, but rather than reiterating points made earlier it should've just been the new points that nobody else addressed.

Going out of alphabetic order here, though I agree with a lot of what prof has been saying, I don't like the vibe I'm getting. It's not quite suspicion, but without a scum-like gambit in hopes of a pro-town result I'm just unsure about the mostly rational posts. It makes me question his alignment more than anyone else.

I'll get to the other 11 soon, just breaking the read up a bit.

nordlead said:

However, what I really want to ask those not voting (or hadn't) Radish, is how can you not vote someone who lies rather than stating the truth (to the best of our knowledge)?

Since I fall in this category, I'll repeat my answer. If I had to vote right now it would be for radish, but I still think we've got more conversation to go on before the hammer. I agree he's the biggest candidate and will likely be the one to hang, but it seems to me he's more a victim of bad play then scummy play. I'm not defending bad play either, I'd just rather spend what time is left trying to see who else is being suspicious.