GodOfWar_3ever said:
There will be multiple ways to know whether the player is mafia or Jester...
And how is this different from adding a few roles like CPR doctor or Paranoid cop to the game ? That also causes chaos...
And doesn't chaos = fun ?
A paranoid cop isn't trying to cause chaos. He is always trying to play his best game for the town. He isn't trying to pretend he is a bad guy. Paranoid cops are usually frowned upon unless a regular cop also exists in the game. Even then, Paranoid cops only last a very small fraction of time before they realize they are paranoid and just do nothing.
A CPR doctor would also be frowned upon if no regular doctor exists. Also, they will figure out they are not a regular doctor in 1 night (2 tops). Again, it is also a rare role, not something you see normally.
As for chaos = fun, that is too simple a statement. It would be like saying that playing a videogame where hitting a button never does the same thing. Sometimes you die, other times it erases your save file, and sometimes you successfully kill the badguy. While it might be fun for a few minutes, you'll quickly lose interest in the game. People like games because they have structure that is balanced and fair to all involved. While some randomness and chaos is generally appriciated, it needs to be controlled. There are other games where there is no randomness (think Chess as a simple example) and are very popular and successful. However, I can't say I know of a single game that opperates successfully over any significant length of time with large amounts of chaos. So, does chaos = fun? No not directly, but that doesn't mean a little bit can't be used to enhance a game.