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Forums - Sales Discussion - EMEAA Up!!! (Nov 6, 2010)

NSMB Wii is up 60k over last week so I guess 60k red Wii's were sold? I didn't think it'd have this much of an effect to be honest. But Wii still hasn't won the holidays yet.

Around the Network
ethomaz said:

1 year after Slim and PSN still UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!

Why would PSN be down?

--OkeyDokey-- said:
ethomaz said:

1 year after Slim and PSN PS3 still UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!

Why would PSN be down?

LOL fixed.

CGI-Quality said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
Metallicube said:
CGI-Quality said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
CGI-Quality said:

You've just come in each week claiming the "rain" (pun intended) of dominance was over for PS3 in just a few weeks. He's right in the sense that you're showing almost a fear of PS3 topping the Wii continuosly. I agree with you, Wii will probably beat the PS3 this week (though I don't think it'll beat the 360). But you have had this agenda for over a month now.

I don't fear video game sales Lol! I just go on here because I obviously like games and its interesting(I also look at sales for music and sometimes even movies) It has nothing to do with fear and the fact that you even think that makes me can think what you want but I am not that kind of person. I am just predicting and discussing sales like everyone else on here so why is that so terrible to you? Just because my personal opinion is that PS3 won't sell well compared to the 360 and Wii this Holiday is wrong Lol?

I actual find the comedy in how serious you take this, while claiming just to be an analyzer. I didn't say you "feared" this happening. I said it almost comes off as a fear (further complimenting Jordahn's point - which looks to be spot on).

Anyway, PS3 will likely sell less than it's comptetitors this holiday, no argument there. But since it'll be up YoY, has a motion controller in healthy standing right now, and it's biggest exclusive IP still set to release for the holiday, I'm not sure, "it won't sell well compared to the other two", are the proper words.

I don't see what he's so off base about.. PS3 WON'T sell well compared to the other two over the holidays. That's just the way it will be. Xbox 360 will recieve a major boost from Kinect for a little while, not to it should be more affected than the PS3 by the Black Ops boost. Then you have Wii, which is ALWAYS a major seller around the holidays, and now it is starting to have a healthy lineup again, including DCK which should be a major hardware pusher.

PS3 has already had the Move released which hasn't done much, understandably, and doesn't really have much gamewise besides GT5.

I think this holiday it'll be Wii, then 360 right behind it, and PS3 a distant third. However, I do think once the Kinect effect wears off, PS3 will pull ahead of 360 when the dust settles, and will probably have a longer lifespan than the 360. It'll all depend how well devs support them really.

I have been saying that exact same thing for a month now and see what before you get jumped by crazed PS3 fanboys.

I wouldn't suggest tagging people as "fanboys", as it's against site rules. Second, unlike you, he doesn't have a certain pattern of behavior week after week, calling foul anytime his post is quoted with an objection, or just generally victimizing himself. People haven't gotten on you because of your opinion, but only how you go about it. Take a little criticism as just that, criticism. The forums bring that from time to time.

Again, I don't mind harsh criticism go at it all you want...your just making an excuse anyway because you don't like me for some reason but thats fine. I am sorry for calling people "fanboys" and I am also sorry that I post my opinion on V.G.C...I am also, allowed to repeat them if I want as people have been repeating the same things with the PS3, Move, 360, and Kinect. Anyway we will just agree to disagree sound fair? I didn't even get to say what I think about the sales so I guess I will wait until the W.W charts like I wanted to in the 1st place you and the other person jumped me before I even posted Lol.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
ethomaz said:

1 year after Slim and PSN still UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!

Why would PSN be down?

GT5 just got stealth launched!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network
darthdevidem01 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
ethomaz said:

1 year after Slim and PSN still UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!

Why would PSN be down?

GT5 just got stealth launched!

Together Sly Collection.

Sony is making the best launch for a game ever seen.

MaxwellGT2000 said:
NYANKS said:
Maynard_Tool said:
flagstaad said:

Looking at this week sales in EMEAA of titles like God of War and Goldeneye this quote from Ready at Dawn sounds very off:

"The novelty is wearing off, and the only people who are really successful on the platform is Nintendo. It’s not like anybody else out there is really happy with the games and the sales that they make on that platform.So it’s going to work well for [Nintendo], as all of their platforms usually do, but even in America we’re seeing now that it’s slowly dwindling down."


Loving the sales... but loving the people in this thread even more

Well they also acknowledged that working on the PSP was weird too for the most  part, because software was bad.  Given that, they come off as more objective at least.  I mean, they're panning their own endeavors.  And how does the 47,000 that Goldeneye made make them so off?   I'm sure activision wanted more, no?

Surely they expected more than first week sales of W@W and Reflex combined in Europe... oh wait

Oh man we know how those two titles bombed eh?  

Lets not forget the best opening for a Wii FPS game in Europe

No surely they didn't want that (note Metroid is an adventure game not sure why it's in there)

But wasn't that where all the excuses stemmed from?  Gimped, no advertisement, etc.  This had everything and was based on one of the most beloved shooters ever, and because it did 20,000 more than MW reflex, Reflex was a bomb and this wasn't?  And THIS had advertising and was well received.  I dunno, I just felt like Maynard was overblowing his point.

darthdevidem01 said:
Nintendogamer said:

Some people here are barking mad:

Darth may like this pic.


And your call yourself a Sithlord what the hell is wrong with you going GAGA over a dog my sister has more darth than you. On the other hand she is completely crazy she she poisoned me with bleach or amonia or some shit. Stupid bitch I hope she dies!!!

Smashed said:
Beuli2 said:
Smashed said:
Demotruk said:
Smashed said:
psrock said:
CGI-Quality said:
psrock said:

I guess fo many this is the last week either Wii or PS3 will eve be on top of the 360.

The 360 could still win for the week. Kinect launched at the place where it's expected to sell the most, last week. I expect the PS3 to be 3rd, Wii 2nd, and 360 1st when WW is in.

Yes, we do get Kinect numbers in NA this week. Then, yes it's 360 from now on.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves now.

Kinect isn't that big, let's calm down. When GT5 releases there won't be such thing as second or third place for PS3. Only first.

Eh, Kinect isn't that big, but it's alot bigger than GT5 that's for sure.

That's the most delusional written comment i've seen in my entire life on this forum.

Either you are just another PS3 fanboy or you're drunk.

Neither, why get drunk when I can smoke some weed? GT5 will be bigger than Kinect. Kinect will have its boost and that's all.

lol, Yea look at those pre-order numbers.

spaceguy said:
Smashed said:
Beuli2 said:
Smashed said:
Demotruk said:
Smashed said:
psrock said:
CGI-Quality said:
psrock said:

I guess fo many this is the last week either Wii or PS3 will eve be on top of the 360.

The 360 could still win for the week. Kinect launched at the place where it's expected to sell the most, last week. I expect the PS3 to be 3rd, Wii 2nd, and 360 1st when WW is in.

Yes, we do get Kinect numbers in NA this week. Then, yes it's 360 from now on.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves now.

Kinect isn't that big, let's calm down. When GT5 releases there won't be such thing as second or third place for PS3. Only first.

Eh, Kinect isn't that big, but it's alot bigger than GT5 that's for sure.

That's the most delusional written comment i've seen in my entire life on this forum.

Either you are just another PS3 fanboy or you're drunk.

Neither, why get drunk when I can smoke some weed? GT5 will be bigger than Kinect. Kinect will have its boost and that's all.

lol, Yea look at those pre-order numbers.

GT pre-orders are higher than kinect pre-orders in US alone with no marketing.....LOL!!!!!!!!!

don't even get us started on Japan where kinect isn't even in the pre-order list LMAO!