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Forums - General Discussion - STAR WARS TOURNAMENT: Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. Rate it!

Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:

I have a feeling i'm gonna be fighting with some people come RotJ time. The non-believers who aren't aware of the real top Star Wars film.

Something something slave Leia bikini (1) something something ewoks (2) something something Jabba as a giant phallus (3) something something

1) There was a certain allure of distress on that point (to speak nothing of the cheap quasi-erotic thrill of seeing her dressed thus), that this smart, power-player warrior woman had been reduced to such a lowly state

2) See the above response to Badgenome

3) I fail to see the issue here. He was huge, fat, and disgusting: a perfect representation of the depraved underbelly of Galactic Society, a counterpoint villain to the power-players of the Empire, dominated by simple desires: food, sexual entertainment, blood sports, and petty revenge against those who have wronged him. Unless your issue here is entirely aesthetic, in which case its merely a matter of difference in taste.

Now if you had listed "Boba Fett going out like a bitch," there we might find some common ground. At least his dad got killed by someone who was trying to kill him <_>

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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10/10, one of the great films.

Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

I have a feeling i'm gonna be fighting with some people come RotJ time. The non-believers who aren't aware of the real top Star Wars film.

I can't wait to see you try and justify the Ewoks!

Not hard, actually. The Ewoks were what Jar Jar Binks should have been: minimalist comic relief. The grand difference between the Ewoks and Binks was that, not knowing what they were saying, they were reduced to pure physical comedy on a point, much like what has made R2D2 so endearing across all 6 films. Binks' antics were funny, but because he never shut the hell up, his experience came off as very grating overall.

In the case of the Ewoks it was also more inspiring to see their primitive technology overcome the mechanical might of the Empire, again to compare it to the Gungans who just had "different" technology that wasn't entirely primitive

If Binks had been, for all intents and purposes, "silent" like the Ewoks and Chewbacca, i would bet that Phantom Menace would get 50% less hate than it does

I agree with a lot of that, but I think the general consensus is that the Ewoks completely clowned the Empire. I know George Lucas has massive boner for the Viet Cong and all, but the Rebel Alliance already fulfilled that role quite nicely. The Ewoks seem like a bridge too far, especially when they only exist for merchandising purposes (like a lot of the revisions to the ROTJ script). The original plan was to use Wookiees, and I think that would have been far preferable. Wookiees could have credibly defeated the Empire in guerilla warfare. A bunch of teddy bears, not so much.

badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

I have a feeling i'm gonna be fighting with some people come RotJ time. The non-believers who aren't aware of the real top Star Wars film.

I can't wait to see you try and justify the Ewoks!

Not hard, actually. The Ewoks were what Jar Jar Binks should have been: minimalist comic relief. The grand difference between the Ewoks and Binks was that, not knowing what they were saying, they were reduced to pure physical comedy on a point, much like what has made R2D2 so endearing across all 6 films. Binks' antics were funny, but because he never shut the hell up, his experience came off as very grating overall.

In the case of the Ewoks it was also more inspiring to see their primitive technology overcome the mechanical might of the Empire, again to compare it to the Gungans who just had "different" technology that wasn't entirely primitive

If Binks had been, for all intents and purposes, "silent" like the Ewoks and Chewbacca, i would bet that Phantom Menace would get 50% less hate than it does

I agree with a lot of that, but I think the general consensus is that the Ewoks completely clowned the Empire. I know George Lucas has massive boner for the Viet Cong and all, but the Rebel Alliance already fulfilled that role quite nicely. The Ewoks seem like a bridge too far, especially when they only exist for merchandising purposes (like a lot of the revisions to the ROTJ script). The original plan was to use Wookiees, and I think that would have been far preferable. Wookiees could have credibly defeated the Empire in guerilla warfare. A bunch of teddy bears, not so much.

The only part that really seemed incredulous to me was when the Ewoks were beating them down with those little cudgels. You'd figure the armor would deal with that, but otherwise i found it rather believable: The Ewoks experimented with what worked and what didn't, like the hangglider dropping rocks on the AT-ST's, or trying to use tripline on the AT-ST's, until they got to the dual logs and the log avalanche, and while they were experimenting with what didn't work, they were fairly getting their asses kicked, or at least that was implied, even if only one (i think) Ewok was actually shown getting killed

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:

The only part that really seemed incredulous to me was when the Ewoks were beating them down with those little cudgels.

Yeah, that is the precise scene I'm thinking of. While I'm sure it made me laugh as a kid, now it just makes me groan. All this building up of the Empire as the baddest asses around only to feed them to a bunch of furry little merchandising ploys.

Still, at least I can understand that logic behind that choice: commercial desires simply outweighed artistic ones. Boba Fett's undignified demise, I'll never get.

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badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

The only part that really seemed incredulous to me was when the Ewoks were beating them down with those little cudgels.

Yeah, that is the precise scene I'm thinking of. While I'm sure it made me laugh as a kid, now it just makes me groan. All this building up of the Empire as the baddest asses around only to feed them to a bunch of furry little merchandising ploys.

Still, at least I can understand that logic behind that choice: commercial desires simply outweighed artistic ones. Boba Fett's undignified demise, I'll never get.

Did they expect him to be such a badass when it was filmed?

I mean, outside of having a cool helemt it's not like he does anything badass.

He just... picks up Han Solo after Vader does all the work... and that's pretty much it.

Mr Khan your defense of the Ewoks is lacking; they were a stupid and unnecessary element that would have been better left off. Comic relief? Comic relief? You think they couldn't have gotten some cosmic relief without getting a bunch of teddy bears to emascul-



Maybe we will have this discussion in a couple of days

This topic is about Empire Strikes Back, which is the bestest Star Wars movie.

Kasz216 said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

The only part that really seemed incredulous to me was when the Ewoks were beating them down with those little cudgels.

Yeah, that is the precise scene I'm thinking of. While I'm sure it made me laugh as a kid, now it just makes me groan. All this building up of the Empire as the baddest asses around only to feed them to a bunch of furry little merchandising ploys.

Still, at least I can understand that logic behind that choice: commercial desires simply outweighed artistic ones. Boba Fett's undignified demise, I'll never get.

Did they expect him to be such a badass when it was filmed?

I mean, outside of having a cool helemt it's not like he does anything badass.

He just... picks up Han Solo after Vader does all the work... and that's pretty much it.

This is true as well. Fett's now mythological status was largely fan-developed, given that he didn't do much of anything.

Jango, now he deserved it. He killed a jedi with just a blaster rifle

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

The only part that really seemed incredulous to me was when the Ewoks were beating them down with those little cudgels.

Yeah, that is the precise scene I'm thinking of. While I'm sure it made me laugh as a kid, now it just makes me groan. All this building up of the Empire as the baddest asses around only to feed them to a bunch of furry little merchandising ploys.

Still, at least I can understand that logic behind that choice: commercial desires simply outweighed artistic ones. Boba Fett's undignified demise, I'll never get.

Did they expect him to be such a badass when it was filmed?

I mean, outside of having a cool helemt it's not like he does anything badass.

He just... picks up Han Solo after Vader does all the work... and that's pretty much it.

This is true as well. Fett's now mythological status was largely fan-developed, given that he didn't do much of anything.

Jango, now he deserved it. He killed a jedi with just a blaster rifle

Makes you think there must of been something wrong with those cloning vats.

Besides which, so are Stormtroopers now officially all clones or what?

I seem to remember one of the videogames talking about "New" clones being integrated with the original Jango clones for diversity's sake... and that become the new stormtroopers.

Unsure if that's canon though.

Kasz216 said:

Did they expect him to be such a badass when it was filmed?

I mean, outside of having a cool helemt it's not like he does anything badass.

He just... picks up Han Solo after Vader does all the work... and that's pretty much it.

Hell yeah. He had to be told not to disintegrate anybody! That's how you knew he was hardcore!

There was actually a scene where he shoots his way out of the sarlaac, but they cut it.