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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My afternoon with Kinect (impressions)

nightsurge said:

I think your understanding of the "average" living room is also way off.  Sure some areas will be restricted like dorms and small apartments that college kids/single people will have (though my own apartment is plenty big enough for Kinect).

Most people with families will have a large enough living room space to support the 8ft necessary for 2 players.

Also, I think the lag comments are exaggerated and you only notice them because you specifically are looking for them.  The only game I have played so far that saw noticeable lag which took away from the gameplay was Rallyball and to a lesser extent reflex ridge.  Most of the time when simply playing the games it worked so well that you didn't notice lag at all.

Dance Central isn't masking/hiding the lag, either.  It works because it is taking the raw data and matching it up to the dance move you have to do.  The only place where lag is present in Dance Central is when it returns the data in your body outline on the right side or during free style and even then it is very minor.

Hell, even Kinect Joy Ride worked surprisingly well for me.  It takes you a little practice to get the right turn gesture down and to figure out how much gesture is needed for certain turns, but after that was settled it was pretty fun!

The voice control and hand guided menus worked flawlessly for me and I loved them.

Uh it's hard not to see lag when you jump at a time that feels natural to you and your character does nothing until it hits the obstacle and then jumps  You really don't have to go looking for it, it's just there, its like saying to me "you you're having to go looking for the lag in that FPS online see what you're doing wrong is you're not compensating for it, you should shoot before they stand in the place they're moving towards!" 

And Dance Central is masking it, you see that data right when you can free style?  That's actually the input the system is getting and how long it's taking for it to register, now since the game itself is all about points and movement, the game can show the movement on screen wait for you to do the movement and after the input lag register if you did the move right and give you the points, it's just like calibrating Guitar Hero for HD TV video lag, in fact I'm certain thats where they got the idea (Harmonix the makers of GH/RB), but the game is able to mask the lag because of what kind of game it is other games don't have that luxury.

Also did I say the menus didn't work? No, you're simply stating it in a way to make it look better, the menu system works, but when you don't have voice commands it's slow and somewhat cumbersome to navigate, which is what I was saying, holding one position for a few moments to bring up the menu, a few more moments to make a selection, a few more to make another, etc, then holding positions to back out of everything, it's not instant like a button.

I'm sorry I'm not going to write a glowing impressions thread of a 150 dollar device that doesn't always do what I want it do, because either the game is a bit finicky or the lag, and bottom line the menu gestures are just much slower that having a controller input, it's not improving the wheel it's making the wheel turn slower. 


LMFAO brilliant 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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nightsurge said:
leo-j said:

I was called a liar by nightsurge, this is exactly how i felt with kinect, having played it with more space than maxwell had, it's kind of sad, that you can't give TRUTHFUL IMPRESSIONS of what you experienced, without being attacked by "fans"

you either have to say something good about it, or something slightly bad about it, but if you decide to give a full in impression, you're a liar

-everyone that posted in my thread

I never called you a liar.

"I guess it's pretty easy to make stuff up on the internet, and since you've never been a fan of the 360 or Kinect it really is hard to believe you."

It was pretty funny when you massively edited your OP to remove all the trolling comments.  Now it is 1/3 of the original OP.  God, I wish I had quoted your OP.  Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

Maxwell is a PS favoring individual?

I wasn't being biased, and don't assume I was, you don't know me, I gave my TRUTHFUL impressions on kinect



That's not how Dance Central works though.  As I said, it reads your moves in tandem with the person on the screen, no lag at all.  This is apparent because it gives you the score of "Flawless, Nice, etc" immediately at the end of the move sequence.  It wouldn't be able to do that if it was processing the input and scoring the points after you did the move.

The delay is only when it takes the input and has to build the visual representation and then display it.  That's why some avatar based games like Reflex Ridge and Rallyball show more lag than Dance Central, 20,000 leaks, River Rush, and Space Pop.

And as always, Kinect is not limited by its hardware.  The software behind the device will keep improving and so will the response time as a result.  That and the way the developers choose to use and process the data will also show varying differences in lag from game to game, with some being perfectly acceptable around the 100ms range, and some being closer to 200-300ms.

leo-j said:
nightsurge said:
leo-j said:

I was called a liar by nightsurge, this is exactly how i felt with kinect, having played it with more space than maxwell had, it's kind of sad, that you can't give TRUTHFUL IMPRESSIONS of what you experienced, without being attacked by "fans"

you either have to say something good about it, or something slightly bad about it, but if you decide to give a full in impression, you're a liar

-everyone that posted in my thread

I never called you a liar.

"I guess it's pretty easy to make stuff up on the internet, and since you've never been a fan of the 360 or Kinect it really is hard to believe you."

It was pretty funny when you massively edited your OP to remove all the trolling comments.  Now it is 1/3 of the original OP.  God, I wish I had quoted your OP.  Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

Maxwell is a PS favoring individual?

I wasn't being biased, and don't assume I was, you don't know me, I gave my TRUTHFUL impressions on kinect

Yes, he is.  And yes, you were being biased.  It's not really something you can control.  When you favor one device so much more as you do, your subconcious will automatically include that bias.

And if it really was all so truthful, why did you have to edit out so much?

nightsurge said:
leo-j said:
nightsurge said:
leo-j said:

I was called a liar by nightsurge, this is exactly how i felt with kinect, having played it with more space than maxwell had, it's kind of sad, that you can't give TRUTHFUL IMPRESSIONS of what you experienced, without being attacked by "fans"

you either have to say something good about it, or something slightly bad about it, but if you decide to give a full in impression, you're a liar

-everyone that posted in my thread

I never called you a liar.

"I guess it's pretty easy to make stuff up on the internet, and since you've never been a fan of the 360 or Kinect it really is hard to believe you."

It was pretty funny when you massively edited your OP to remove all the trolling comments.  Now it is 1/3 of the original OP.  God, I wish I had quoted your OP.  Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

Maxwell is a PS favoring individual?

I wasn't being biased, and don't assume I was, you don't know me, I gave my TRUTHFUL impressions on kinect

Yes, he is.  And yes, you were being biased.  It's not really something you can control.  When you favor one device so much more as you do, your subconcious will automatically include that bias.

And if it really was all so truthful, why did you have to edit out so much?

Yay!I'm finally accepted into the PS fans segment of the site, now I'll have popularity, power, and love!  I wonder if I can keep all consoles you know my 360, my Wii, and my DS and still be accepted though, oh choices choices.

Anyway guys thanks it took a long time to finally be accepted as PS Biased 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Around the Network

Lol nice picture   And you know what I meant.  I have a PS3, 360, had a Wii, DS, but I'm still not ashamed to admit I favor the 360.

I could be thinking of someone else, but I just seem to remember seeing you in more Sony threads and giving generally more positive oppinions for PS stuff than any other brand.

I have things I love on PS3, like Uncharted 1 & 2, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, ModNation Racers, but I'd be a fool to say I don't have some inset 360 bias given how much more I tend to spend with that system.

Mr Puggsly said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

Is it for the mass market?  Hell no.  150 dollars is a pretty steep investment for the average person

Is a $150 really that expensive for the masses?

Its cheaper than most iPods, smart phones, and many other gadget yet I see plenty of people walking around with high priced devices. Lets not forget how much people waste on other useless crap.

Maybe a $150 isn't as much as you think to the masses?

People pay for portability.  Kinect is not about portability.  Invalid example.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

nightsurge said:

Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

I'm not really sure how one could come to the conclusion that maxwell of all people favors PlayStation.  0_o

Also, I think making inaccurate assumptions about a person in an attempt to defame their opinion on a product calls into question the assumption maker's opinion moreso than the original poster's.

makingmusic476 said:
nightsurge said:

Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

I'm not really sure how one could come to the conclusion that maxwell of all people favors PlayStation.  0_o

Also, I think making inaccurate assumptions about a person in an attempt to defame their opinion on a product calls into question the assumption maker's opinion moreso than the original poster's.

This pretty much, this is largely also getting off topic so, it should stop, we can debate and discuss the issues with Kinect or you can comment on my impressions, but who one roots for is a stupid subject and it's obvious night has no idea what games I like or dislike.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

makingmusic476 said:
nightsurge said:

Also, you do realize that both you and Maxwell are heavily PS favoring individuals so any impressions from you guys will be clouded with a lot of bias whether you intend for it or not.

I'm not really sure how one could come to the conclusion that maxwell of all people favors PlayStation.  0_o

Also, I think making inaccurate assumptions about a person in an attempt to defame their opinion on a product calls into question the assumption maker's opinion moreso than the original poster's.

I'm a Sony Fanboy. I think TheSource is an X360 fanboy, and I'm fairly sure that ioi is biased against whatever is low

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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