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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you agree with Pachter on Wii HD?

Croal - 1

Pachter - 0

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No I don't agree. Also, Nintendo's next console simply being an upgraded Wii with more power isn never going to happen.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Nintendo is on top because they innovate. I seriously want to see this dude run a games company and see how well he does. talking is easy, doing is the hard part. he needs to think of the hole picture not just releasing a new HD Wii plus the next system is only a bit more than a year away.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

According to Malstrom: "If Nintendo released a Wii HD, that would definitely be jumping into the red ocean. The wrong fork in the road would be a Wii HD. The right fork in the road would be to do something else to further expand the medium of gaming."


Now the question is: How can Nintendo "do something else to further expand the medium of gaming" with a now Console?


Nintendo will continue to Innovate.

Iwata probably laughs at Pachter like this everytime he mentions Wii HD:


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Patcher is just jealous that Nintendo is pretty much printing money.

"To play or not to play, that is the question."- A wise man


Lifetime sales prediction

Wii 79/150 million

Xbox 360 47.7/73 Million

PS3 43.6/69 Million

Cross-X said:


Nintendo will continue to Innovate.

Iwata probably laughs at Pachter like this everytime he mentions Wii HD:


seriously they probably have it as a comedy night one night a week where they all gather and watch this idiot talk like he knows stuff. if they don't they should :P 

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

You know the real sad thing. Pachter is an analyst and he's supposed to know which direction the industry is going. He's supposed to make predictions based on sound buisness moves and tell investors where to invest their money. I can't help but get the feeling either he's really really bad at his job or he's purposely trying to off Nintendo.

Anyone from a buisness standpoint would see a simple WiiHD released in 2011 with the power of the X-Box 360 would only last a year or two on the market. He says how developers would be able to port over their new releases, what happens when Nex-Box and PS4 come out? The WiiHD would be totally out gunned, nobody could port titles over to it. Then without any special innovative features how would Nintendo sell a last generation Wii upgrade? With Kinect and Move like controllers on PS4/Nex-Box the WiiHD would have no appeal.

A WiiHD would be extremely near sited. it may bring some short term profits but would die out within a year or two. Pachter of all people should know that a WiiHD released now would be suicide for Nintendo. I refuse to believe he's actually that stupid I mean the guy is educated and works at one of the most respected companies in America.

He can't actually believe WiiHD is a smart decision!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


No way is Nintendo going to be stupid and launch an HD version of the Wii, when we have 3DS coming here to North America in about 4 months. Nintendo's marketing muscle is going to be ALL behind 3DS....and rightfully so. Wii sales may continue to fall through next year, but 3DS is going to pad Nintendo's profits very nicely. Nintendo knows exactly what they are doing. 

Patcher says a Super Mario Bros. or Lengend of Zelda or sequel from SMG2 with the kind of Gears of War, Killzone 2, Uncharted graphics or better at 60fps, 1080p will make the Wii HD an auto success..

N-Gai meant to say Nintendo needs to innovate more with its -ONLINE SERVICES. and screw freinds codes.

Combine the two ideas= best Nintendo console ever

My Trigger Happy Sixaxis controller