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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

For the record, even if I get modkilled now - if I hadn't quoted my PM, there's no way that I'd still be alive by the end of the day. I was asked to reproduce the last few words in my PM exactly by two different people. If I hadn't, then I'd be dead.

There is a lesson to learn from this- don't get confused about your role in a mafia game.

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* Modkilled* [4,L-6] gurgleslech: (Hephaesots), theprof00, (Kamal), nen-suer, SuperAdrianK *Modkilled*

[2,L-8] SuperAdrianK: (dtewi), theRepublic, (theprof00), noname2200, (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[2,L-8] theprof00: (Khuutra), MetalGear_94, TruckOSaurus, (radishhead), (nen-suer)
[2,L-8] theRepublic: Kantor, radishhead
[1,L-9] c03n3nj0: hatmoza
[1,L-9] radishead: (dtewi), (Silver-Tiger), Khuutra
[0]        Hephaestos: (theprof00), (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        Khuutra: (hatmoza), (dtewi)
[0]        nen-suer: (Linkzmax)

[10]       No vote: Hephaestos, theprof00, Homer_Simpson, Silver_Tiger, SuperAdrianK, Kamal, nen-suer, dtewi, c03n3nj0, Linkzmax

With 18 of us left in the game it should still take 10 votes for a lynch.


In fairness to me, prof, I've caught on to all of that

We just have different opinions on what's appropriate, given our different perspectives

theRepublic said:


theRepublic said:

Wow.  The town is running at full speed off a cliff right now.

Vanilla townies do not have names.

Was not true. There were two votes on Heph, and even heph realized that it was a fake wagon. Heph later ran a fake wagon on me. (at least this is what I believe) We were not running full speed off a cliff.

Yes, it was true.  Votes are not the only thing that determine the direction the town is leaning. People were not believing Hephaestos and believing you.  I knew Hephaestos was telling the truth, so I had to set the town straight.

theRepublic said:
TruckOSaurus said:


Now about the whole named vs nameless situation: To me there's something just not right because I don't believe Final-Fan went around naming some vanilla townies (like prof) and then ran out of names and decided to name the rest of them "A youma".

Final-Fan even said that he specifically picked a Sailor Moon theme because it had so many names.

Not sure why he said this. It is almost a complete 180 on what he's been saying, yet later on he will continue to doubt my name.

I'm not sure how you misinterpreted this so badly unless it was intentional.  In other words, scummy.  Look at what Trucks says, "... I don't believe Final-Fan went around naming some vanilla townies (like prof) and then ran out of names and decided to name the rest of them "A youma".  I agree with Trucks, it doesn't make any sense for Final-Fan to have just run out of names.  He said he picked Sailor Moon because there were so many names, so it makes zero sense for you to have a name as a vanilla townie when the vast majority of us don't.

theRepublic said:

It is not ridiculous.  In un-themed vanilla games, every vanilla townie is just called a townie, and the mafia know it.  The only difference here is that the mafia did not know what the town would be called in this game.

Again, he just knows that town are called youma. Consider that when he said the other quote he said "do not have names", not "are all named youma". When he said that first one, Heph was the only one to claim that his name was youma. 

theRepublic said:

Because I can independently verify everything Hephaestos has said about the subject as of this post.  And, he said it all before I was able to come back to the game.

He never said the town names were youma. He himself did not know, and said "do not have names" in the case that Heph was pulling a fast one, I believe.

I believe that townies should tell the truth, but that doesn't mean they should spill everything right up front.  I'm sure you would agree which is why this is such an odd accusation from someone who thinks it is perfectly acceptable for pro-town players to flat-out lie.

I just checked, and both of those posts from me came after Hephaestos and SuperAdriank had already claimed to be Youmas.  Let me repeat, two people already claimed to be Youmas.  Yet you are trying to put these posts into a context like this had not already happened.  It does not a difference as to whether or not I claimed a Youma, as it was already out there.  Anyone could have even if they were not.  Making it seem like I should have, is just a misrepresentation of the facts.  Misrepresenting posts is a very scummy act.

@everyone else

Let me remind everyone, Prof is still the only person who claims to be a vanilla townie with a name.

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

radishhead said:
dtewi said:


Maybe if you read the thread! Maybe if you made a commitment to the game! MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T LURK!

You deserve to be screamed at! I can't fucking believe what you did! You wasted our time! 

Next time, try to care about the game!

1. I can be angry at whoever I like :)

2. I read every post in the thread, but I suppose that I didn't pay much attention to the important ones ^^

3. I'm very committed to every mafia game that I play, and this one is no exception.

4. I wasn't lurking, and I made posts every day on the topic.

5. I managed to prove suspicion in people - that's hardly wasting time. Besides, even if I was wasting your time - it was about 5 minutes.

6. I do care about the game - I just got confused.

I don't care about anything you've got to say. I don't want to hear you utter another word.

Get out of this thread. I never want to see you in this thread ever again.



Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:

the reason I say this is because

1) silver came up with the word conquest (and general)

2) sak came up with clearing the path to.

both Items I had not talked about.

Rep, do you confirm? and to confirm please state your general and what's particular about the sailors ^^

I am in General Jadeite's service.

What's particular about the sailors?  You mean the Sailor Senshi?

no the adjective.


Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:

I am in General Jadeite's service.

What's particular about the sailors?  You mean the Sailor Senshi?

no the adjective.

Stop pressing people to quote their PMs. I don't care if this would reveal him as Mafia or not - stop pressing for it. It's ridiculous, unfair, and unsportsmanlike.

Linkzmax said:

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

So you are saying he is just a liar who has caused a massive clusterfuck with is lies?  Sounds like lynch material to me.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

[2,L-8] theRepublic: Kantor, radishhead
[1,L-9] SuperAdrianK: (dtewi), (theRepublic), (theprof00), noname2200, (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[1,L-9] theprof00: (Khuutra), MetalGear_94, (TruckOSaurus), (radishhead), (nen-suer)
[1,L-9] c03n3nj0: hatmoza
[1,L-9] radishead: (dtewi), (Silver-Tiger), Khuutra
[0]        Hephaestos: (theprof00), (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        Khuutra: (hatmoza), (dtewi)
[0]        nen-suer: (Linkzmax)

[11]      No vote: Hephaestos, theprof00, Homer_Simpson, Silver_Tiger, SuperAdrianK, Kamal,TruckOSaurus, nen-suer, dtewi, c03n3nj0, Linkzmax

With 18 of us left in the game it should still take 10 votes for a lynch.


EDIT: Yes I edited my post to reflect tR's unvote. There was and is no content here anyway, but I could care less if I get modkilled after the recent ~100 posts.