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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

I asked who the Youma were, because I was wondering why I hadn't been told who my mafia friends were. I'm sure that someone can find the post where I said "are the youma grunts, or do they have powers?" - by grunts, I was thinking sort-of like the Team Rocket grunts, and because that's the only time that I've heard that term used I assumed that "grunts" was always a term used for the enemy. I was trying to lower suspicion when I said that to make it seem that I didn't know who the youma were. Also, I did some research, and it said that the word youma was japanese for monster - clearly a bad thing. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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I guess that I could say who is my commander to prove my youma-ness, but do we want to give away so much at this early stage of the game? But I don't know what good it would do for the mafia if they knew my commander.

Also, yeah I didn't see that post that you linked me. I assumed that "world domination" was a bad thing, and made it even more obvious to me that I was a mafia (until I realised that I wasn't just now).

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

theprof00 said:


You seem to be spot on, I'll give a post history in a second and those of you that know radish better can answer if it fits his play style

Analyse away - I have nothing to hide :)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:

It's not clear at all - I thought that I was playing as the mafia, but it turns out that I'm town? xD

If I don't get a mention at the end for this massive fail then.. :o

You thought you were playing as mafia?  BS.  I don't buy this defense at all.  We already had Night One.  If you were really one of the bad guys (which are town in this game) then you would not have had anyone to talk to during the night.  You would have then realized, "Hey, I don't get to talk to anyone during the night.  I must not be mafia."  Final-Fan has even cleared this up in the thread at least once, but I think it may have been twice.

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are you also a servant?

radishhead said:

I guess that I could say who is my commander to prove my youma-ness, but do we want to give away so much at this early stage of the game? But I don't know what good it would do for the mafia if they knew my commander.

Also, yeah I didn't see that post that you linked me. I assumed that "world domination" was a bad thing, and made it even more obvious to me that I was a mafia (until I realised that I wasn't just now).


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Vote: Radishhead

You cannot be serious. We had this whole discussion the whole time, people claimed Youma, and then you come along saying you thought you were mafia all along? You kidding, right?

No scum would roleclaim without reason, either you REALLY REALLY fucked up big time and completely missed the whole thread or you're a dead scum now.

updated: 14.01.2012

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bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

wasn't radish also the one to say "there are no nightkills?"

Unvote: theprof00

Vote: theRepublic

I explained that I was concerned about why I couldn't talk to anyone, and now you're just using my mistake to get me lynched. Final-Fan already said what an easy mistake it was to make (although I didn't see the post until just now). I can't deny that I look incredibly suspicious now, but if there's anything that I can do to prove my role, I'll do it.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~