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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

Do you even read the thread or just post shit to make it look like you're not lurking?

Because it's been effing clear for the past 500 posts Youma are townies.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

He's been implying that he's a youma, but there really is no proof. As he says, mafia know that all townies are just called townies and the only thing different here is their sailormoon equivalent.

Youma are the good guys. You just implied that they were bad....did you think you were being cute? It makes me really wonder about you. And, it's distracting...most of all.

I swear somebody told me that the Youma were the bad guys - you mean the Sailors are the bad guys?

I've messed up ;_;

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

theRepublic said:
Kantor said:

theRepublic for lurking, saying that townies were nameless (or named, I can't even remember), and accusing me on that basis.

theRepublic: Do you stand by your statement that townies are nameless? (or named, whichever you said)

I'm not lurking.  I just can't get online until after about 6 PM Central Time.  I stand by my statement that townies are nameless.  It has been confirmed by several people now.  That fact that you don't even know what is going on in the game is a scum trait.  They tend to only scan the thread.

My original post quoting yours had nothing to do with names.  Linkzmax misinterpreted my suspicions of your post.  He thought I was talking about the part where you said 'names'.  I was actually suspicious of how you worded your usage of 'Sailor Moon'.  It didn't seem like the way someone who was an evil character would have worded it.  Basically, I was combing the thread for errors like Supermario had in the Zombie themed game.  Your post was the closest, so I wanted to bring it to the attention of the town so they could think about it and comment.

That answers the question I had for you. I don't really get it, but I wasn't in the other game either.


Also everyone's favorite time of the thread Votals:
* Modkilled* [4,L-6] gurgleslech: (Hephaesots), theprof00, (Kamal), nen-suer, SuperAdrianK *Modkilled*

[4,L-6] theprof00: (Khuutra), MetalGear_94, TruckOSaurus, radishhead, (nen-suer), TruckOSaurus
[3,L-7] SuperAdrianK: (dtewi), theRepublic, (theprof00), noname2200, Khuutra, (Silver-Tiger)
[1,L-9] c03n3nj0: hatmoza
[1,L-9] theRepublic: Kantor
[0]        Hephaestos: (theprof00), (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        Khuutra: (hatmoza), (dtewi)
[0]        nen-suer: (Linkzmax)

() are unvotes

dtewi said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

Do you even read the thread or just post shit to make it look like you're not lurking?

Because it's been effing clear for the past 500 posts Youma are townies.

It's not clear at all - I thought that I was playing as the mafia, but it turns out that I'm town? xD

If I don't get a mention at the end for this massive fail then.. :o

Click this button, you know you want to!  [Subscribe]

Watch me on YouTube!

~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

c03n3nj0 said:

All right, looking back, that whole nameless vs name thing brought absoultey no suspects. Prof, Heph, and Linkz(something) are not in my suspect list. None of them are not completelycleared, but they're not scummy either. 


You don't suspect the only vanilla townie that says he has a name?

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Around the Network
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

He's been implying that he's a youma, but there really is no proof. As he says, mafia know that all townies are just called townies and the only thing different here is their sailormoon equivalent.

Youma are the good guys. You just implied that they were bad....did you think you were being cute? It makes me really wonder about you. And, it's distracting...most of all.

I swear somebody told me that the Youma were the bad guys - you mean the Sailors are the bad guys?

I've messed up ;_;



what is this?

radishhead said:
dtewi said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

Do you even read the thread or just post shit to make it look like you're not lurking?

Because it's been effing clear for the past 500 posts Youma are townies.

It's not clear at all - I thought that I was playing as the mafia, but it turns out that I'm town? xD

If I don't get a mention at the end for this massive fail then.. :o


radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
radishhead said:

Why are people roleclaiming Youma? I thought they were the bad guys (Japanese for "monster")? :S

why would you say this?


It's just that theRepublic is implying that he's a Youma - unless I'm being a Slowpoke again :(

He's been implying that he's a youma, but there really is no proof. As he says, mafia know that all townies are just called townies and the only thing different here is their sailormoon equivalent.

Youma are the good guys. You just implied that they were bad....did you think you were being cute? It makes me really wonder about you. And, it's distracting...most of all.

I swear somebody told me that the Youma were the bad guys - you mean the Sailors are the bad guys?

I've messed up ;_;

Find this proof now. You've also failed to see

You've shot way way up on the suspectometer. And I'm just going to say it because everyone has to be thinking it: you've messed up soooo badly that you're likely going to be dead either way by daybreak.

Vote: radishhead

Just for being confusing.... and defending his scummy behavior.... or maybe he was town but now realizes he is scum? I dunno anymore.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Kantor said:
theRepublic said:
Kantor said:

theRepublic for lurking, saying that townies were nameless (or named, I can't even remember), and accusing me on that basis.

theRepublic: Do you stand by your statement that townies are nameless? (or named, whichever you said)

I'm not lurking.  I just can't get online until after about 6 PM Central Time.  I stand by my statement that townies are nameless.  It has been confirmed by several people now.  That fact that you don't even know what is going on in the game is a scum trait.  They tend to only scan the thread.

My original post quoting yours had nothing to do with names.  Linkzmax misinterpreted my suspicions of your post.  He thought I was talking about the part where you said 'names'.  I was actually suspicious of how you worded your usage of 'Sailor Moon'.  It didn't seem like the way someone who was an evil character would have worded it.  Basically, I was combing the thread for errors like Supermario had in the Zombie themed game.  Your post was the closest, so I wanted to bring it to the attention of the town so they could think about it and comment.

"Youma" is a name. Therefore, townies are not nameless.

And there aren't very many ways you can say "Sailor Moon". I suppose you could say "ç¾Å½å°‘女戦士セーラームーン", but most of us here don't speak Japanese.

Youma (妖魔; lit. "bewitching demon") is the generic term for the monsters-of-the-day created by the Dark Kingdom.

Youma is a generic term.  It is the same as all townies being called stormtroopers, or grunts, or even just townies.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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