I'm gunna go with superadriank as well.
There could be some FF trickery afoot, so I can't be as positive about heph as I was before.
vote: superadrianK
I'm gunna go with superadriank as well.
There could be some FF trickery afoot, so I can't be as positive about heph as I was before.
vote: superadrianK
and yes, I'm abandoning this line of names. It's just not working out, and it IS dragging out.
We need lurkers to start talking.
I'd rather get prof today, but I'll change my vote if the wagon is trundling in that direction.
Just finished reading what I missed in the last few hours, here's some thoughts:
Kantor said :
Oh, enough about the Sailor Moon names! I didn't properly read the sign-up thread, and I was surprised to see "Queen Beryl" right there in the opening posts's flavour text. That's all there is to it. I acknowledge my mistake: we, the subjects of Queen Beryl, are the town, and those damnable Sailor Senshi are the Mafia.
It's odd, the more I defend prof, the more he seems to attack me.
I'm ready to beleive that Kantor thought the Sailor Moon theme was scrapped and that we were heading in a no theme game so his "Sailor Moon names" comment doesn't bother me that much.
Then there's that last sentence, which makes it look like he's trying to make friends with prof (who at the time the post was made was regarded as one of the most likely townie). So that could have been a move from scum to try and gain an ally that's trusted by the town.
Small comment: We have a player named noname, it hasn't caused to much confusion yet (mainly because noname is lurking quite a bit) but for clarity could we use nameless instead of noname, when talking about our current dilemma?
Now about the whole named vs nameless situation: To me there's something just not right because I don't believe Final-Fan went around naming some vanilla townies (like prof) and then ran out of names and decided to name the rest of them "A youma".
Signature goes here!
Also, republic, why did you say
"vanilla townies do not have names"
Just want to know why. This is my last question about names for the rest of the game.
SuperAdrianK said:
2. I'm not looking for a name, and I'm against nameclaiming, but I have the same name as you. I highly doubt that there is someone out there with the same name as I do, so I think that you cherrypicked a name that suits your claim that everyone is generic. |
Actually, reading this carefully, I'm not so sure about my vote right now. It could be that SuperAdriank thinks that "youma" was his name.
I will leave my vote for now, but it is about 50-50 between him and Prof.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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Khuutra said: Hm. I'd rather get prof today, but I'll change my vote if the wagon is trundling in that direction. |
Don't change (for now). Prof jumping on the only other lynch candidate besides himself 3 minutes after I put the first vote on SuperAdriank does not make a wagon.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
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Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)
I can't say it enough.
I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few mafia in the lurking category, and things would have been different if you'd been talking.
If you can't play, don't sign up.
TruckOSaurus said: [...] Now about the whole named vs nameless situation: To me there's something just not right because I don't believe Final-Fan went around naming some vanilla townies (like prof) and then ran out of names and decided to name the rest of them "A youma". |
Final-Fan even said that he specifically picked a Sailor Moon theme because it had so many names.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)
theRepublic said:
Don't change (for now). Prof jumping on the only other lynch candidate besides himself 3 minutes after I put the first vote on SuperAdriank does not make a wagon. |
Don't worry, I'm not quite that reactionary.