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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

theprof00 said:
dtewi said:
theprof00 said:

it's not about whether heph indeed does or does not have a name.

It's about him defending link and now suddenly being the only person without a name. (If I am correct) At least link had someone to back up the claim that some people don't have names, heph doesn't have anyone, and it surely could have been an opportunist moment where heph could have defended link to both gain a townie's trust (link's) and give himself an out.

Are you saying lynching Heph couldn't provide insight into this?

Never mind. From what I can observe though, it seems link has no name and neither does Heph. But really, the evidence for one is evidence for the other which makes me wary of suspecting either.

unfortunately, i agree.

It was a good lead, but now it seems to be dissolving completely. Well, at least I got a very good explanation from link. As long as I am able to force discussion, I'm cool with that.

It was a brilliant idea though, leaving some townies nameless. At least we got the idea out early though. It really could have cost us a mislynch to get that.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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Linkzmax said:


SuperAdrianK said:

Lots happened. 

So let me get this straight.

Prof claims all townies have names.

Link says none of them do.

hepheastos says the same thing.

It became a case of one them not knowing what the townies had.

So why don't we lynch one of them?

Link still hasn't even responded to this backlash.



I have now explained myself. If you don't have a better reason or something based on my response, then please unvote.



WHEW! I nearly lost this entire post with a click outside of the box. Extremely glad I learned a way to recover them. And In the future, is a post of this length too long?

Before I unvote you...

1. I'm terrible at debating unless I'm sure I'm right, and you're most probably telling the truth.

2. My head hurts and there is always 30-80 posts when I get back, so If I got this right, you're saying the reason you posted that was because you're saying therepublic was making a deal out of names?

3. There is always an infamous vgchartz story of how someone types a large post and it... vanishes.



... 1 and 3 are pretty irrelevent I guess.


The day is over isn't it? I thought theprof00 hammered no lynch


MetalGear_94 said:

The day is over isn't it? I thought theprof00 hammered no lynch

i might have.

FF also missed three votes on linkzmax...

Just in case you didn't

Vote:No lynch

I think the day has gone on long enough, and its not like the majority of people are gonna switch their votes


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I'm back.

I'm pretty sure I can do that without outing myself. If one of you isn't both town and pretending and named/nameless couldn't coexist then it'd be an easy lynch on whichever looked more suspicious, and should the flip be town a lynch the next day would lynch scum. A one for one is a good trade for town. If you include either/both Khuutra or myself(though I did not claim, just sake of argument) then chances actually improve for town. Either another one for one or two scum lynched along the way. Granted any of those scenarios have a chance of a bussing scum surviving and looking confirmed town, so they should still be watched; however, it would mean one or two scum gone and is risky because the bussing scum could always be the one chosen for lynch before getting "confirmed."

So given that I believe there may be both named and nameless, as a way for FF to remove nameclaims, or I have the feeling one of you is pretending as a pro-town move, either to draw scum out or to protect town.

As to my experience. Treat me as new or pro, it really doesn't matter what I say. I have the unfortunate "privilege" of having some scummy friends as well as being involved in some politic-like situations in real life which often has me double-guessing others' motives. On the other hand I look for the best in people and I do have several good friends, so it's not like I'm just paranoid about everyone. If my reads are right, or at least well-reasoned, then I'll take it as a compliment that I don't seem inexperienced.


1 and 3 are irrelevant seeing as I did have a large post. For future knowledge of everyone that reads this,(in game or not) you can usually get your post back if you misclick. Within the same tab, simply click the "reply" or "quote" buttons at the bottom of anyone's post and then press Ctrl Z(Undo). You may still lose a sentence or two, but at least it isn't everything. This will actually even work if you go to another site/page as long as you return to where you misclicked.

Yes, I did not mean to link any correlation between nameless and vanilla. Rather I was taking it as theRepublic was making a deal out of names. Here was my reply to tR

Linkzmax said:
theRepublic said:

The usage of Sailor Moon just struck me as odd.  It read to me like he still thought that the Sailors were town.

Could you clarify what you mean by "still." I'll point out that at the time Kantor posted, Final-Fan had not yet clarified roles.

Also, what else should be used in this game? Since "Tuxedo Mask" was already used, wouldn't "Ah, so we have vanilla roles, but Tuxedo Mask names?" or anything besides the actual name of the theme strike you as far more odd?

I just don't see using "Sailor Moon" followed by "flavour" and "names" given the theme being suspicious. Everyone has a flavour so that left "names" as what I thought tR was getting at being bothersome. I haven't heard back from tR so there's no telling yet if I jumped at nothing, but even if I did the whole thing drew a lot of conversation so I'm glad I asked.

For the record, GoW should've hammered the nolynch. Here's the voting up to

hatmoza: ([MetalGear_94]), (GodOfWar_3ever)
Khuutra: ([dtewi])*, (hatmoza), (Hephaestos)
Hephaestos: (Khuutra), (hatmoza)
TruckOSaurus: (theprof00)
Linkzmax: theprof00, (GodOfWar_3ever), SuperAdrianK
No Lynch: (Khuutra), nen-suer, (Hephaestos), Linkzmax, Kamal, radishhead, (MetalGear_94), gurglesletch, Hephaestos, hatmoza, Kantor, Khuutra, Homer_Simpson, GodOfWar_3ever

() are either unvotes or changed votes
[] indicates what I would take as random votes
* dtewi's Khuutra vote was either undone by another random vote on dsister(not in game) or the explicit unvote later

I concur with Linkzmax's assessment of when the day ended.  

Queen Metallia looked on in dismay as her minions' pathetic infighting resulted in absolutely nothing.  At least their usual failures came with a body count. 


Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

by the say, do you have a time limit on nights?

just so that we know when to check back on the thread once the night starts =)


Sorry, I couldn't check the thread last night.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Reading through nearly 500 posts is a serious pain in the ass, but I'm glad I catched up.

@Dtewi and theprof: I'm terribly sorry for being absent so long, but I had private reasons. Not everybody can be online 24/7, and I didn't had the opportunity to go online for two days. Nevertheless it's good that you point it out, it shows that you pay attention. And yeah, I would be incredibly funny to be mafia 4 times in a row, and when I first got my PM, I totally assumed I was mafia until FF cleared the whole situation.

So from this point on, I will be more active. Sorry again for the lurking.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.