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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

hatmoza said:

I confused dsister with dtewi. Which isn't strange because they're both whining kids.

Insults again? Do you remember how badly that strategy turned out last game?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network
hatmoza said:


If Metal Gear, Khuutra and dsister turn up mafia, I better win an mvp award.

If I turn up Mafia I will have some cross words for our host, and by "cross" I mean "I am going to set him on fire with malice as the only fuel and the only spark"

But I'm not one of the Sailor Scouts; I am pro-town. Focus on someone else, and do it in a less inflammatory way.

Khuutra said:
hatmoza said:


If Metal Gear, Khuutra and dsister turn up mafia, I better win an mvp award.

If I turn up Mafia I will have some cross words for our host, and by "cross" I mean "I am going to set him on fire with malice as the only fuel and the only spark"

But I'm not one of the Sailor Scouts; I am pro-town. Focus on someone else, and do it in a less inflammatory way.

tuxedo mask!

theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:

If I turn up Mafia I will have some cross words for our host, and by "cross" I mean "I am going to set him on fire with malice as the only fuel and the only spark"

But I'm not one of the Sailor Scouts; I am pro-town. Focus on someone else, and do it in a less inflammatory way.

tuxedo mask!

God, I would ask to be lynched over that kind of thing.

hatmoza said:


If Metal Gear, Khuutra and dsister turn up mafia, I better win an mvp award.

Can i get honorable mention then?

Around the Network
nen-suer said:

Day 1 lynching is usual benefit the mafia.

I'll disagree and leave it at that.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Kamal said:

How long does a day last?

I don't think anyone answered this yet.

It ends when a majority is reached.  Sometimes the mod institutes a time limit though.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

interesting..... so we have 2  persons fighting for moral control of the town. Almost 2 clans as bith have support. What can be more appropriate for a mafia game than a little mafia turf war? =)


theRepublic said:
nen-suer said:

Day 1 lynching is usual benefit the mafia.

I'll disagree and leave it at that.

lol don't want the usual debate? =)


theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
hatmoza said:


If Metal Gear, Khuutra and dsister turn up mafia, I better win an mvp award.

If I turn up Mafia I will have some cross words for our host, and by "cross" I mean "I am going to set him on fire with malice as the only fuel and the only spark"

But I'm not one of the Sailor Scouts; I am pro-town. Focus on someone else, and do it in a less inflammatory way.

tuxedo mask!

I don't get it... what does this mean?

Signature goes here!