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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom - Monster Hunter 3 PS3 to Wii switch is no big deal

ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

I think Capcom has the talent to make MH3 look good on the Wii. By the way how on Earth did you manage to become a mod. You troll more than anyone else here and you hardly put up any news.



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ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

Look on the bright side. Now they don't have to deal with the high production costs of HD graphics, and the game might actually last more than ten hours. 

I love how everyone is saying graphics don't matter. If graphics didn't matter, movies would still look like crap. Now CGI has gotten so good, its hard to tell whats real and what isn't. This is technology evolving to the next stage. MH3 is a game that would have benefited from a graphics overhaul. In fact, it was one of the reasons I purchased a PS3. When I first got MH for PsP, I played for hours and loved it. Then I started to think, what would this look like in next gen? And it got me excited. Then I heard about MH3 for PS3 and basically jumped for joy. Could you imagine the environments and the monster fights? It would be like a movie. Similar to what Shadow of the Colossus felt like the 1st time I played it. Now its just gonna look like the PS2 one with maybe a little bit sharper textures. While I do believe gameplay > graphics in most cases, I believe that the two work together to form a great game. You guys can say that it will be fine on Wii, and I believe it will sell well. But it won't be the BEST it could be. I doubt the Wii will even have a major use for its main feature, the motion control. Its basically just a way for Capcom to make easy money. I mean thats what the video game business is all about anyway, right?

RolStoppable said:
ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

Just quoting you, because it's popular.

most quoted single statement ever.

as far as graphics, I think like with any new system, 1st generation graphics dont look as good as games after some years. therefore, the graphics will look much better on wii in 2 years and no one will compare with ps2 anymore.

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Faxanadu said:
RolStoppable said:
ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

Just quoting you, because it's popular.

most quoted single statement ever.

as far as graphics, I think like with any new system, 1st generation graphics dont look as good as games after some years. therefore, the graphics will look much better on wii in 2 years and no one will compare with ps2 anymore.

This would be true if the Wii had new hardware. But it is using hardware very similar to the PS2. The reason 1st gen games look inferior is because developers don't really know how to code it yet. The Wii's technology is pretty dated so I believe it will always look like PS2.

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Wow, everybody jumping on Ck for that one... Anyway, I don't mind Capcom doing this. IMO, they're approaching this split platform problem this generation more intelligently than any other company around.

Got a game where motion controls might take precedence over graphics? Is the game also slightly more casual? Put it on the Wii. Put your other more hardcore games on PS3/360.

It makes far too much sense for anyone to complain about.

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Xiru said:
Faxanadu said:
RolStoppable said:
ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

Just quoting you, because it's popular.

most quoted single statement ever.

as far as graphics, I think like with any new system, 1st generation graphics dont look as good as games after some years. therefore, the graphics will look much better on wii in 2 years and no one will compare with ps2 anymore.

This would be true if the Wii had new hardware. But it is using hardware very similar to the PS2. The reason 1st gen games look inferior is because developers don't really know how to code it yet. The Wii's technology is pretty dated so I believe it will always look like PS2.

 you have so lost me there. The wii using a technology similar to the emotion engine? sorry? care to explain?

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

rocketpig said:
Wow, everybody jumping on Ck for that one... Anyway, I don't mind Capcom doing this. IMO, they're approaching this split platform problem this generation more intelligently than any other company around.

Got a game where motion controls might take precedence over graphics? Is the game also slightly more casual? Put it on the Wii. Put your other more hardcore games on PS3/360.

It makes far too much sense for anyone to complain about.

Wow, did I just see someone call Monster Hunter casual?  You sir don't know what hardcore is till you've played Monster Hunter.  One of the most difficult games currently on the market.  

Also, it seems Capcom has a multi-platform strategy, which is smart.  They aren't ignoring any one platform.  I respect them for that, and I wish more developers actually focused on developing quality titles of varrying genres across all platforms.

Xiru, the Wii's hardware is signifficantly more powerful than the original Xbox, which was signifficantly more powerful than the Gamecube, which was signifficantly more powerful than the PS2.  There is absolutely no valid comparison between the capabilities of the Wii and the PS2.  The difference is huge. The Wii hardware isn't anywhere near the 360 or PS3 but it's above the hardware last generation by a large amount.  

Xiru said:

This would be true if the Wii had new hardware. But it is using hardware very similar to the PS2. The reason 1st gen games look inferior is because developers don't really know how to code it yet. The Wii's technology is pretty dated so I believe it will always look like PS2.

One problem... The GC was incrementally more powerful than the PS2. The Wii is incrementally more powerful than the GC.

That means: Wii>GC>PS2. It's not a PS2 to PS3 leap but to call the Wii a PS2 is untrue.

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naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
Wow, everybody jumping on Ck for that one... Anyway, I don't mind Capcom doing this. IMO, they're approaching this split platform problem this generation more intelligently than any other company around.

Got a game where motion controls might take precedence over graphics? Is the game also slightly more casual? Put it on the Wii. Put your other more hardcore games on PS3/360.

It makes far too much sense for anyone to complain about.

Wow, did I just see someone call Monster Hunter casual?  You sir don't know what hardcore is till you've played Monster Hunter.  One of the most difficult games currently on the market.  

Also, it seems Capcom has a multi-platform strategy, which is smart.  They aren't ignoring any one platform.  I respect them for that, and I wish more developers actually focused on developing quality titles of varrying genres across all platforms.

Hahah, no. I implied that Capcom is taking more of their casual games to Wii, not that it means Monster Hunter is casual because it's on the Wii.

I should have mentioned return vs. investment also. Capcom probably felt that it would be much easier to recoup the money on a limited market game like Monster Hunter on the Wii over the PS3/360.

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