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I love how everyone is saying graphics don't matter. If graphics didn't matter, movies would still look like crap. Now CGI has gotten so good, its hard to tell whats real and what isn't. This is technology evolving to the next stage. MH3 is a game that would have benefited from a graphics overhaul. In fact, it was one of the reasons I purchased a PS3. When I first got MH for PsP, I played for hours and loved it. Then I started to think, what would this look like in next gen? And it got me excited. Then I heard about MH3 for PS3 and basically jumped for joy. Could you imagine the environments and the monster fights? It would be like a movie. Similar to what Shadow of the Colossus felt like the 1st time I played it. Now its just gonna look like the PS2 one with maybe a little bit sharper textures. While I do believe gameplay > graphics in most cases, I believe that the two work together to form a great game. You guys can say that it will be fine on Wii, and I believe it will sell well. But it won't be the BEST it could be. I doubt the Wii will even have a major use for its main feature, the motion control. Its basically just a way for Capcom to make easy money. I mean thats what the video game business is all about anyway, right?