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Forums - Sony Discussion - Has the Playstation Move's apparent success made people go crazy?

starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

My perception of their expectations?  A substantial shift in the public perception surrounding the PS3.  In the way people want to play games.  A sizeable and sustained increase in sales.

Certainly not the lacklustre sell through we've seen evidence of.

Move has clearly not been a major flop.  But to call it a "success" is an equivelant stretch, unless you truly believe that Son'y ONLY goal with Move was to literally break even on the hardware.

Right. Just want to say something.

The week before PS Move launched, PS3 sold 131k units Worldwide.

The week of PS Move (I say week, I mean 2 days on sale), the PS3 sold  170k units worldwide.

The following week (The first full week of PS Move), the PS3 sold 183k units worldwide.

The PS3 has outsold the Wii every week since PS Move launched, by 20k or more units, and hasn't dropped below 155k units WW... Without a Japan Move launch, which will be in this weeks data I think.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure Sony are happy with it having sold 2.5 Million units to retailers within a Month despite it being a "slow burner". And I'm pretty sure Sony fans are happy with it judging from comments in the WW Up threads.

Why on Earth is the Wii a standard bearer for success at this point?

The Xbox 360 has been beating it out of routine.  Taken from that perspective, Move has been out a few weeks and still hasn't led to the PS3 defeating Xbox 360, despite the products apparent strong region being Europe  (the Xbox 360's less strong region).

I haven't said at any point in this thread that the Move was a failure.  Did it do as well as Sony hoped it would?  Of course not.  If a tonne of advertising (in my country at least), a massive proportion of their major events time and budget, dozens of games and an emphasis that their flagship titles will utilize Move isn't an enormous amount of hype, then Sony has never utilized an enormous amount of hype for anything.

There seems to be a systematic notion of resistance in many posters in this thread (I am referring to others here Carl, rather than you) to the concept that Move was anything other than a resounding success, when there is clear evidence that it was not.

you mean like the hardware boost that coincided with Moves release? and has elevated the bottomline weekly average 30k?

You keep repeating yourself saying "ZOMG i saw commercials...for a product.....they expect it to sell!!!!!" Well no shit. Companies make commercials. 

Ya know what i cant even start this, i cant fathom how you come to your reasoning.

You blatantly misquote me, ignore the SUBSTANTIAL evidence that Sony overshipped significantly and then (as the thread creator pointed out) misled us about their sales and yet it is me that has unfathomable reasoning?

Here is a simple picture, and I will paint our relative points within it:

1. Complete and utter resounding success by any and all standards.

2. Did ok, didn't set the world alight, didn't perform in line with it's very large amount of hype.

3. Failed.


Now I would be number two, and you would be number one.  As I pointed out with a previous post, a number of people, beginning with the thread creator, seem to be afraid of the notion that Move was anything other than Sony's second coming.

Sadly, it simply isn't the case.  Which is not to say that it failed at all.  In direct answer to the OP's title though, it would indeed appear that the perspective of some people has indeed been skewed by Move not meeting their aspiring hopes and dreams.

For target i used my area code of "43609" but i encourage others to try their areas and see if there is a similar result


Hey man, dont let reality get in the way of your crusade or anything.

Around the Network
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:

No, we do track install base for Move, it's in a sales article on the main site if you go look for it, I said the is a wider gap for discrepency. Not to mention, like I already said, the sales on the front page arnt install base, but from the SW sales and other various info, ioi and Source are able to get a close figure on active install base.

You keep pushing the notion there are a large chunk of 360's out of action all you like, there is more evidence to suggest not than to proove your point.

Interesting you say that. If you compare software sold for the year the 360 and PS3 are pretty much dead even. yet the 360 has a 5 million advantage install base. Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily that that 5 million lead could be largely inflated and "out of action" or rebought "slim" consoles without adding to the, Seece?

For example, if over the first 4 years of the 360's life there were 3-4 million consumers who bought 4-6 games each (1-2 games a year average) and they either moved to a different console who stopped playing videogames thats not an active install base which could lead one to believe that if software sales are even yet the 360 has a 5 million lead in home penetration you could start a similar crusade for MSFT to release their sell through and unique users sold....i think thatd be much more important than an add-on peripheral install base and more worthy debate and effort.......

So are the consoles sold this year. Which is probably a factor in that.I was hoping you wern't going to insinuate the PS3 and 360 have a similar install base, because the whole broken console, 2 consoles per house thing applys to PS3 as well. And before you rant about RROD, it affect the earlier models the most, the problem was cut down significantly at least 2 years ago now. Your SW comparison means nothing, there are so many factors this year to sway it either way.

Wow for someone who gets so condescending with posters for "lack of reading comprehension" you didnt see my disclaimer that i didnt believe what i posed in my comment. I merely said it as food for thought.

Well i dont think it bodes well if you are resorting to software sales of this year as directly linear to consoles sold this year because the only thing that means is the only relavent numbers then are weekly and whats the point of tracking LTD? 

Yeah I saw it alright, I'm not naive enough to think you think their is some truth in it though. You DID insinuate it.

HW in the west (this is everything excluding Japan) is 9.3 mill gap. Yet SW for the year, again excluding Japan, is only 5.8 mill in 360's favour.

It's not near a tie, but 68.5 vs 74.3 is close enough, by your logic about 8 mill of that install base doesn't exist for the 360? It's just stupid logic. There are many factors PS3 SW is higher this year, better performing exclusives, more excluives, a lot of slims being rebuys, with the older phat models being sold to customers more than likely to buy second hand games with their second hand 360 .. I don't know the in's and out's of why. But to suggest they're the same and that more than 5 mill 360's are out of action is ridiculous IMO.


Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

Why on Earth is the Wii a standard bearer for success at this point?

The Xbox 360 has been beating it out of routine.  Taken from that perspective, Move has been out a few weeks and still hasn't led to the PS3 defeating Xbox 360, despite the products apparent strong region being Europe  (the Xbox 360's less strong region).

I haven't said at any point in this thread that the Move was a failure.  Did it do as well as Sony hoped it would?  Of course not.  If a tonne of advertising (in my country at least), a massive proportion of their major events time and budget, dozens of games and an emphasis that their flagship titles will utilize Move isn't an enormous amount of hype, then Sony has never utilized an enormous amount of hype for anything.

There seems to be a systematic notion of resistance in many posters in this thread (I am referring to others here Carl, rather than you) to the concept that Move was anything other than a resounding success, when there is clear evidence that it was not.

The Wii is the record breaking, generation leader. Before the PS Move it was also the only home console that offered a wide array of Motion Control games available for it. That's why I used the Wii.

Can you provide any links/evidence that states to us how well Sony expected Move to do, without going on your own assumptions?

 Seeing that you mentioned the 360. I also want to say this -

MS Expect to sell (ship) about 3 Million Kinect units by the end of the year. Sony have shipped 2.5 Million PS Move units in a Month. Kinect is the product with MUCH more hype and ad power behind it. It's also the product pretty much everybody expected to win in the HD Motion War... Sony have also had to recently increase production.

I don't possibly see at all how you (or anyone else for that matter) can say Move hasn't been a success so far for Sony.

Same.  That's what I ask for all the people that said fans / Sony expected it to be a huge game changer.  It needs to be backed up with evidence.


What we do know is this... 

1.  Sony had to increase production of the peripheral and they did give shipment numbers - which exceeded most people's expectation.

2.  It was the first time PS beat the Wii under normal conditions for NPD.  The reason I say normal was it did when the price cut / slim came out.  There is evidence it stole some of it's thunder.  There are other factors too like the HDTV market penetration.

3.  Sony announced that they are going to beat their 15 million shipment projections for the fiscal year.


Things like 1 and 3 are things you don't lie about - unless you want to get in trouble.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Seece said:
cory.ok said:
Seece said:
cory.ok said:
Seece said:

What on earth do the slim consoles have to do with this? The figures on the front page arnt nessacerily active install base but units SOLD across the globe, and when someone rebuys a slim what do you think happens to the phat? 9/10 times it's gets sold on to a new active user. And yes we do track overall Move sales and install base, obviously there is more room for discrepency. Sony will obviously know a lot about the sell through in each country, for various obvious reasons, they have the most data to hand to figure it out.

the sales figures arent even close to install base, not even a little bit.

how exactly would one account for the x360s failure rate or numerous new models?  a lot of the time the hardware sold gets broken, goes unused or is simply lost, whichever the case install base is always dropping, but also at the same time rising from new sales.  to raise an install base you have to get more people using your product than there are people stopping using your product

vgchartz tracks market share, not install base.  

I just said that, learn to read.

Most broken consoles get fixed by MS, so don't start spewing that crap, and like I said, when I sold my phat it went to a new home that bought games for it. Like most I imagin.

you said it wasnt 'necessarily active install base' (install base implies active btw), which is incorrect, you dont track install base at all. you then went on to say that you track move install base, which you dont.  you track market share and make guesses on install base based on market share.  completely different things.

though ms does offer to fix broken consoles within 3-4 years of purchase, it doesnt mean they fix all of them.  some people may not bother to send it in for repairs, might not know that the repairs are being offered, or buy a new one while theyre waiting for repairs because they dont want to wait to play a video game.  failure rate lowers install base, whether or not the fix is offered.  you not knowing this tells me that even if you did track install base, it would most likely be wrong.

No, we do track install base for Move, it's in a sales article on the main site if you go look for it, I said the is a wider gap for discrepency. Not to mention, like I already said, the sales on the front page arnt install base, but from the SW sales and other various info, ioi and Source are able to get a close figure on active install base.

You keep pushing the notion there are a large chunk of 360's out of action all you like, there is more evidence to suggest not than to proove your point.

you guess at move's install base, to track something you have to be able to sometime say at a foreseeable time in the future that you were correct or not, there will never be such an opportunity.  lots of words are thrown around (i even just saw a thread about how the word release is misused), but that doesnt change the correct way that the words are supposed to be used.
im not pushing any notions lol, im only referencing the x360 because the specific examples that i gave caused a greater impact on x360 than the ps3 (which has the exact same problems).  i dont care about the impact on console, choosing the example that had the greater impact was only to further shed light on what i was trying to explain.

there is no way to completely know install base, it is fictitious, its only job is to try and give some kind of meaning; all meaning derived using an install base is to some degree, inaccurate because there is no reliable way to measure install base.  install base is used because there is no better way to estimate what we want to know.

Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:

No, we do track install base for Move, it's in a sales article on the main site if you go look for it, I said the is a wider gap for discrepency. Not to mention, like I already said, the sales on the front page arnt install base, but from the SW sales and other various info, ioi and Source are able to get a close figure on active install base.

You keep pushing the notion there are a large chunk of 360's out of action all you like, there is more evidence to suggest not than to proove your point.

Interesting you say that. If you compare software sold for the year the 360 and PS3 are pretty much dead even. yet the 360 has a 5 million advantage install base. Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily that that 5 million lead could be largely inflated and "out of action" or rebought "slim" consoles without adding to the, Seece?

For example, if over the first 4 years of the 360's life there were 3-4 million consumers who bought 4-6 games each (1-2 games a year average) and they either moved to a different console who stopped playing videogames thats not an active install base which could lead one to believe that if software sales are even yet the 360 has a 5 million lead in home penetration you could start a similar crusade for MSFT to release their sell through and unique users sold....i think thatd be much more important than an add-on peripheral install base and more worthy debate and effort.......

So are the consoles sold this year. Which is probably a factor in that.I was hoping you wern't going to insinuate the PS3 and 360 have a similar install base, because the whole broken console, 2 consoles per house thing applys to PS3 as well. And before you rant about RROD, it affect the earlier models the most, the problem was cut down significantly at least 2 years ago now. Your SW comparison means nothing, there are so many factors this year to sway it either way.

Wow for someone who gets so condescending with posters for "lack of reading comprehension" you didnt see my disclaimer that i didnt believe what i posed in my comment. I merely said it as food for thought.

Well i dont think it bodes well if you are resorting to software sales of this year as directly linear to consoles sold this year because the only thing that means is the only relavent numbers then are weekly and whats the point of tracking LTD? 

Yeah I saw it alright, I'm not naive enough to think you think their is some truth in it though. You DID insinuate it.

HW in the west (this is everything excluding Japan) is 9.3 mill gap. Yet SW for the year, again excluding Japan, is only 6.7 mill in 360's favour.

It's not near a tie, but 68.5 vs 74.3 is close enough, by your logic about 8 mill of that install base doesn't exist for the 360? It's just stupid logic. There are many factors PS3 SW is higher this year, better performing exclusives, more excluives, a lot of slims being rebuys, with the older phat models being sold to customers more than likely to buy second hand games with their second hand 360 .. I don't know the in's and out's of why. But to suggest they're the same and that more than 5 mill 360's are out of action is ridiculous IMO.

Seece i agree with you. If i say "i dont believe the scenario im about to say" why the fuck do you assume i mean the opposite. I was merely pointing out by your argument against the move someone COULD do the same with the hardware of the consoles. Since i dont agree with your demand for "unique" users since the only relevance in SALES TRACKING is SALES and not "unique" i DONT AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT DEMANDING UNIQUE USERS FOR MOVE AND I DONT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY REASON TO ARGUE ABOUT CONSOLE INSTALL BASE ON A SITE THAT TRACKS SALES IN GENERAL.

Around the Network
Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

Why on Earth is the Wii a standard bearer for success at this point?

The Xbox 360 has been beating it out of routine.  Taken from that perspective, Move has been out a few weeks and still hasn't led to the PS3 defeating Xbox 360, despite the products apparent strong region being Europe  (the Xbox 360's less strong region).

I haven't said at any point in this thread that the Move was a failure.  Did it do as well as Sony hoped it would?  Of course not.  If a tonne of advertising (in my country at least), a massive proportion of their major events time and budget, dozens of games and an emphasis that their flagship titles will utilize Move isn't an enormous amount of hype, then Sony has never utilized an enormous amount of hype for anything.

There seems to be a systematic notion of resistance in many posters in this thread (I am referring to others here Carl, rather than you) to the concept that Move was anything other than a resounding success, when there is clear evidence that it was not.

The Wii is the record breaking, generation leader. Before the PS Move it was also the only home console that offered a wide array of Motion Control games available for it. That's why I used the Wii.

Can you provide any links/evidence that states to us how well Sony expected Move to do, without going on your own assumptions?

 Seeing that you mentioned the 360. I also want to say this -

MS Expect to sell (ship) about 3 Million Kinect units by the end of the year. Sony have shipped 2.5 Million PS Move units in a Month. Kinect is the product with MUCH more hype and ad power behind it. It's also the product pretty much everybody expected to win in the HD Motion War... Sony have also had to recently increase production.

I don't possibly see at all how you (or anyone else for that matter) can say Move hasn't been a success so far for Sony.

The Wii is not currently, and has not been for sometime, a measure of success.  The PS3 is currently DOWN year on year, right after the second most major release of the year for the console (assuming of course GT5 does launch this year. 

You ask me for evidence of Sony's exact expectations, but I am not the thread creator, I am not the person in this debate with whom the burden of proof resides.  I could easily have created a thread, equally as speculative and malicious as this one, that implies anyone who genuinely believes Move did as well as it should have is crazy.

We have complete different reads on the "HD Motion War."  A casual glance through the Sony forums for the last six months highlights an enormous amount of Kinect skepticism.  I myself remain highly skeptical of Kinect.  I have found articles where Sony vaguely alludes to possibly accelerating production.

As you're in the pro-OP camp, and therefore bare the burden of proof, can you perhaps point me to an article where Sony says anything remotely along the lines of "we're going to produce more of Move than we anticipated this year, because our shipments are selling out?"  Not, "we're going to accelerate production, which we were always going to do because it's coming up to Christmas, but for publicity purposes it sounds better if I don't say this last bit."

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:

No, we do track install base for Move, it's in a sales article on the main site if you go look for it, I said the is a wider gap for discrepency. Not to mention, like I already said, the sales on the front page arnt install base, but from the SW sales and other various info, ioi and Source are able to get a close figure on active install base.

You keep pushing the notion there are a large chunk of 360's out of action all you like, there is more evidence to suggest not than to proove your point.

Interesting you say that. If you compare software sold for the year the 360 and PS3 are pretty much dead even. yet the 360 has a 5 million advantage install base. Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily that that 5 million lead could be largely inflated and "out of action" or rebought "slim" consoles without adding to the, Seece?

For example, if over the first 4 years of the 360's life there were 3-4 million consumers who bought 4-6 games each (1-2 games a year average) and they either moved to a different console who stopped playing videogames thats not an active install base which could lead one to believe that if software sales are even yet the 360 has a 5 million lead in home penetration you could start a similar crusade for MSFT to release their sell through and unique users sold....i think thatd be much more important than an add-on peripheral install base and more worthy debate and effort.......

So are the consoles sold this year. Which is probably a factor in that.I was hoping you wern't going to insinuate the PS3 and 360 have a similar install base, because the whole broken console, 2 consoles per house thing applys to PS3 as well. And before you rant about RROD, it affect the earlier models the most, the problem was cut down significantly at least 2 years ago now. Your SW comparison means nothing, there are so many factors this year to sway it either way.

Wow for someone who gets so condescending with posters for "lack of reading comprehension" you didnt see my disclaimer that i didnt believe what i posed in my comment. I merely said it as food for thought.

Well i dont think it bodes well if you are resorting to software sales of this year as directly linear to consoles sold this year because the only thing that means is the only relavent numbers then are weekly and whats the point of tracking LTD? 

Yeah I saw it alright, I'm not naive enough to think you think their is some truth in it though. You DID insinuate it.

HW in the west (this is everything excluding Japan) is 9.3 mill gap. Yet SW for the year, again excluding Japan, is only 6.7 mill in 360's favour.

It's not near a tie, but 68.5 vs 74.3 is close enough, by your logic about 8 mill of that install base doesn't exist for the 360? It's just stupid logic. There are many factors PS3 SW is higher this year, better performing exclusives, more excluives, a lot of slims being rebuys, with the older phat models being sold to customers more than likely to buy second hand games with their second hand 360 .. I don't know the in's and out's of why. But to suggest they're the same and that more than 5 mill 360's are out of action is ridiculous IMO.

Seece i agree with you. If i say "i dont believe the scenario im about to say" why the fuck do you assume i mean the opposite. I was merely pointing out by your argument against the move someone COULD do the same with the hardware of the consoles. Since i dont agree with your demand for "unique" users since the only relevance in SALES TRACKING is SALES and not "unique" i DONT AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT DEMANDING UNIQUE USERS FOR MOVE AND I DONT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY REASON TO ARGUE ABOUT CONSOLE INSTALL BASE ON A SITE THAT TRACKS SALES IN GENERAL.

No you didn't you said "Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily

Which to me paints a very different picture to "I don't believe this". TBH I've lost track of why you're even trying to argue with me? I never claimed the numbers on the front page were install base, I've admited install base is difficult for you and I to work out, but easier for ioi, trackers and Sony given the data they have, and that I think Move shipped and sales figures are good.


I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Sony reporting their 'shipped' figures differently.  I have seen it discussed in other sales threads and it definitely helps to explain the discrepancy between their shipped totals and VGChartz sell-through numbers.  It's the theory that Sony count back-orders on their books before shipping to retailers.  Of course I don't think anyone that doesn't work at Sony will be able to confirm or deny this, but when you see reasoning to argue towards higher sell-through data such as; "they've shipped 2.5 million units and I can't find one at my local retailer" I always think of this as a possibility.      

steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
steverhcp02 said:
starcraft said:
Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

My perception of their expectations?  A substantial shift in the public perception surrounding the PS3.  In the way people want to play games.  A sizeable and sustained increase in sales.

Certainly not the lacklustre sell through we've seen evidence of.

Move has clearly not been a major flop.  But to call it a "success" is an equivelant stretch, unless you truly believe that Son'y ONLY goal with Move was to literally break even on the hardware.

Right. Just want to say something.

The week before PS Move launched, PS3 sold 131k units Worldwide.

The week of PS Move (I say week, I mean 2 days on sale), the PS3 sold  170k units worldwide.

The following week (The first full week of PS Move), the PS3 sold 183k units worldwide.

The PS3 has outsold the Wii every week since PS Move launched, by 20k or more units, and hasn't dropped below 155k units WW... Without a Japan Move launch, which will be in this weeks data I think.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure Sony are happy with it having sold 2.5 Million units to retailers within a Month despite it being a "slow burner". And I'm pretty sure Sony fans are happy with it judging from comments in the WW Up threads.

Why on Earth is the Wii a standard bearer for success at this point?

The Xbox 360 has been beating it out of routine.  Taken from that perspective, Move has been out a few weeks and still hasn't led to the PS3 defeating Xbox 360, despite the products apparent strong region being Europe  (the Xbox 360's less strong region).

I haven't said at any point in this thread that the Move was a failure.  Did it do as well as Sony hoped it would?  Of course not.  If a tonne of advertising (in my country at least), a massive proportion of their major events time and budget, dozens of games and an emphasis that their flagship titles will utilize Move isn't an enormous amount of hype, then Sony has never utilized an enormous amount of hype for anything.

There seems to be a systematic notion of resistance in many posters in this thread (I am referring to others here Carl, rather than you) to the concept that Move was anything other than a resounding success, when there is clear evidence that it was not.

you mean like the hardware boost that coincided with Moves release? and has elevated the bottomline weekly average 30k?

You keep repeating yourself saying "ZOMG i saw commercials...for a product.....they expect it to sell!!!!!" Well no shit. Companies make commercials. 

Ya know what i cant even start this, i cant fathom how you come to your reasoning.

You blatantly misquote me, ignore the SUBSTANTIAL evidence that Sony overshipped significantly and then (as the thread creator pointed out) misled us about their sales and yet it is me that has unfathomable reasoning?

Here is a simple picture, and I will paint our relative points within it:

1. Complete and utter resounding success by any and all standards.

2. Did ok, didn't set the world alight, didn't perform in line with it's very large amount of hype.

3. Failed.


Now I would be number two, and you would be number one.  As I pointed out with a previous post, a number of people, beginning with the thread creator, seem to be afraid of the notion that Move was anything other than Sony's second coming.

Sadly, it simply isn't the case.  Which is not to say that it failed at all.  In direct answer to the OP's title though, it would indeed appear that the perspective of some people has indeed been skewed by Move not meeting their aspiring hopes and dreams.

For target i used my area code of "43609" but i encourage others to try their areas and see if there is a similar result


Hey man, dont let reality get in the way of your crusade or anything.

Yay.  Let's play anecdotal evidence wars woohoo!!!

Not a single substantial retailer in my MAJOR city is sold out of Move.  But that is irrelevant, like your post.  Because the likes of NPD, VGC and Chart Track (the only people we know that take regional or global samples) indicate clearly that Sony has not sold anything like it's original shipment allotment of Move through to the public.

You have, again, failed to indicate where I said anything about Pachter's first estimate.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Fumanchu said:

I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Sony reporting their 'shipped' figures differently.  I have seen it discussed in other sales threads and it definitely helps to explain the discrepancy between their shipped totals and VGChartz sell-through numbers.  It's the theory that Sony count back-orders on their books before shipping to retailers.  Of course I don't think anyone that doesn't work at Sony will be able to confirm or deny this, but when you see reasoning to argue towards higher sell-through data such as; "they've shipped 2.5 million units and I can't find one at my local retailer" I always think of this as a possibility.      

Don't open another can of worms, you'll get your head bitten off bow down and worship the glorious Move sales without question!!!