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steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:

No, we do track install base for Move, it's in a sales article on the main site if you go look for it, I said the is a wider gap for discrepency. Not to mention, like I already said, the sales on the front page arnt install base, but from the SW sales and other various info, ioi and Source are able to get a close figure on active install base.

You keep pushing the notion there are a large chunk of 360's out of action all you like, there is more evidence to suggest not than to proove your point.

Interesting you say that. If you compare software sold for the year the 360 and PS3 are pretty much dead even. yet the 360 has a 5 million advantage install base. Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily that that 5 million lead could be largely inflated and "out of action" or rebought "slim" consoles without adding to the, Seece?

For example, if over the first 4 years of the 360's life there were 3-4 million consumers who bought 4-6 games each (1-2 games a year average) and they either moved to a different console who stopped playing videogames thats not an active install base which could lead one to believe that if software sales are even yet the 360 has a 5 million lead in home penetration you could start a similar crusade for MSFT to release their sell through and unique users sold....i think thatd be much more important than an add-on peripheral install base and more worthy debate and effort.......

So are the consoles sold this year. Which is probably a factor in that.I was hoping you wern't going to insinuate the PS3 and 360 have a similar install base, because the whole broken console, 2 consoles per house thing applys to PS3 as well. And before you rant about RROD, it affect the earlier models the most, the problem was cut down significantly at least 2 years ago now. Your SW comparison means nothing, there are so many factors this year to sway it either way.

Wow for someone who gets so condescending with posters for "lack of reading comprehension" you didnt see my disclaimer that i didnt believe what i posed in my comment. I merely said it as food for thought.

Well i dont think it bodes well if you are resorting to software sales of this year as directly linear to consoles sold this year because the only thing that means is the only relavent numbers then are weekly and whats the point of tracking LTD? 

Yeah I saw it alright, I'm not naive enough to think you think their is some truth in it though. You DID insinuate it.

HW in the west (this is everything excluding Japan) is 9.3 mill gap. Yet SW for the year, again excluding Japan, is only 6.7 mill in 360's favour.

It's not near a tie, but 68.5 vs 74.3 is close enough, by your logic about 8 mill of that install base doesn't exist for the 360? It's just stupid logic. There are many factors PS3 SW is higher this year, better performing exclusives, more excluives, a lot of slims being rebuys, with the older phat models being sold to customers more than likely to buy second hand games with their second hand 360 .. I don't know the in's and out's of why. But to suggest they're the same and that more than 5 mill 360's are out of action is ridiculous IMO.

Seece i agree with you. If i say "i dont believe the scenario im about to say" why the fuck do you assume i mean the opposite. I was merely pointing out by your argument against the move someone COULD do the same with the hardware of the consoles. Since i dont agree with your demand for "unique" users since the only relevance in SALES TRACKING is SALES and not "unique" i DONT AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT DEMANDING UNIQUE USERS FOR MOVE AND I DONT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY REASON TO ARGUE ABOUT CONSOLE INSTALL BASE ON A SITE THAT TRACKS SALES IN GENERAL.

No you didn't you said "Im not saying i believe what im about to say, but id say someone could argue pretty easily

Which to me paints a very different picture to "I don't believe this". TBH I've lost track of why you're even trying to argue with me? I never claimed the numbers on the front page were install base, I've admited install base is difficult for you and I to work out, but easier for ioi, trackers and Sony given the data they have, and that I think Move shipped and sales figures are good.