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PS3 vs N64

N64 292 46.65%
PS3 332 53.04%
CGI-Quality said:
smbu2000 said:

Easy choice: N64 > PS3

I myself enjoyed the PS1 more than the N64 back in the day, but you have to remember that the PS3 is NOT the PS1. The PS3's library lacks significantly compared to the PS1 (and PS2).

The only real genre lacking on PS3 compared to the PS1 is RPGs. Sure, they were the bread and butter of the system, but the PS3 has experiences the PS1 doesn't (and this is coming from someone who STILL considers the PS1 to be the top console).

I'd say platformers are lacking too to be honest, as well as survival horror, shooters (not TPS/FPS), and fighters somewhat.  While those issues are likely due to general genre decline as well, some of the genres are going through a mini-renaissance elsewhere (shooters on 360, platformers on Wii).

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myths n legends said:

i also agree with that one poster gaming seems to have hit its plataeu during the n64, ps1 and saturn era (it was even ended nicely with the release of dreamcast.  shenmue!).  i love my 360 and the games on it but the games released today are not as good as games released 13ish years ago when compared at time of release.  and by time of release i mean like oblivion is definitely better than morrowind but morrowind was better at the time it came out than oblivion was at the time it came out.

Totally, totally agreed.  PS1/SS/N64 was also the last gen where every console felt necessary to me personally... last gen just PS2 was fine, this gen it's just Wii plus either HD system.

I still think SNES/Genesis/TG16 might be my favorite overall gen though.

jarrod said:
myths n legends said:

i also agree with that one poster gaming seems to have hit its plataeu during the n64, ps1 and saturn era (it was even ended nicely with the release of dreamcast.  shenmue!).  i love my 360 and the games on it but the games released today are not as good as games released 13ish years ago when compared at time of release.  and by time of release i mean like oblivion is definitely better than morrowind but morrowind was better at the time it came out than oblivion was at the time it came out.

Totally, totally agreed.  PS1/SS/N64 was also the last gen where every console felt necessary to me personally... last gen just PS2 was fine, this gen it's just Wii plus either HD system.

I still think SNES/Genesis/TG16 might be my favorite overall gen though.

It was also dependent on whether you liked Nintendo games and FPSes