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PS3 vs N64

N64 292 46.65%
PS3 332 53.04%
Boutros said:

Well Enslaved is not really innovative as it was inspired by Uncharted 2 when it comes to animation and acting.

Uncharted have good acting and excellent animation. In the other hand, Enslaved has comparable animation but far superior acting. I don't know how they actually did it, but it seems they mapped the actors' face to register their emotions in the cut scenes as I've never seem so much expression in videogame characters. Anyway, the acting job is up to a high quality movie standard and the game made extensive use of closes in the character's faces to convey their feelings. I never saw that in any other game.

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CGI-Quality said:
Monteblanco said:

[...] there is no point of being creative without doing a good job) [...]

P.S.: Sorry Heavy Rain fans. I tried to like it but I couldn't.:(

You not liking HEAVY RAIN doesn't make it any less innovative.

Nope. I found it to be innovative. However, I also found it to be a rather weak game. I am glad you enjoyed it, though.

Boutros said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

I'm gonna vote for the system that gave me 3D camera controls, Z-targeting, and rumble, and not for the system that took rumble away, insulted it, then brought it back with all those apologies and big puppy dog eyes, and then dropped backwards compatibility.

Also, Bomberman 64, GoldenEye 007 and/or Perfect Dark, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, perfect party console.

But then again you don't have a PS3...

I've never even smelled a PS3...

Let's see what YouTube has to say about the issue:

AngelosL said:
CGI-Quality said:
AngelosL said:
CGI-Quality said:
AngelosL said:
huaxiong90 said:
WarmachineX said:

All I have to say is, Zelda: OOT

Best game ever. This gen's games dont even come close.


Agreed!This gen is mediocre at best

What's mediocre about it?

The quality of the titles, and the fact that most of the games are full of bugs because developers dont take their time to make a good game,instead they rush them to make more money.Also, no revolutionary game was released. They are all clones... All I saw was Rockstar clones,tomb raider - prince of persia clones and shoot em ups. Even great games like Oblivion and Heavy Rain were based on something else.

This gen has nothing to offer .

You know many of the games in previous gens were based on previous ideas as well, correct? There are plenty of quality games this gen, (on all 3 consoles) even if they don't reach your expectations.

Yes, Oblivion was based on past ideas, but succeeded where previous games didn't. Doesn't make it mediocre. HEAVY RAIN did things no other game has ever done before, which was quite revolutionary. No game plays like it, so you're wrong there.

Don't know what you expected from this gen, but calling games mediocre (or saying it has nothing to offer) just because they are similar to games in the past, is irrational if you ask me.

First of all I don't put Oblivion and Heavy Rain among the rest of the games.I called them great,and they are my favorite games this gen.

I play video games since I was 5 , Ι've owned even for a short while almost every console  that was released,and it's the first time that I call a generation mediocre.The only other console I can compare to the 7th generation ones is the Mega Drive, only this time there isn't a Super Nintendo around to equalize things...

I don't have a problem with anyone enjoying this gen, but I've played more than enough games to have an opinion on the matter,and apart from the visuals the new consoles havent offered me anything new that would make me call a title masterpiece.

examples of previous gens:  NES -Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3

                                                    SNES-FFIV,VI ,Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 

                                                    PS - Castlevania:Symphony of the Night, FFVII, Metal Gear Solid, resident Evil,Silent Hill

                                                    n64 - Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye,Lylat Wars

                                                    PS2 -Resident Evil 4, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, GTA Vice City,Rez,FF X,XII

                                                  also on the PC: Half-Life ,Diablo,Starcraft,Baldur's Gate 1,2 , Riven,Monkey Island series

now those were a few examples where games took the experience to another level.There are more,those were the first to come in mind.The games of this gen which are considered great: Halo series, GTAIV, Uncharted series and COD:Modern Warfare .... Online Shoot em Ups, a GTA inferior to Vice City and a good game (UC2) which is based on tomb raider.Now compare those to any of the above. Am I the only one who sees there's a huge gap of quality?

The following are what I would consider the masterpieces of the 7th gen:


Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy 2


The World Ends With You

Dragon Quest IX

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Little Big Planet

Metroid Prime 3

Advance Wars Dual Strike

Advance Wars Dark Conflict

Elite Beat Agents

Mario Kart DS

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Sin and Punishment 2

Super Street Fighter IV

World of Goo


Monster Hunter Tri

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Mario & Luigi: BIS

SSB Brawl

Valkyria Chronicles

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N64, but not because of the games (because frankly, the only reason PS3 has more games is bcoz of the 360's success), its because of the implementation of new technology in games.

eg. analoge stick, rumblepack, memory expansion, etc etc.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

I'll go with N64 just because there were many genre defining games and other stuff that wasn't done before on consoles.

CGI-Quality said:
Monteblanco said:
CGI-Quality said:
Monteblanco said:

[...] there is no point of being creative without doing a good job) [...]

P.S.: Sorry Heavy Rain fans. I tried to like it but I couldn't.:(

You not liking HEAVY RAIN doesn't make it any less innovative.

Nope. I found it to be innovative. However, I also found it to be a rather weak game. I am glad you enjoyed it, though.

PM me. I'm curious as to what you think is weak about it.

I played the game for about four hours. My choices didn't seem to carry much importance to the unfolding story and, after a while, I got the impression they were mostly pointless. Also, I found much of the gameplay to be a chore, as it was needed to many trivial operations. In the end, I thought the gameplay was a barrier to appreciate the story. 

It is probably impossible to reach all kind of players. I played Heavy Rain wanting to like it, but it wasn't for me.

Snesboy said:
Scoobes said:
Snesboy said:

Really? Is it really?

Errr... yes, because reviews are subjective.

I mean, otherwise GTA IV is the best game this gen...

Are you sure? I can think of at least 2 other games  that have a higher reviews aggregate.

I was using metacritic. Either way, it really doesn't deserve to be that high considerring they removed featured from previous iterations.

i see the poll ended the way i expected since these are basically sony forums but deep in your hearts everyone knows no game system could ever match the n64s superior game quality.

you can call me a nintendrone but ive always stated i hate the wii and never even purchased a gamecube or snes (though ive played roms and the snes is the sh*t!).  you can call me a playstation hater and ud actually kinda be right but even so the ps2 was my main gaming console for 2 years (worst 2 years of my life it took an xbox purchase and the hunting down of another n64 to bring me back to gaming but hey at least it had mgs 3). u can try and call it nostalgia and i just dont remember properly (although i have an n64 currently connected to the big screen in the living room and me n my roomates play it all the time).  but when just judging games for quality at the time of release there is no way the ps3 wins.  theres no way the ps3 360 wii wins.  just not happening. 

i also agree with that one poster gaming seems to have hit its plataeu during the n64, ps1 and saturn era (it was even ended nicely with the release of dreamcast.  shenmue!).  i love my 360 and the games on it but the games released today are not as good as games released 13ish years ago when compared at time of release.  and by time of release i mean like oblivion is definitely better than morrowind but morrowind was better at the time it came out than oblivion was at the time it came out.