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i see the poll ended the way i expected since these are basically sony forums but deep in your hearts everyone knows no game system could ever match the n64s superior game quality.

you can call me a nintendrone but ive always stated i hate the wii and never even purchased a gamecube or snes (though ive played roms and the snes is the sh*t!).  you can call me a playstation hater and ud actually kinda be right but even so the ps2 was my main gaming console for 2 years (worst 2 years of my life it took an xbox purchase and the hunting down of another n64 to bring me back to gaming but hey at least it had mgs 3). u can try and call it nostalgia and i just dont remember properly (although i have an n64 currently connected to the big screen in the living room and me n my roomates play it all the time).  but when just judging games for quality at the time of release there is no way the ps3 wins.  theres no way the ps3 360 wii wins.  just not happening. 

i also agree with that one poster gaming seems to have hit its plataeu during the n64, ps1 and saturn era (it was even ended nicely with the release of dreamcast.  shenmue!).  i love my 360 and the games on it but the games released today are not as good as games released 13ish years ago when compared at time of release.  and by time of release i mean like oblivion is definitely better than morrowind but morrowind was better at the time it came out than oblivion was at the time it came out.