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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: “No Reviews of Kinect!”

Ping_ii said:

Cmon Im waiting for my ban anytime now.....

while the other guys trashes and trolls PSmove thread  24/7 freely and gets away with it.

Instead of instigating arguments and crying about bans, have you considered trying to contribute actual thoughts and non-combative opinions to discussions?  Just a thought.

On topic, it seems very odd that Microsoft would readily make kinect available at numerous public venues but restrict access to it to individuals.  Perhaps this is the problem that lots of large organizations have where different divisions aren't effectively communicating with each other?

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I bet half of these people bashing ms now for this stupid embargo are the same people who keeps posting that they will never trust reviewers anymore because their god send games got -0.1 point from the reviewers...

Anyone wanna make a bet with me?

sub 100$ kinect by christmas.

I'm confused.  There are sites all over the country where anyone can go in at any time and play Kinect.  Here in Toronto they have an entire 2 floor building right in the heart of downtown set up to anyone can walk in and play.   There are sites like this all over, and they're not exactly hidden in hard to find locations (see Macy's).  They have also sent out beta copies of the unit to a bunch of end users, I know someone who got one.

And people still come in here and try to claim Microsoft is trying to "hide" the device because it doesn't work?  I seriously have to shake my head at the people in this forum sometimes.

TRios_Zen said:
Ping_ii said:

Cmon Im waiting for my ban anytime now.....

while the other guys trashes and trolls PSmove thread  24/7 freely and gets away with it.

Instead of instigating arguments and crying about bans, have you considered trying to contribute actual thoughts and non-combative opinions to discussions?  Just a thought.

On topic, it seems very odd that Microsoft would readily make kinect available at numerous public venues but restrict access to it to individuals.  Perhaps this is the problem that lots of large organizations have where different divisions aren't effectively communicating with each other?

A lot of post here are crying about PS3 fans this and that, those comments don't contribute in this thread.

read a few page back and the post below yours.

they troll & hate on PSmove thread 24/7 but their mad when its kinect???

best part is they don't get banned trashing PSmove all the time, on the other hand Im expecting a ban anytime now since thats how it works here.

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theprof00 said:

Anyone wanna make a bet with me?

sub 100$ kinect by christmas.

I will because their freaking N wireless accessory never get down from $99...  Freaking Apple.. err M$.

Ping_ii said:
TRios_Zen said:
Ping_ii said:

Cmon Im waiting for my ban anytime now.....

while the other guys trashes and trolls PSmove thread  24/7 freely and gets away with it.

Instead of instigating arguments and crying about bans, have you considered trying to contribute actual thoughts and non-combative opinions to discussions?  Just a thought.

On topic, it seems very odd that Microsoft would readily make kinect available at numerous public venues but restrict access to it to individuals.  Perhaps this is the problem that lots of large organizations have where different divisions aren't effectively communicating with each other?

A lot of post here are crying about PS3 fans this and that, those  don't contributes in this thread.

read a few page back and the post below yours.

they troll hate on PSmove thread 24/7 but their mad when its kinect???

This happens ALL THE TIME. It happens against Sony, it happens against Microsoft, it happens against Nintendo. 

SO, do you not like it because it's anti-Sony this time or do you not like the activity AT ALL?  If you don't like it because it's anti-Sony, I'd suggest that is a bit hypocritical.  If you don't like it at all, then show me where you've made this outcry against  Sony fans when they do it in Microsoft threads.

But honestly, you don't have to show me anything at all, as I really don't care, I'm just trying to point out to you that you can contribute to vgchartz much more than just misdirected angst.

Ping_ii said:
TRios_Zen said:
Ping_ii said:

Cmon Im waiting for my ban anytime now.....

while the other guys trashes and trolls PSmove thread  24/7 freely and gets away with it.

Instead of instigating arguments and crying about bans, have you considered trying to contribute actual thoughts and non-combative opinions to discussions?  Just a thought.

On topic, it seems very odd that Microsoft would readily make kinect available at numerous public venues but restrict access to it to individuals.  Perhaps this is the problem that lots of large organizations have where different divisions aren't effectively communicating with each other?

A lot of post here are crying about PS3 fans this and that, those  don't contributes in this thread.

read a few page back and the post below yours.

they troll hate on PSmove thread 24/7 but their mad when its kinect???

you are obviously flaming dude... How many xbox supporters are you talking about anyway? 1-2 people? against 100,000 ps3 ones? ;)

Adobo said:
theprof00 said:

Anyone wanna make a bet with me?

sub 100$ kinect by christmas.

I will because their freaking N wireless accessory never get down from $99...  Freaking Apple.. err M$.

Ok, my one condition of the bet though, is that it will be a retailer price-drop. Walmart perhaps, or something like "get 2 games free with kinect purchase.

Or, buy 360, get kinect for free.


I'll add it to my bet thread if it's cool.

Adobo said:
Ping_ii said:
TRios_Zen said:
Ping_ii said:

Cmon Im waiting for my ban anytime now.....

while the other guys trashes and trolls PSmove thread  24/7 freely and gets away with it.

Instead of instigating arguments and crying about bans, have you considered trying to contribute actual thoughts and non-combative opinions to discussions?  Just a thought.

On topic, it seems very odd that Microsoft would readily make kinect available at numerous public venues but restrict access to it to individuals.  Perhaps this is the problem that lots of large organizations have where different divisions aren't effectively communicating with each other?

A lot of post here are crying about PS3 fans this and that, those  don't contributes in this thread.

read a few page back and the post below yours.

they troll hate on PSmove thread 24/7 but their mad when its kinect???

you are obviously flaming dude... How many xbox supporters are you talking about anyway? 1-2 people? against 100,000 ps3 ones? ;)

LOL come visit the PSmove sales news on gamerfeed.

it will open your closed eyes once you see the MASSIVE PSmove trolling by the xbox fanatics.

against 100,000 ps3 owners pfft, thats why PSmove threads are infested with haters and trolls that don't get banned.