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Forums - General Discussion - Can you date girl that has alot of guys friends?


Can you date girl that has alot of guys friends?

no, to many guys = problems 105 46.46%
yes, man up bitch! 119 52.65%

Wait a minute

Somebody help me out here

How many of you people equate a woman being sexually expressive and fulfilled (with however many partners she wants) as being a slut or a whore?

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Khuutra said:

Wait a minute

Somebody help me out here

How many of you people equate a woman being sexually expressive and fulfilled (with however many partners she wants) as being a slut or a whore?

There is a difference. There is nothing wrong with a person having the so called sex-friends, as long as the others are aware and accept it.

Such descriptions (slut, whore, SOB, etc) is where feelings are toyed with or that "dark secret" that makes you the last person to know. No matter if its a man or woman, no one has the right to play with feelings.

That's what I think

Khuutra said:

How many of you people equate a woman being sexually expressive and fulfilled (with however many partners she wants) as being a slut or a whore?

Apparently quite a few.

But not men. No, we're totally different. Sleeping around only proves masculinity and the ability to overcome a challenge.


Perpetuating these ridiculous gender roles only allows men to keep acting like apes and women to withhold sex as some kind of punishment for behavior even though most of them want it just as much as men. Fantastic.

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And no matter how "good of a guy" you are, I guarantee that if you've been in at least three relationships, you've broken someone's heart at one point or another, be it your significant other or someone else who was interested in you. Being wary of people is smart; playing the wounded heart card all the time is immature and selfish. Sooner or later, everyone ends up on the receiving end of relationship ugliness and the more quickly you realize that you've also done someone else wrong and that you're imperfect, the better you'll be for it.

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From experience, no.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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After watching "Scott Pilgrim vs The world" :  No.

Khuutra said:

Wait a minute

Somebody help me out here

How many of you people equate a woman being sexually expressive and fulfilled (with however many partners she wants) as being a slut or a whore?

Women who are free with lots of people are fine.  It's women who tell you you're the only one but are lying that I have a problem with.  And even then, I wouldn't call them names like that unless I was REEAAAAAAALLY pissed.  But then who am I?  I lied for quite a long time to my significant other.  Guess I'm just a hypocrite.

This question is invalid on its face. It assumes that every woman who hangs primarily around men is identical or has identical reasons for doing so. A lot of people in this thread have taken their own experiences and extrapolated them into more general trends, which is fallacious.

Worse, some people in this thread have taken their own behavior and extraoplated it into a more general trend. Given how much of a sausage fest this thread is (you could look around for twenty minutes and the closest thing you'd find to a woman is the poster who have female avatars) I shouldn't have to explain how fallacious that is.

Every woman is different. You can't pretend that all women will behave a certain way. It doesn't work like that.

My wife has had mostly guy friends her entire life, but I do not see this as a reason to distrust her. Her itnerests (the interests that lead us to get married, natch) are almost exclusively masculine when approached from her cultural background. Who the Hell else was she going to talk about video games with? Distrusting my wife for this reason would be indicative of mental deficiency on my part, a need for security so exaggerated that I'd be forced to doubt my own intentions.

Say you know a girl named Sue. Sue is a sexually open and active woman who is comfortable with herself and her partners and has no qualms about exploring different facets of her sexuality with different people. Is there anything wrong with Sue? No. Does that mean you should feel secure in a monogamous relationship with Sue? Hell no. Monogamous relationships are not what Sue is into, and if you go into a relationship with her looking for that then you are clearly presuming too much about your own importance to this woman (it's another thing altogether if she tells you she wants to be monogamous with you, of course, but that is neither here nor there).

Let's pretend this girl your'e talking about is named Jane. Jane is neither my wife nor the imaginary Sue. She is a unique person with her own sexual needs and expectations who behaves according to those needs and expectations. Jane has a lot of guy friends. You wonder if she might be having sex with some of them!

In a word, you don't trust Jane.

You have two options.

1. Talk to Jane about it in a thoughtful way that outlines your own boundaries and expectations concerning your relationship and encourage honesty on her part because you will not be judgmental, regardless of whether or not her needs are the same as yours.

2. Don't go out with Jane.

This shit is really simple

d21lewis said:
Khuutra said:

Wait a minute

Somebody help me out here

How many of you people equate a woman being sexually expressive and fulfilled (with however many partners she wants) as being a slut or a whore?

Women who are free with lots of people are fine.  It's women who tell you you're the only one but are lying that I have a problem with.  And even then, I wouldn't call them names like that unless I was REEAAAAAAALLY pissed.  But then who am I?  I lied for quite a long time to my significant other.  Guess I'm just a hypocrite.

You're a pretty complicated fellow, though. It's possible to sleep with lots of ladies while still respecting them as sexual creatures.

I think its funny that everyone here would agree this, and almost all other video game sites are dominated by men, but many of them would be distrustful of women gamers because of that! What I find the most telling though is one very clear divide here. Those who are in a long term, stable, and serious relationship point out its ludicrous to distrust someone so readily. I think you have stated it the most eloquently, and clearly so far.

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