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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

numonex said:

Here is my opinion/view/belief on linking religious fundamenta

In 1981 Ronald Reagan narrowly escaped death from an assassin's bullet. Once again the political/religious views of the assassin made him believe he was on a mission from God to get rid of the President. Terrorism is linked to religious fundamentalism. 

So, what religion considers Jodie Foster to be a god?


The motivation behind Hinckley's attack stemmed from an obsession with actress Jodie Foster due to erotomania. While living in Hollywood in the late 1970s, he saw the film Taxi Driver at least 15 times, apparently identifying strongly with Travis Bickle, the lead character.[1][2] The arc of the story involves Bickle's attempts to protect a 12-year-old child prostitute, played by Foster; toward the end of the film, Bickle attempts to assassinate a United States Senator who is running for president. Over the following years, Hinckley trailed Foster around the country, going so far as to enroll in a writing course at Yale University in 1980 when he learned that she was a student there after reading an article in People magazine.[3] He wrote numerous letters and notes to her in late 1980.[4] He called her twice and refused to give up when she indicated that she was not interested in him.[2] Convinced that by becoming a national figure he would be Foster's equal, Hinckley began to stalk then-President Jimmy Carter — his decision to target presidents was also likely inspired by Taxi Driver.[5] He wrote three or four more notes to her in early March 1981. Foster gave these notes to her dean, who gave them to the Yale police department, which sought to track Hinckley down but failed.[6][7]


So, either Jody Foster is a god, and your view is right, or you are WAY off here.  Consider getting more accurate information and grounded in facts more before you spout off on here again, or better yet, don't post at all.  You know what the Christian religion and God is motivating me to do?  It is motivating me to start a support group for people out of work, and help them find their life calling in Christ and base their attempt to find work around that (also work on a booklet to motivate in this area).  Remind me again what your lack of faith does to help humanity outside of vent on forums like this.  Anyhow, I say what I say, because you wear on me.  I would rather just do, and have it happen then have to spout out to you, who thinks that venting on here is something people actually care about to read.

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Religious fundamentalists are more politically active than atheists. Religious fundamentalists believe they are on a mission from God to help their political candidate win an election campaign. The biggest political campaigners are religious fundamentalists:  George W. Bush and his religious followers. 

Religion and politics come hand in hand. Athieists are less politically motivated than religious fundamentalists. Christian evangelical fundamentalists in America make up a large percentage of the vote. 

No atheist has ever been elected President of the US. The US was founded on Free Masonry and brotherhood, not Christianity. Christianity has taken over from Free Masonry in the US and extreme Christian beliefs cloud political judgements. 

Sarah Palin and her evangelical followers (Tea Partiers and religious fundamentalists) will lead her to a mission from God to win the 2012 Presidential election. Some of her political followers regard Obama as the Anti-Christ. High level of security needs to be maintained to ensure Obama is safe from the religious fundamentalists who oppose him. 

numonex said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?

I do not believe people have been killed over supporting a console system. Yes there is rivalry between fans of different systems but it is not a matter of life or death. 

Console sales wars over which system sells the most is just market competition. It is definitely not a blood bath. 

Correction, there were somewhere around 3 murders over PS3s from launch.

Ignorance and intolerance kill people, not faith. I know a lot of "religious" people and none have ever gone out to try and kill anyone nor even try to change people's minds. Ignorance and intolerance happens on all sides to add to the fire - religious zealots and overconfident athiests alike.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

numonex said:

Religious fundamentalists are more politically active than atheists. Religious fundamentalists believe they are on a mission from God to help their political candidate win an election campaign. The biggest political campaigners are religious fundamentalists:  George W. Bush and his religious followers. 

Religion and politics come hand in hand. Athieists are less politically motivated than religious fundamentalists. Christian evangelical fundamentalists in America make up a large percentage of the vote. 

No atheist has ever been elected President of the US. The US was founded on Free Masonry and brotherhood, not Christianity. Christianity has taken over from Free Masonry in the US and extreme Christian beliefs cloud political judgements. 

Sarah Palin and her evangelical followers (Tea Partiers and religious fundamentalists) will lead her to a mission from God to win the 2012 Presidential election. Some of her political followers regard Obama as the Anti-Christ. High level of security needs to be maintained to ensure Obama is safe from the religious fundamentalists who oppose him. 

yeah, because without religious fundamentalists there would be no need for a high level of security for the president of the united states right?  

Give me a break man, this is conspiracy nonsense.  

axumblade said:

I'll only keep this open because hearing a British persons conspiracy theories on American History is rather amusing...

I was about to say the same thing!  It's harder to come up with these conspiracy theories than it is to just see the plain facts.  Most Americans are religious, or at least claim a religion.  To say that it's a religious agenda to elect a certain person is just obsurd.  If certain religions are conservative, their members are probably going to vote conservatively or vice versa.  It's not some underlying conspiracy.

numonex mentioned Christians as being Homophobic and Bigoted.  Does that mean to disagree with someone elses beliefs or standards automatically means you hate them?  I don't hate Homosexuals.  I have a gay cousin and gay acquaintences that I like, but I don't support and condone their beliefs.  Does this make me evil because my standards are not the same?  I'm not actively persecuting them.  If we flip the coin, would that then make them bigoted against me that they don't believe how I do?  The answer is of course not.

BTW, lumping all religious people or even all people of a particular religion into the same group isn't accurate or a good idea.  We are all individuals.  I have every right to choose what I may for myself.  The "Brainwashing" accusation is so played out too.  It's as if you think we are all hypnotized by some secret ritual or something.  Frankly, my religion helps me to become a more charitable, loving, productive person in society.  I'm a Mormon and I know that my church is always among the first to arrive on the scene of disasters to provide needed goods and services for those affected.  My religion believes in peace and charity and doing good to other men.  We believe to serve others is to serve God.  Religion doesn't start wars.  Wicked men start wars in the name of religion.  There is a difference.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."

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a religions presidential conspiracy? last time i heard the conspiracy was against religion. I mean isnt that what the media is doing?

"A mission from God" last person who really was on a mission from God died more than a thousand years ago and if a person claims so now is either born with a brain damage or on drugs. accusing religions for a mans psychological prolems or insecurity is not really effective to prove your ridiculous point    

The Anarchyz said:

Hitler, Stallin, Mao, etc., people always bring them up to favor religion, but those people were religious leaders, religion is not exclusive to the ancient writings and old beliefs of things people like me call myths, religion covers all beliefs used to control people, even the modern ones, Hitler was a God to a lot of germans, so was Stallin to soviets and Kim-Jong-il to north koreans, once i heard that there was a belief among many north koreans that Kim has the power to control the weather based on his mood, if that's not religious belief, i don't know what is...

Religion was invented by men, the ancient and modern books, the temples, churches, mosques, propagandas, celebrity centers, all by men. And men sometimes have a good agenda, and sometimes they don't, (hell, sometimes they have mixed agendas) the problem is to follow blindly everything the religious leaders say without thinking rationally about it ...

I'd love to see one credible source that shows any of those people are religious leaders, especially Stalin, a Marxist-Leninist communist who have always been ardently anti-religion.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

darthdevidem01 said:
Beuli2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?


Playstation is my life, I'd take a bullet forPlaystation!

And you'd get a pretty snazzy cut scene to go along with it:p

We're on a mission from God.