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axumblade said:

I'll only keep this open because hearing a British persons conspiracy theories on American History is rather amusing...

I was about to say the same thing!  It's harder to come up with these conspiracy theories than it is to just see the plain facts.  Most Americans are religious, or at least claim a religion.  To say that it's a religious agenda to elect a certain person is just obsurd.  If certain religions are conservative, their members are probably going to vote conservatively or vice versa.  It's not some underlying conspiracy.

numonex mentioned Christians as being Homophobic and Bigoted.  Does that mean to disagree with someone elses beliefs or standards automatically means you hate them?  I don't hate Homosexuals.  I have a gay cousin and gay acquaintences that I like, but I don't support and condone their beliefs.  Does this make me evil because my standards are not the same?  I'm not actively persecuting them.  If we flip the coin, would that then make them bigoted against me that they don't believe how I do?  The answer is of course not.

BTW, lumping all religious people or even all people of a particular religion into the same group isn't accurate or a good idea.  We are all individuals.  I have every right to choose what I may for myself.  The "Brainwashing" accusation is so played out too.  It's as if you think we are all hypnotized by some secret ritual or something.  Frankly, my religion helps me to become a more charitable, loving, productive person in society.  I'm a Mormon and I know that my church is always among the first to arrive on the scene of disasters to provide needed goods and services for those affected.  My religion believes in peace and charity and doing good to other men.  We believe to serve others is to serve God.  Religion doesn't start wars.  Wicked men start wars in the name of religion.  There is a difference.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."