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Religious fundamentalists are more politically active than atheists. Religious fundamentalists believe they are on a mission from God to help their political candidate win an election campaign. The biggest political campaigners are religious fundamentalists:  George W. Bush and his religious followers. 

Religion and politics come hand in hand. Athieists are less politically motivated than religious fundamentalists. Christian evangelical fundamentalists in America make up a large percentage of the vote. 

No atheist has ever been elected President of the US. The US was founded on Free Masonry and brotherhood, not Christianity. Christianity has taken over from Free Masonry in the US and extreme Christian beliefs cloud political judgements. 

Sarah Palin and her evangelical followers (Tea Partiers and religious fundamentalists) will lead her to a mission from God to win the 2012 Presidential election. Some of her political followers regard Obama as the Anti-Christ. High level of security needs to be maintained to ensure Obama is safe from the religious fundamentalists who oppose him.