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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

Not religion its humans to be blamed!For power and wealth man use religion,race,nationality etc for justification of its action, its pure power and wealth nothing more or less so stop blaming religion for our own weakness!!!

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Jesus is like the tooth fairy/Santa Claus for everyone. Eternal life if you simply recognise Jesus as being God. Who really wants eternal life? 

According to non-Christian religions(Islam and Judaism,etc) no man is God. A prophet of God but no man is the Son of God. 

You can be an atheist your whole life and recognise Jesus as God in your dying hour. That would be hedging your bets. Criminals on death row have turned to religion to save them from hell. 

What are the chances of your belief system being right and that is the only way to God and eternal life in paradise? Considering that all the other religious belief system have different beliefs. I would say very slim chances of your religion being the right religion and path way to eternal life.

Using a logical scientific approach. More than likely there is no life after death. No one has been able to send messages from the grave. Near death experiences can be explained in scientific and logical terms.

Psychics and clairvoyants are frauds and can not be trusted. They make money from people paying them to contact dead relatives and predict the future based on information provided to them.

Because it does not believe in the separation of church and state, the Christian Right supports the presence of religious institutions within government. It also supports the presence and activities of religion in the public sphere.

Pushing religion and prayer in schools to brainwash the masses and lower rational thinking...

The Christian Right has worked to modify the public school curriculum in a number of ways. It has made inroads by having its followers win school board elections. Research suggests that these candidates run solely to propagate their religious or moral beliefs as school policy.[25]The smaller the jurisdiction, the greater the tendency for the Christian Right pragmatically to support favorable candidates who can win, regardless of political-party affiliation.

The Christian Right has strong opinions on how American children should be educated, speaking out in support for activities like state-sanctioned prayer in public schools.


Preaching homophobia to the masses....

The Christian Right greatly opposes homosexuality. They have spoken out against same-sex marriagesame-sex civil unionsadoption of children by same-sex coupleshate crime legislation that includes homosexuals as a protected group, and the acknowledgment of homosexuals as teachers, soldiers, pastors, or politicians. Some members of the Christian Right, such as Exodus International, believe that homosexuals can be rehabilitated to heterosexuality through prayer, faith or interaction with God and the Christian community though strong disagreements exists that the Exodus program works because of the biological roots of homosexuality.


Christian conservatives are  rumoured  by liberals to be linked to slavery, preaching genocide and admiring Hitler...

Christian conservatives with  links to Hitler and fascism. Once we acknowledge the similarity between conservative Christians and fascists, Hedges appears to suggest, we can confront Christian evil by setting aside 'the old polite rules of democracy.

Ok that may just be smear and another conspiracy theory from the liberal commentators. 

There is really nothing to blame religions for by themself, the problem is that religion beliefs can be easily used as a tool to manipulate unlearned people. I'm talking as a non religious guy.

Religion has done ton of good.

Secularism has brought hell on earth as well.  But not as much good.

Here is a good debate between the hitchens brothers


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VXIII said:

Through out history all of the wars have been fought because of people themselves, they could just use any excuse to do it .

The religion is just a mean to do it . well , I have a gun , when I put a bullet in someone's head you can blame the gun all you want , after all if there wasn't a gun no one would have been killed .

Imagin ... a world without weapons :D

Good point,but I think it is dangerous that religious leaders have such a captive audience and can then influence them so easily.

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


Good is real and so is Evil.. to say neither exist is proposterous and to say nothing leads these forces visible or not is also proposterous.. You can view it anyways you want .. BUT Hitler who was atheist (NOT a JEW, CHRISTIAN, OR MUSLIM) and killed all those people out of pure paranoid hate and dellusion is a real argument that LACK OF RELIGION kills..  Here's a quote from Hitler: "This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief. The great masses of a nation are not composed of philosophers. For the masses of the people, especially faith is absolutely the only basis of a moral outlook on life. The various substitutes that have been offered have not shown any results that might warrant us in thinking that they might usefully replace the existing denominations. ...There may be a few hundreds of thousands of superior men who can live wisely and intelligently without depending on the general standards that prevail in everyday life, but the millions of others cannot do so."

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 10

Hitler beleived he could make Germany his place without religion , where a few of his superman would rule and control and they started off by killing their biggest opposition close to home.. the Jews..

IMO if God was real, he would have had enough morality to stop all beleving in himself.
As it is that beleif that starts wars.

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NKAJ said:
VXIII said:

Through out history all of the wars have been fought because of people themselves, they could just use any excuse to do it .

The religion is just a mean to do it . well , I have a gun , when I put a bullet in someone's head you can blame the gun all you want , after all if there wasn't a gun no one would have been killed .

Imagin ... a world without weapons :D

Good point,but I think it is dangerous that religious leaders have such a captive audience and can then influence them so easily.

I never seen The Pope call for Christians to literally take the life(lives) of their opposition like some in the muslim community..  but they say things that make some sense.. like say not having kids out of wedlock so all of us who work for a living (very hard) dont have to pay for someone elses abortion because they cant keep their legs closed or get birth control.. or how about because everyone in this world is supporting an increasing number of Kids ( and thier parents ) on welfare.. and they reward people who dont work and have kids because they are LAZY.. Or maybe not to steal your neighbors video games because that could lead to a killing..  Most govt laws are based on the bible.. not killing, stealing, even how every 7yrs you get a new start on credit.. its all in the bible.. yet if we break these laws there are bad consequences for everyone ( not just the jail time ) but tangible pain in one form or another..

So what about Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot?

Ideologies which have large power bases are the problem, not religions per-se. Look at those that were not religious that held great sway in politics - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and many others did some dastardly things, none of which were in the name of any god, but in the name of their political ideologies. I'd venture to say that those four combined killed more men and women than any person has in the name of religion.

One could list many of the beliefs of secularists over the past century or two, and come to the conclusion there is a lot of evil in any ideology if it is used to undermine those that they believe are societal ills.

On the other end, I could cite all the great things Christians have done for humanity. It has been a major force for hospitals, food banks, poverty relief, and humanitarian aid over the centuries.

In the end, power breeds corruption and abuse. The more power an ideology has over free thinking people, the more damage it can cause, as it will hurt the minorities that do not adhere to the majority view. This is expecially true when the ideology devalues the life of humans, which has been the case with some ideologies.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.