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Because it does not believe in the separation of church and state, the Christian Right supports the presence of religious institutions within government. It also supports the presence and activities of religion in the public sphere.

Pushing religion and prayer in schools to brainwash the masses and lower rational thinking...

The Christian Right has worked to modify the public school curriculum in a number of ways. It has made inroads by having its followers win school board elections. Research suggests that these candidates run solely to propagate their religious or moral beliefs as school policy.[25]The smaller the jurisdiction, the greater the tendency for the Christian Right pragmatically to support favorable candidates who can win, regardless of political-party affiliation.

The Christian Right has strong opinions on how American children should be educated, speaking out in support for activities like state-sanctioned prayer in public schools.


Preaching homophobia to the masses....

The Christian Right greatly opposes homosexuality. They have spoken out against same-sex marriagesame-sex civil unionsadoption of children by same-sex coupleshate crime legislation that includes homosexuals as a protected group, and the acknowledgment of homosexuals as teachers, soldiers, pastors, or politicians. Some members of the Christian Right, such as Exodus International, believe that homosexuals can be rehabilitated to heterosexuality through prayer, faith or interaction with God and the Christian community though strong disagreements exists that the Exodus program works because of the biological roots of homosexuality.


Christian conservatives are  rumoured  by liberals to be linked to slavery, preaching genocide and admiring Hitler...

Christian conservatives with  links to Hitler and fascism. Once we acknowledge the similarity between conservative Christians and fascists, Hedges appears to suggest, we can confront Christian evil by setting aside 'the old polite rules of democracy.

Ok that may just be smear and another conspiracy theory from the liberal commentators.