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Jesus is like the tooth fairy/Santa Claus for everyone. Eternal life if you simply recognise Jesus as being God. Who really wants eternal life? 

According to non-Christian religions(Islam and Judaism,etc) no man is God. A prophet of God but no man is the Son of God. 

You can be an atheist your whole life and recognise Jesus as God in your dying hour. That would be hedging your bets. Criminals on death row have turned to religion to save them from hell. 

What are the chances of your belief system being right and that is the only way to God and eternal life in paradise? Considering that all the other religious belief system have different beliefs. I would say very slim chances of your religion being the right religion and path way to eternal life.

Using a logical scientific approach. More than likely there is no life after death. No one has been able to send messages from the grave. Near death experiences can be explained in scientific and logical terms.

Psychics and clairvoyants are frauds and can not be trusted. They make money from people paying them to contact dead relatives and predict the future based on information provided to them.