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Forums - General Discussion - Scoffers and unbelievers - please try to explain this

The following videos are entitled "THE ECONOMY WILL COLLAPSE THIS SEPTEMBER 2008!!!" He talks about the economy collapsing in September of 2008 in the video.

But wait a minute, the videos were uploaded in May 19, 2008

What do all the people who scoff at the people who have been talking about the Illuminati and New World Order have to say now?

Get right with God, people. Jesus is coming back soon.

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Correctly predicting the economic crisis doesn't mean he had the correct causes.

Why do I have the get right with God? I don't believe in God... You don't burn in hell forever. Only until your bad karma is spent. You don't even remember it in your next incarnation. Souce: Buddhist



Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

RageBot said:



Really at this point that all I can say and I hope this is one big joke...

Former something....

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Please don't use something like this as a pitch for Jesus.  I actually saw a Muslim video talking about the Illuminati, and quoting the Qu'ran, and speculating how Hollywood works.  A problem with stuff after the fact is the case of monkeys at the typewriter.  People are always predicting this or that.  Doesn't mean skill is involved with it.

I will say with the economic meltdown, and how everything has changed, now is a good time to reevalute one's lives and priorities, and see if there is any changes that are needed.  Like, are you working and lose your job?  Do you know for sure you will be able to find work again?

The signs of an economic collapse had been around for years leading up to Fall 2008. Just because he correctly guessed it down to a month doesn't prove anything 

Oh Em Gee

luck or faked.

And it always helps when you got some background information. The crash was only a matter of time, so why not make a guess.

We're on a sales site. Even some of the most whacky predictions are true sometimes.
By far not often, but even Crazzyman got something right at the time he was still here and that means something.

@ OoSnap

OoSpan, I love what your doing, but why don't you wait for me to present my argument that God exist in the coming week. You relie on what man says WAY too much. Why don't you go study the bible some more.