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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Oh dear... replacement time?

no need. the game shall continue!

It would have to begin for it to continue :P

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hwyas ghuys, ima here, I am looking forward to game with you all, buyrt im kina drunk atm, so excuse me spelling ana such!

theprof00 said:
Silver-Tiger said:

wow, what did he say to get permabanned?

pchan was wessle woggl

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Wessle woggle would've made an interesting* player. >.< 




*a crazy-ass player who would've probably be lynched day 2.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:

Wessle woggle would've made an interesting* player. >.< 




*a crazy-ass player who would've probably be lynched day 2.

Yeah he would have probably followed the tradition of MegaMan and Patapon.

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okay, I have showered to sober meself up, lol, so I can play now!






King Kai looked down on the planet from above, intermitently peering upward at the overcast clouds drifting in, lightning flashing on the horizon.
"Oh no Bubbles! This does not look good! Not good at all" panicked Kai as he stared out towards the ground below.
"Ooh Ooh Ee Ah" screached Bubbles. Gergory buzzed nervously.


Sweat beaded over Kai's brow and dropped down thousands of feet and in the same instant was joined by thousands of full heavy droplets.
"I forgot to roll up the windows" exclaimed Kai, his companions collapsing hard into the ground with the sudden relief and embarassment at having taken his anguish seriously.

"Excuse me King Kai, can I take your bags in for you? I brought a capsule umbrella" said an awkwardly deep voice from behind.
"WAAAH Don't scare me like that, I could have died!". Kai was struggling to see who the voice was coming from as he spun in the air. He adjusted his glasses.
"They call these things prescriptive? Remind me never to trust doctors ever again." He saw Kami in the distance waving.
"Oh there he is. Hmmm I could've sworn he was just here" he continued mumbling to himself. An idea finally forced its way into Kai's memory. "Didn't he say he had a companion here....Ah yes Mr.Popo", he stated, a wash of satisfaction glazing over his face.
"Yes, King Kai?"

King Kai bounded in fright, leaping into Bubbles arms, his eyes wide and fixed on the perfectly black form of Mr.Popo. His mouth seemed to be forming words  but if he was speaking it was completely inaudible. He sighed, a puff of exasperation escaping from his lips as he fainted in Bubbles arms.
"Oh, dear", remarked Mr. Popo. Let's get you all inside and out of this storm. King Kai must be overwhelmed from his journey". Mr.Popo popped the capsule, and threw it to the ground exploding in a cloud of smoke. The pouring rain ended as a large umbrella took its place.
"Inside", commanded Mr.Popo. The umbrella started moving. Bubbles' eyes were rooted to its base looking for some means of transportation, but the rain started pouring on his head again as it glided away.
"Ook Eek" exclaimed Bubbles as he sauntered back toward the protective shield of the flying bubble thing.
As they  they reached the entrance to Kami's Lookout, King Kai shuddered back to life opening his eyes to see Master Kami holding back a chuckle.

Kai shot up, a look of fear arcing through his body like electricity. "Kami, where's Goku!?".
-"He and the other Z fighters are training in the pendulum room Kai, they will be fine. I'm sure that the-
-"But I need to see him NOW Kami, he has my Nintenbo GS" an exasperated Kai interjected.
The group fell to the floor with a dull thud.



Not a one comment. Thanks guys.

Well it's an awesome introduction! But I don't even know who is who and what is what!I don't even know who my character is >_<

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza? you never watch DBZ???

what wrong with you!