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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

nen-suer said:

1- Its was quite obvious you'd rather not have vette lynched, of course it wasn't obvious but i'm sure

others noticed.

2- hehe, your doing it again trying form a bond with Hep (ah come on your making it a little to obvious now)

3- Nope yours is a wish not a theory. Mine has logical bases that you can NOT deny.

4- Misinterpret ? lol really ? Its exactly what you said (glad you see how desperate that  sounded)

You can't make me scum. you went after the wrong guy.

Sure i understand i can be an easy target for your group because of my name , but once A18 was killed by Cell

and then Cell turning up mafia your ability to make me "look" scum became really really hard.

And it shows in the way you accuse me. That post were you voted me is exactly what am talking about.

"He said theproff sucks he must be scum" lol.

Here's what I said :

You probably had to power-up before you killed, maybe you needed Cell dead...

Probably: in all likelihood; very likely (because all of us had the option to power up at some point)

Maybe: perhaps; possibly (not certainty)

But congratulations, you managed to YET AGAIN ignore the fact that GoW died from an unknown source!!!

Signature goes here!

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Nice avatar prof ^_^


Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

I powered-up zarx yesterday

If anybody ones some power-up juice they can just ask j0. ^_ ^

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:


I powered-up zarx yesterday

If anybody ones some power-up juice they can just ask j0. ^_ ^

do you get a confirmation from prof?


c03n3nj0 said:


I powered-up zarx yesterday

If anybody ones some power-up juice they can just ask j0. ^_ ^

why zarx by the way?


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Hephaestos said:
c03n3nj0 said:


I powered-up zarx yesterday

If anybody ones some power-up juice they can just ask j0. ^_ ^

why zarx by the way?

Because I first targeted hatmoza, but then PM didn't go through. 

Then hatmoza posted this:

"Og feck? The day ended?

Since I'm dead -my final 2 cents

Vegeta's goal (wish) was immortality as a baddy.

just saying."

So I switched it to Zarx 'cause I thought hatmoza was dead. :/ 

theprof didn't tell me anything. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

TruckOSaurus said:

Here's what I said :

You probably had to power-up before you killed, maybe you needed Cell dead...

Probably: in all likelihood; very likely (because all of us had the option to power up at some point)

Maybe: perhaps; possibly (not certainty)

But congratulations, you managed to YET AGAIN ignore the fact that GoW died from an unknown source!!!

I see, so you admit there is no way i'm scum ? Good.


You keep talking about gow death. How am to know how he died ? I don't have any investigative role!

Unless you know something i don't.

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nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Here's what I said :

You probably had to power-up before you killed, maybe you needed Cell dead...

Probably: in all likelihood; very likely (because all of us had the option to power up at some point)

Maybe: perhaps; possibly (not certainty)

But congratulations, you managed to YET AGAIN ignore the fact that GoW died from an unknown source!!!

I see, so you admit there is no way i'm scum ? Good.


You keep talking about gow death. How am to know how he died ? I don't have any investigative role!

Unless you know something i don't.

I admitted no such thing and you know it, keep putting words in my mouth and you'll convince everyone you don't want to address the fact that it's very much possible for you to be scum.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
nen-suer said:

I see, so you admit there is no way i'm scum ? Good.


You keep talking about gow death. How am to know how he died ? I don't have any investigative role!

Unless you know something i don't.

I admitted no such thing and you know it, keep putting words in my mouth and you'll convince everyone you don't want to address the fact that it's very much possible for you to be scum.

Fine. Give me a valid "detailed" theory on how i can  be scum.

The best you can come with...go nuts .Take your time

And don't give me any "buts" or "maybes" because i don't to hear any excuses when my cross examination starts

Failure means you win a vote from Android 17.

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

nen-suer said:

Fine. Give me a valid "detailed" theory on how i can  be scum.

The best you can come with...go nuts .Take your time

And don't give me any "buts" or "maybes" because i don't to hear any excuses when my cross examination starts

Failure means you win a vote from Android 17.

Okay so let's figure out possible power ups for you (before you jump at me and say you can't have all these powerups I'm making a list of power ups I think you could have forfeited your kills for, so I'm saying you could have ONE of those):

- Night kill immunity
- Lynch immunity
- Innocent on investigation (less likely since SKs normally have this from the start)

Your wish could have been:

- Protection from Cell
- Getting Cell's identity or even better auto-kill Cell

Night 1 - Power up
Night 2 - Power up
Night 3 - Kill Metal_Gear
Night 4 - Kill GoW
Night 5 - Forfeited your kill because of fear of tracking and knowing another kill would expose you.

Signature goes here!