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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

Really? I see him online all the time. I hardly ever see YOU.


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We're doing filming so I'm putting in long days.,

server will be down for a few will post when its back up. patching and i need to add a serial port

also he was on quite a bit while you and jamin were MIA,

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

server is back up! have fun

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Built an enormous minecart bridge from Waterworld's Spawn Island to the nearest island populated by animals and migrated a couple pairs of all farm animals. Now have a full-fledged farm with all animals included. =)


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I guess playing with op powers, WorldEdit, and the like for two years has finally made me remember that true survival can be a lot of fun (that may have to do with how much survival has changed IN those two years).

I'm still playing pretty much only on Waterworld, continuing to expand my compound. Today I added a basement and am currently expanding my wood farm to include the final section - birch trees.


thats the whole reason i made the jump  to waterworld i wanted a bigger challenge and risk… i still play on nibiru in particular when i am learning with redstone, but major projects have almost all shifted to waterworld ..


also sorry for not being on this last week, i fired up empire: total war... and was sad to see i had lost my save games... and started a new campaign 12 hours later whoppin ass 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Built two mob farms on Waterworld. I got one for all hostile mobs (except Endermen), and another one specifically for just spiders (it doesn't kill them - just injures them and leaves them for YOU to kill).

First one works marvelously. It automatically fills up a chest at the end. The spider one, though, is rather moody. It works fine in creative but if I'm in survival, the spiders see me (even through the walls) and it messes things up. Haven't figured out how to fix that yet.


I sort-of fixed it. I eliminated the automatic spider crusher and turned it into a fall trap.

Now I'm trying to get some silk touch shears so I can put some cobwebs inside the spawner & prevent them from taking too much fall damage.

I've decided that the changes they've made to the game since I last played survival are WHY I like it so much now. Enchantments, repairs, potions, new items, etc.


thetonestarr said:
I sort-of fixed it. I eliminated the automatic spider crusher and turned it into a fall trap.

Now I'm trying to get some silk touch shears so I can put some cobwebs inside the spawner & prevent them from taking too much fall damage.

I've decided that the changes they've made to the game since I last played survival are WHY I like it so much now. Enchantments, repairs, potions, new items, etc.

have you used an anvil to combine enchanted items yet, knock back + burn = awesome 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog