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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

the football stadium looked neat, but last time i checked it was missing a jumbo tron

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network

It's coming! I still have to finish building the stairways, the walkways, the walls, and the roof/overhang before I can add scoreboards or a jumbotron.


Okay I ended up building the scoreboards and jumbotrons early. Stadium's nearly finished!


And it's done. Parking garage, food kiosks, and locker rooms were the last parts to do and they're done now!


The Kojiiriin City skyrail system is now finally operable and mostly complete! And it's a looker, now, too!


Around the Network

updating nibiru to 1.5.1 should be up in 5~ min


up and working 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

current waterworld map

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Need to get back in soon. Work has been keeping me busy this past month.

Yeah, you do. There's been a lot of new stuff in both Waterworld and Nibiru, from me anyways. And Jam's finally gotten his beachside BBQ working properly.


Ah Jam, hardly ever see him on -_-