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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread



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nibiru/waterworld will be down for just a bit as i update the tower they run on

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

BAH figures, the moment I get around to getting on =p


thetonestarr said:
BAH figures, the moment I get around to getting on =p

everything is back up andd running. enjoy.


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Kojiiriin City now has a "fully functional" international airport.

"International" term loosely applied, since it doesn't fit the US requirements by law to be an international airport.

"Fully functional" in quotations since it, of course, doesn't ACTUALLY function. But it now has everything that an airport is supposed to have.


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Finally got villagers to mate in my town. Really don't get the 3 valid doors/villager criteria, you'd think people would care more about beds and stuff instead of the amount of doors. But I won't have to hunt for zombie villagers any more so...

And I really need to take a break from my place and go visit the city. I haven't been there for quite a while.

I haven't been playing much for a while (I've had a fairly eventful last 4 months), so I haven't advanced the city that terribly much. There've been two actual additions IIRC, plus a couple projects outside of town. I have a few cool ideas I plan to add soon, though.


Updated the OP

Feel free to suggest any changes or additions that should be made, really I haven't been in the scene to much in the last year or so, so I am sure there are improvements to be made.

Old OP of the nostalgia:

So I have been playing a lot of Minecraft recently...

Now you have probably at least heard of minecraft and the crazy stuff that people have made with the game by now, unless you have been living under a rock. If not head over to (Official site, PCgamer introawesome stuff people have done)

So like I was saying I have been playing a bunch of minecraft (I stopped playing starcraft 2 for a day or 2) single player. What started as just checking out the game to see what all the fuss was about has turned in to one of the most fun gaming experiences I have had in ages. The deceptively simple mechanics and procedurally generated world (I have to admit I love games that feature this) just drew me in.

The game has no real goal other than survival, and that can be pretty much be accomplished by punching the ground until there is a hole and using one of the blocks to cap the pit and just leaving it at that. Now I probably should explain what you are trying to survive, the game has a day night cycle and during the night various creatures of the night spread out and try to kill you. to survive you must create protection, this can be in the form of a fort of some kind, or by forging weapons and crafting armour. In the start a fort or I guess a hole is the only real form of protection. I guess I should also mention that the game is made up of large square boxes that can be destroyed, and when they are destroyed they will usually drop a material, for example a dirt box will drop a block of dirt that can be then replaced in the world (this is how you build things) or destroying a tree trunk will drop a block of wood that can be used to craft basic items (well can be turned into planks with can be turned into sticks, the two of which are you most basic crafting materials). once you have some basic tools you can start adventuring and mining for better materials like metal etc which can be used to make better tools.  

One of the major draws of Minecraft IMO is the sense of discovery and mastery of the world around you. As you mine down for example you can discover caverns where monsters hide or even rivers of lava. you just never know what is going to show up next. 

So anyway there are probably people better suited to explaining the game than me so if you want more info feel free to brows around. Anyone with any questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer them with my limited knowledge of the game. And if you play feel free to post your thoughts or tails of your adventures in this thread. I will probably post some more thoughts and adventures as I play more.

If this thread doesn't make any sense keep in mind that it's like 4 A.M. where I am lol...


@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

1.5 - waterworld has been updated. nibiru will have to wait for bukkit to get an update I would hope to see it by early next week, remember with any major update some plugins may be disabled.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I've been very busy in the city. I built a few extra buildings, have been working on "Fort Kojiiriin", the "original" establishment in the region that eventually birthed the city around it, and I'm also working on a huge football stadium.

It's been fun. =)
