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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

updated to 1.3.1, is a beta bukkit so may be a bit unstable. new world waterwolrd which can be accessed through cmd /world waterworld

other rights are kind of broken on it right now working on fixing that

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network

I'm loving my SSD so far. It was pricey, but ~15 seconds to a working desktop and programs that load in seconds is just awesome.

Got flying and too many items set up. Hoping to start hopping back in the servers soon. My friend was still having issues with getting booted, but we'll have to try it again.

ive had to scrap water world it was just too big.... the map data was 88 gigabytes with the world data being 6 gig. unfortunately it pushed my 256 gig hd a bit too far with data for the other worlds ... and with the low usage volume i cannot justify buying a 512 for the server... though i may still at a later date if i see them sub 300 again

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I'm getting even busier in the Army now. Got overweight and have to PT twice a day now + I'm biking to and from post to cut weight + I'm nearing the end of my Korean studies so that's got me busy + my daughter is a temperamental punk so she eats up what little free time I get during the week.


If I play within the next few months, it's probably going to be on the weekends. Once all this hectic nonsense is over, though, I'm going to be returning with a vengeance. I've got two really cool projects planned, one I've already tried starting...


I'm building a ranger station in the regular server near my huge tower.

Anybody else experiencing an issue where when you fly, you'll be teleported to the ground?

Around the Network

Congratulations to Wick! Just became a father to a little boy!


congrats Wick!

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Congrats indeed.

due to a motherboard fault we will be running on a computer with 16 gb of ram till the replacement comes back from rma, something killed my cpufan header



update ... no map until the server is brought back. the server crashed  I assume due to the failure, upon reboot the maps were corrupt. fell back to 22 at night save.


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Well that stinks.

Was anybody else getting the issue when you were flying, you'd be dragged back to the ground?