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Forums - Sony Discussion - Dev hints at PSP2 release window in 6 months!

Forgot what the topic was about, lol. Ingore this post.


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kowenicki said:

I really dont see how a PSP2 has any chance of success whatsoever. 

It will be late to the party, the 3DS will already have sold millions, it has some pretty excellent titles already confirmed and could easily reduce price the day the PSP2 launches.

Why can't it be successful? The DS is a huge success, but isn't the PSP a success as well, just a pale one when compared to the DS? (a success on the hardware side, that is, given the software piracy).

All it needs to be successful is a great alignment of games (which I am certain the PSP2 will get, either through realtionships or moneyhatting) and have some enticing features that the 3DS doesn't have that will make it desirable as well.

Now I am not saying it will be a success, I don't know that (and personally I will buy the 3DS, not the PSP2), what I'm saying is that I don't see why it can't be a success even with an early 3DS launch, if Sony doesn't make crucial mistakes (e.g. model it on the PSP Go...).

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