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Forums - Sony Discussion - Dev hints at PSP2 release window in 6 months!

Carl2291 said:
ElGranCabeza said:

I'll buy one, no scratch that, I'll buy 2 of them.

Now you tell me, what do you honestly think the chances of that happening are? And what is the chance that the 3DS is gonna sell like hot cakes?

Cool. Good for you.

I don't know the chances... Because as I've said to you... We know absolutely nothing about it.

You're annoying me now so I'm going to stop replying to you.

That's usually what someone says when they don't have an argument...I understand.

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ElGranCabeza said:

That's usually what someone says when they don't have an argument...I understand.

Right. You're annoying me so much I just can't help it. I'm now 99% sure you're Avinash. Nobody else has ever annoyed me as much. Ever.

What exactly don't I have an argument against?

Stop being beyond biased. Use common sense.

You can't seriously write anything off without knowing anything at all about it. It's like me writing off Nintendo's next home console because the iPad is selling well. It's stupid, and pointless, and wrong.


Carl2291 said:
ElGranCabeza said:

That's usually what someone says when they don't have an argument...I understand.

Right. You're annoying me so much I just can't help it. I'm now 99% sure you're Avinash. Nobody else has ever annoyed me as much. Ever.

What exactly don't I have an argument against?

Stop being beyond biased. Use common sense.

You can't seriously write anything off without knowing anything at all about it. It's like me writing off Nintendo's next home console because the iPad is selling well. It's stupid, and pointless, and wrong.

don't waste your breath Carl

amazes me how so many have learned so little form this gen

I think that PSP2 will be released in Feb 2012.

The only chance to succed is to make it a competitor of iPhone. But if they make it a android, piracy will kill it. So will be a double-edged sword.

Carl2291 said:
ElGranCabeza said:

That's usually what someone says when they don't have an argument...I understand.

Right. You're annoying me so much I just can't help it. I'm now 99% sure you're Avinash. Nobody else has ever annoyed me as much. Ever.

What exactly don't I have an argument against?

Stop being beyond biased. Use common sense.

You can't seriously write anything off without knowing anything at all about it. It's like me writing off Nintendo's next home console because the iPad is selling well. It's stupid, and pointless, and wrong.

Who the hell is Avinash? Listen man, I bought a Wii, sold it because I will not suffer through subpar graphics just for the motion controls, I bought a DS and sold it because the graphics are from a million years ago, bought a PSP, used it for awhile and sold it due to the superiority of the Droid, still own a PS3 and 360. The 3DS is just here to stay, whether you like it or not, it's a Revolution. You don't have an argument so stop making it seem like you do.

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ElGranCabeza said:

Who the hell is Avinash? Listen man, I bought a Wii, sold it because I will not suffer through subpar graphics just for the motion controls, I bought a DS and sold it because the graphics are from a million years ago, bought a PSP, used it for awhile and sold it due to the superiority of the Droid, still own a PS3 and 360. The 3DS is just here to stay, whether you like it or not, it's a Revolution. You don't have an argument so stop making it seem like you do.

I don't have an argument against WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!????!!!


ElGranCabeza said:
Carl2291 said:
ElGranCabeza said:

That's usually what someone says when they don't have an argument...I understand.

Right. You're annoying me so much I just can't help it. I'm now 99% sure you're Avinash. Nobody else has ever annoyed me as much. Ever.

What exactly don't I have an argument against?

Stop being beyond biased. Use common sense.

You can't seriously write anything off without knowing anything at all about it. It's like me writing off Nintendo's next home console because the iPad is selling well. It's stupid, and pointless, and wrong.

Who the hell is Avinash? Listen man, I bought a Wii, sold it because I will not suffer through subpar graphics just for the motion controls, I bought a DS and sold it because the graphics are from a million years ago, bought a PSP, used it for awhile and sold it due to the superiority of the Droid, still own a PS3 and 360. The 3DS is just here to stay, whether you like it or not, it's a Revolution. You don't have an argument so stop making it seem like you do.

i'd just like to point out that Carl never ever said anything about the 3ds, he never mentioned ANYTHING about psp2 sales aaffecting it and he didnt make any comparisons between the two.

there's room for both handhelds in the market, i have both the ds and psp and i enjoy them both, there's titles that i want for both.

i doubt sony will release psp2 without a good catalogue of games.

dont cry out that psp2 is doomed just cause it's obvious that 3ds will be a success. there's still no clue about what psp2 will be like in terms of features or developers support.

now ElGranCabeza you may carry your monologue where you ignore what people are really saying. happy typing.

Soriku said:

More like possible reveal window, not release.

this, and nice find on the picture!

MrT-Tar said:
Soriku said:

More like possible reveal window, not release.

this, and nice find on the picture!

I just wanted to choose a obvious fake picture and that was the first one I saw:)

All the dev leaks are coming out of America and Europe it seems... I sort of wonder if Sony hasn't internally acknowledged they'll never be able to woo the Japanese studios away from 3DS for the most part, and instead have decided to concentrate on western studios instead (which is Nintendo's achilles heel)?  Could be a good route to go with PSP2, spec somewhat higher than 3DS but try to keep cost parity (through losses if need be), get companies like Rockstar, Bethesda, EA, LucasArts, Ubisoft, etc to line up their major core brands, get Epic to bring over UE3, and try to cover the areas that Nintendo's overlooking (or more accurately are overlooking Nintendo)... basically, make an Xbox versus the PS2 that 3DS represents?