"Otherwise, how does dtewi chose who your targeters get reflected to ?"
Just to clarify cause of my english phail - by this I mean that dtewi will probably have to use something like random.org to find out the new target. Stuff like that is pretty horrible and I doubt dtewi would have something like this if he weren't out of his mind.
Another thing to consider is how he would have chosen the target if you used your power during the end game...if the mafia did target you, and you used reflect, who would you divert it to ? the mafia dude or the townie ?
so a random decision can cause either faction to win or lose ?
As I've said before...your role is either bullshit that you've made up, or you're not telling us everything.
About what happened to me, I was "doomed" on night one...or two... I have either one or two days to live, and I shall die...more on that later, I gotta go to the doctor....stomach bug...lol..