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Forums - General Discussion - Are Christians and North American's cowards?

HughbertJass said:

OP your both a christian and a patriot. People like you sicken me. Also the reason the west doesn't burn flags or burn effigies like muslims do is because doing that sort of thing is just stupid and we are better than that (burning flags that is i am not saying that western values are superior to muslim ones).

"Pride comes before destruction." I disagree, we are not better than they. Now we may be better off than them yet we have own our faults. In fact they have the exact same view that they are better than us which makes us just like them in that point.

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HughbertJass said:

OP your both a christian and a patriot. People like you sicken me. Also the reason the west doesn't burn flags or burn effigies like muslims do is because doing that sort of thing is just stupid and we are better than that (burning flags that is i am not saying that western values are superior to muslim ones).

You hate patriots? Really? The term doesn't even have a nevative connotation. What's wrong with people liking the country they live in? Now if you used the term "ultra nationalist"... well that would've been more appropriate, as it obviously has a negative connotation.

Also you hate Christians? Really? If you said you hate "radical fundementalist Chirsitans", again that would've been more appropriate. Saying that you hate Christians (in general) makes you no better than Chrsitians who say they hate Muslims.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


you don't see any Muslim in north america burn any bible either, most of these radical Muslims live in third world countries where they don't get a proper education, ignorance will always breed violence. In africa muslims and christians kill each other everyday but you don't ear about that in the news because things like that are so common over there. Christians are not cowards they are just civilized and most of them are more educated then those extremist muslims.

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.


You are so fking right.

Why is it bad to burn the book that is the reason that many jews, christians, "non-believers", homosexuals and so on are being killed?

You dont know how good it is in america, folks.

Believe me, the more muslims you have the more your country gets worse.

I live in Germany, i know it..

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

chapset said:

you don't see any Muslim in north america burn any bible either, most of these radical Muslims live in third world countries where they don't get a proper education, ignorance will always breed violence. In africa muslims and christians kill each other everyday but you don't ear about that in the news because things like that are so common over there. Christians are not cowards they are just civilized and most of them are more educated then those extremist muslims.

Google "Christians muslims nigeria"


And IF you find one article that one or more muslims got killed by christians, without being attacked first. I Give you 100 euro.

You will only find something like "radical muslims burned a christian village down, church being destroyed by muslims" "church-goes attacked by radical muslims" and so on

Christianity isnt the same as Islam, its the complete opposite.

Read the Quran and the islamic hadiths and your opinion on that "religion" will change, trust me.

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

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chapset said:

you don't see any Muslim in north america burn any bible either, most of these radical Muslims live in third world countries where they don't get a proper education, ignorance will always breed violence. In africa muslims and christians kill each other everyday but you don't ear about that in the news because things like that are so common over there. Christians are not cowards they are just civilized and most of them are more educated then those extremist muslims.

I think the link with terrorists and lack of education is overstated.

The men who flew plains into the world trade center, were well educated. Osama is well educated. The man who shot up fort hood is educated. Ramzi Yousef (the 1993 world trade center bomber) was well educated.

All of them come from different countries. The only link they have, is they are all Muslim, and did what they did in the name of god.

Fun Facts:


- Did You know that in the holy book of the "religion of peace" the word "killing" is used 187 times?

25 times in the imperative. (dont say the old testament s the same, the event there are historical events)7

- Mohammed had 15 women, one of them he marriaged in the age of 6 years and made a child in the age of 9 years (when he was 53 years old)

- Muhammad fought 66 wars to spread his "religion"

- Muhammed let his enemys be killed, took the sights of people, cut their hands of and so on

You can read that in the quran and the islamic hadiths, if you want sources, i can write them down.

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

ProdigyBam said:

Fun Facts:


- Did You know that in the holy book of the "religion of peace" the word "killing" is used 187 times?

The holy book of the religion of peace is not in favour of the wrongdoer. It says in several places to keep patience whenever possible. But if it is not possible, you can take the help of fighting etc.

Now, I ask you, if I hit you, what would you do? Let me go? Then think what will be the condition of the society. So, 'the religion of peace' allows fighting when needed for self-defence. Christianity also talks about the same. Jesus (pbuh) himself said, "Take the sword and fight".

And don't you see that USA citizens carry guns? What for?


25 times in the imperative. (dont say the old testament s the same, the event there are historical events)7

Yes. But read carefully and you will find out that they are mentioned in context. You people always finds things out of context and want to portray what you want. When a general gives 'killing' order in the war field, he is not a killer or offender. Quranic contexts are just like that. Some verses you read as "fight when they fight you".  So, when Quran says 'kill', you have to read in context.


- Mohammed had 15 women, one of them he marriaged in the age of 6 years and made a child in the age of 9 years (when he was 53 years old)

You have to read the whole life style of him. He married at the age of 25 a woman of 40 years old. She was rich. She gave all her money to Muhammad (pbuh). And he spent all of them for poor.

Muhammad (pbuh) did not marry until his first wife died. And only the girl you mentioned of being 6 years old was a virgin, every other wives were widows. So, he did not marry them to meet his lust. His has done them for purpose. You have to read those marriage histories in order to find out the truth.


- Muhammad fought 66 wars to spread his "religion"

Sad that you did not find out the true cause. The first battle was the 'Badr' war. Here non-Muslims tried to finish the muslims. Only 313 Muslims faught against 1000 well equiped non-Muslims and won. The next war was 'Ohud'. That was also started by the non-Muslims and won by the Muslims. There is a war called 'Khandak' or war of trench. Muslims defended their city against non-Muslims. I have shown you few samples of those wars where the war was not for 'spreading the religion'. Now, will you talk wisely, plz?


- Muhammed let his enemys be killed, took the sights of people, cut their hands of and so on.

Where did you find these? If you are talking about law of retaliation, that is also available in Christian religion as well. 'Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' is a well known law from Bible. If your state law says imprisonment of seven years for theft, Islamic and Christian laws say chop the hand off of the theif. If you take out another person's eye, the law of retaliation says the victim can take out yours. Now, that's justice. But Islam also offers other modes of compensation and punishment also. So, don't bring out things without their whole picture and mislead people.


You can read that in the quran and the islamic hadiths, if you want sources, i can write them down.

I would be much obliged if you could quote few of them. I have to check the context so you better read the context before posting.


Smidlee said:
HughbertJass said:

OP your both a christian and a patriot. People like you sicken me. Also the reason the west doesn't burn flags or burn effigies like muslims do is because doing that sort of thing is just stupid and we are better than that (burning flags that is i am not saying that western values are superior to muslim ones).

"Pride comes before destruction." I disagree, we are not better than they. Now we may be better off than them yet we have own our faults. In fact they have the exact same view that they are better than us which makes us just like them in that point.

No, it doesnt. The good moral view is not subjective.

babuks said:

- Mohammed had 15 women, one of them he marriaged in the age of 6 years and made a child in the age of 9 years (when he was 53 years old)

You have to read the whole life style of him. He married at the age of 25 a woman of 40 years old. She was rich. She gave all her money to Muhammad (pbuh). And he spent all of them for poor.

Muhammad (pbuh) did not marry until his first wife died. And only the girl you mentioned of being 6 years old was a virgin, every other wives were widows. So, he did not marry them to meet his lust. His has done them for purpose. You have to read those marriage histories in order to find out the truth.

Umm... sorry, but wtf?

You telling me it's OK to overlook a man knocking up an 8-9 year old because he did some other things in his life that were good? Really? That's your argument?

Oh, and as for "eye for an eye" thing, that's the Jews. Jesus came and changed the rules for the Christians. Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek or some stupid shit.