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Forums - General Discussion - Evolution at work? Craziest thing I've seen all day.

That's a highly misleading title of the article.

They're just retaining the eggs in their body until they crack. Cold weather triggers some hormone to regulate that, to keep the egg a couple of weeks longer. It's not evolution at work.

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Slimebeast said:

That's a highly misleading title of the article.

They're just retaining the eggs in their body until they crack. Cold weather triggers some hormone to regulate that, to keep the egg a couple of weeks longer. It's not evolution at work.

You didn't read the whole article. The snakes are growing legs and wings!

raptors11 said:

Holy crap that's insane! Next they'll grow hands with opposable thumbs and build guns and attack humans!

Slimebeast said:

That's a highly misleading title of the article.

They're just retaining the eggs in their body until they crack. Cold weather triggers some hormone to regulate that, to keep the egg a couple of weeks longer. It's not evolution at work.

How is it not evolution? Those lizards that are better able to carry out the act of keeping their eggs in their body during cold weather will inevitably pass on that ability (or trait) to their offspring. If the environment remains cold for an extended period of time (i.e. many years), then each breeding period will yield lizards that are better at producing the hormones than the previous generation, as the ones that do it poorly will inevitably have trouble producing offspring.

eventually you end up with a bunch of lizards that are better equiped at reproducing in cold enviornments. Regardless of how small you would consider it, that is evolution at work.

That's pretty amazing, but is it better than the Vampire Moth that evolved from a fruit eating moth!!

(The snake with arms is much cooler).

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

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highwaystar101 said:
Slimebeast said:

That's a highly misleading title of the article.

They're just retaining the eggs in their body until they crack. Cold weather triggers some hormone to regulate that, to keep the egg a couple of weeks longer. It's not evolution at work.

How is it not evolution? Those lizards that are better able to carry out the act of keeping their eggs in their body during cold weather will inevitably pass on that ability (or trait) to their offspring. If the environment remains cold for an extended period of time (i.e. many years), then each breeding period will yield lizards that are better at producing the hormones than the previous generation, as the ones that do it poorly will inevitably have trouble producing offspring.

eventually you end up with a bunch of lizards that are better equiped at reproducing in cold enviornments. Regardless of how small you would consider it, that is evolution at work.

You assume this and it's a nice theory but there's no evidence of that in the article.

The only mechanism needed to explain the observations presented in the article is the one I provided.

When it's hot you take your shirt off, when it's cold you keep it on.

This is a better way to show macro evolution.

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

sweet will be in pokemon black and white

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.


