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Forums - Sales Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII Coming to X360 in Dec 16 in Japan

So, if this happens, why wasn't just released at the same time?  Is it reasonable to conclude that Sony paid for timed exclusivity in Japan?

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Darth Tigris said:

So, if this happens, why wasn't just released at the same time?  Is it reasonable to conclude that Sony paid for timed exclusivity in Japan?

Well that, or the english version wasn't ready yet because they still had to localize the game for the west. Also, the 360 version could have not been done all the way before japanese release.

Or everything you and I said, or some combination

But personally I'd guess that SE would have got something from sony. Or maybe that was part of the deal for sony partially funding crystal tools. I'm not sure.

M.U.G.E.N said:
leo-j said:

I guess this means VERSUS XIII is coming to 360 too..


wouldn't suprise me..

you still had doubts? TGS my friend :D the day of meltdowns and internetz explosion

Nah, FFXIII was the meltdown. Now that FFXIII has sold well enough on 360 in the west it's pretty well expected that vsXIII will make a 360 appearance.

Sony will lose some PS3 sales from this, but SE will make a lot more game sales.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Well, a port definitly makes sense, because it probably won't cost SE anything. Regarding sales..., I don't think that there are much people in japan who have a 360 but don't have a PS3, so I expect it to reach 100k-150k LTD maximum.

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Any meltdowns in Japan yet? :D

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Sounds like a cheap way to make a bit of money. Why not?

Cross-X said:

Any meltdowns in Japan yet? :D

Why would there be meltdowns in Japan this time?

ToV meldowns happened because people felt they were tricked into buying console for inferior version of game, i doubt if people who bough ps3 for FFXIII would have any reason to be disapointed with ps3 version of FFXIII because x360 get's version without even japanise VA and they have no reason to be disapointed with ps3 itself with the games it's getting in Japan this year.


Mr Puggsly said:
Zlejedi said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Well they might be able to sell an extra 150K - 200K on the 360. The port already exist so its not much work if any to release it.

Even though its a late release, I'm sure we'll see a 360 sales boost in Japan. Console sales might hit a whole 20K that week.

20K seems way too much- if they already have ps3 it makes no sense to buy it, if they don't biggest thing going for x360 is price and when you factor FFXIII at full price on X360 vs the prices for FFXIII on PS3 it will be much smaller than normally.

Well you assume everyone already owns and played it on the PS3.

I believe the 360 hit 17K when MHFO was released and that was a port that requires a paid subscription.

Perhaps 20K is high, but that's just a number I'm throwing out there. Could be even higher if holiday sales and the Kinect have an impact.

the slim launched that week, also old versions had price cut.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

Zlejedi said:
Cross-X said:

Any meltdowns in Japan yet? :D

Why would there be meltdowns in Japan this time?

ToV meldowns happened because people felt they were tricked into buying console for inferior version of game, i doubt if people who bough ps3 for FFXIII would have any reason to be disapointed with ps3 version of FFXIII because x360 get's version without even japanise VA and they have no reason to be disapointed with ps3 itself with the games it's getting in Japan this year.

Dude as you can see from the :D at the end, it means it was a joke. Of course I know there won't be meltdowns or 2ch getting shut down from the rage of PS3 Japanese gamers.

Zlejedi said:
Cross-X said:

Any meltdowns in Japan yet? :D

Why would there be meltdowns in Japan this time?

ToV meldowns happened because people felt they were tricked into buying console for inferior version of game, i doubt if people who bough ps3 for FFXIII would have any reason to be disapointed with ps3 version of FFXIII because x360 get's version without even japanise VA and they have no reason to be disapointed with ps3 itself with the games it's getting in Japan this year.

Maybe they'll melt down because the ps3 owners wanted English VA's! aha!

but they'll most likely get it anyways eventually if FFXIII international comes out like all the previous entries have had. :P