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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

From what I've seen, I like the PS Move more then the Wii and more then what I'm seeing from Kinect.


Kinect just seems extravagant. 

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there are to many differences in Move and Wii and Eyetoy and Kinect for them to be exactly the same thats why there not and i respect your opinion.

(leaves thread shaking head thinking to himself this is sad while waiting for the subsequent why Kinect will fail and why Nintendo will loss market share to the HD twins threads)

Resident_Hazard said:
RockMan10 said:
Resident_Hazard said:
leo-j said:
Resident_Hazard said:
ArnoldRimmer said:

 People will love playing Shooters with PS Move.

Yeah, just like they love playing them with the Wii Remote.

...wait, what?

Wii isn't even close to 1:1 very innaccurate, move is the complete opposite.. which is why he said that

For FPS titles and rail shooters, the Wiimote never needed to be 1:1, and for that matter, neither does the Playstation Move.  It's all based around the pointer, not the actual movement of the Wii Remote (or Sony Wiimote). 

Wii Motion Plus is actually some very sharp 1:1, and is pretty impressive.  I'm not saying the Move isn't going to be slightly smoother, because, let's face it, logically it should be.  If Sony put out something that, four years after the fact, was inferior to the technology they're straight copying, they'd look pretty damn stupid. 

But you clearly don't understand how the Wii Remote works pertaining to FPS titles, if you think 1:1 motion is required--or believe that to be the reason FPS titles haven't taken off on the system.  Given Metroid Prime 3 and The Conduit--the movement works pretty well for an FPS title so long as the developer knows what they're doing.  As to why FPS titles tend not to sell on the system...

Without a camera, just using accelerometer and gyro sensors isn't going to give you a good 1:1 movement. Especially because you dont have your XYZ positions in real space, just the orientation of the remote. 

Real 1:1 means you understand the device position in 3D real space (XYZ) and you understand the orientation of the device (3 angles), so you have 6 degrees of freedom. 

The wiimote can't do this unless you point it at the screen to pick up XYZ with IR sensors.

... just sayin.

That is still irrelevant for FPS titles.

For what it's worth, while I'm not really interested in Kinect or Move, I'm not writing them off and I do hope they accomplish their goals of extending the life of their respective systems.

Also, my original point was that gamers didn't seem to care to use the Wii Remote for FPS title, why would they suddenly care on the PS3?  During lengthy play sessions, you get tired of holding your arm out for aiming and whatever else they plan to do with it. 

Nah I mean, I agree. I play FPS and I dont wanna play with the wiimote or the move. screw holding your arm up forever tryin to aim. I got tired of it just with aiming the bow on Zelda

The PSMove will not fail. It's future depends on us gamers or the people who want it. The GameStop near my house has under 5 pre-orders for Move and above 10 for Kinect. I haven't checked any other gaming stores, but who knows. There are a ton of people waiting on the bench for its release to see if it's purchase-able or not.

So will Kinect..satisfied?!