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Forums - Sony Discussion - THE FIGHT - PSMove true 1:1

at 7:18 I saw what appeared to be a good amount of delay (lag) 0.o

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

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naznatips said:
Acevil said:
naznatips said:

You're wrong, it's not 1:1. You do a hook then it does a hook. It doesn't do your hook. I've played it at both GDC and E3. Sorry to disappoint, but don't expect this to be something it's not.

Good job former overlord (wait do you still watch over us or not?), for ruining everyones hopes and dreams. 

I'm the Games Editor in Chief now. It's no longer my job to rule you, but now to inform you, even if that crushes your hopes and dreams.

I will say this isn't just Wii Sports boxing... but it's closer to that than 1:1. Everything is gesture activated rather than actually mimicked. As I said in my hook example above, it can tell you did a hook, but it's not matching your hook but doing one of its own. This is probably the reason for the input delay as well, which is extensive. Really what your motions are doing is no different than button inputs. It's like X Up Down Left Right in Street Fighter or something activating a move, but instead of hitting buttons you're making motions very similar to the moves with the controller.

May still be fun, but it's not a fighting trainer or a 1:1 simulator. That said, 1:1 can't really work anyway, because as people pointed out up above once you get hit the game can't keep matching your motions or it would just be ignoring your hits. There are other problems too, with depth and power of the blows, as well as angle and elevation. If you want to find out what it's like to box I'm afraid you still need to join a gym.

They've optimised it since GDC and E3 though, so maybe it's a much more accurate experience now than it was when you played it


Tanstalas said:

at 7:18 I saw what appeared to be a good amount of delay (lag) 0.o

Yes sure at some places there is.

Tanstalas said:

at 7:18 I saw what appeared to be a good amount of delay (lag) 0.o

At the pre-set back-hand move?  I believe some of that is put in place for balance of gameplay more than anything. Otherwise, people could just continuously back-hand or headbutt rapidly with little or no consequences. 

Rpruett said:
Tanstalas said:

at 7:18 I saw what appeared to be a good amount of delay (lag) 0.o

At the pre-set back-hand move?  I believe some of that is put in place for balance of gameplay more than anything. Otherwise, people could just continuously back-hand or headbutt rapidly with little or no consequences. 

How is that a bad thing?  Let's fight, you just continually try and backhand me and I will fight with a variety of moves, see who wins :P

Unless the backhand move in the game does substantially more damage than say a haymaker to the chin

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

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I've gotta say the animations for the moves you do look really awkward and clearly pre-scripted.  It's also going to be annoying to have to move all your friends out of the picture when setting it up....

After all, it can only track where your hand position is, not your elbows or other parts of you that are necessary for getting the correct interpretation of your actual punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc.

I'm with naz on this one.

nightsurge said:

I've gotta say the animations for the moves you do look really awkward and clearly pre-scripted.  It's also going to be annoying to have to move all your friends out of the picture when setting it up....

After all, it can only track where your hand position is, not your elbows or other parts of you that are necessary for getting the correct interpretation of your actual punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc.

I'm with naz on this one.

6:51 -> elbow tracking

nightsurge said:

I've gotta say the animations for the moves you do look really awkward and clearly pre-scripted.  It's also going to be annoying to have to move all your friends out of the picture when setting it up....

After all, it can only track where your hand position is, not your elbows or other parts of you that are necessary for getting the correct interpretation of your actual punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc.

I'm with naz on this one.

By tracking the hand you know where the rest of the arm is. If you move your elbow, the hand is also moving, so you know where the elbow is. And, just so you know, when you calibrate, it measure the size of your arm so the in game avatar have the same arm lenght as you. If you wanna see for yourself the arm moving accordingly look at 6:47.

Icyedge said:
nightsurge said:

I've gotta say the animations for the moves you do look really awkward and clearly pre-scripted.  It's also going to be annoying to have to move all your friends out of the picture when setting it up....

After all, it can only track where your hand position is, not your elbows or other parts of you that are necessary for getting the correct interpretation of your actual punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc.

I'm with naz on this one.

By tracking the hand you know where the rest of the arm is. If you move your elbow, the hand is also moving, so you know where the elbow is. And, just so you know, when you calibrate, it measure the size of your arm so the in game avatar have the same arm lenght as you. If you wanna see for yourself the arm moving accordingly look at 6:47.

I watched the whole video.  It still looked like only the hands were tracked correctly.  I can move my hands in the same exact path a multitude of ways yet have different elbow positions each time.

All the punches during the actual fighting just seem off.  The angles and position of the elbows don't seem to match up well at all.

nightsurge said:
Icyedge said:
nightsurge said:

I've gotta say the animations for the moves you do look really awkward and clearly pre-scripted.  It's also going to be annoying to have to move all your friends out of the picture when setting it up....

After all, it can only track where your hand position is, not your elbows or other parts of you that are necessary for getting the correct interpretation of your actual punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc.

I'm with naz on this one.

By tracking the hand you know where the rest of the arm is. If you move your elbow, the hand is also moving, so you know where the elbow is. And, just so you know, when you calibrate, it measure the size of your arm so the in game avatar have the same arm lenght as you. If you wanna see for yourself the arm moving accordingly look at 6:47.

I watched the whole video.  It still looked like only the hands were tracked correctly.  I can move my hands in the same exact path a multitude of ways yet have different elbow positions each time.

All the punches during the actual fighting just seem off.  The angles and position of the elbows don't seem to match up well at all.

Arm Length and Tracking of Hands will give you a very close approximation as to where your elbow resides.  It wasn't perfect, but the punches looked as close to 1:1 (On the user end) as they could reasonably do / maintain enjoyment of the game and the only thing that was obviously pre-scripted was the Headbutts,etc and I believe these were pre-scripted just as much because of gameplay balance as anything else.