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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

theprof00 said:

This is going to be my last post for the night unless hat wants me to vote for someone.

I'm going to clear up the confusion I've created. But I'm not going to roleclaim.

I kinda fucked up the first day. I may have even gotten a townie killed. I'm actually suspicious of what my role is at this point.

I've figured that my role is unimportant given the situation so far. Hat has his plan and I can't do much except sacrifice myself. I've been attempting all day...that is...until heph outed himself, to draw as much attention to myself as possible while at the same time keeping the town certain that I couldn't possibly be mafia. I was trying to draw attention as a threat. A primary target for mafia assassination. I may not have done very well in that role, but I'm new and did what I thought would work. I wanted to draw attention away from the possible SK so that we could ensure both his and hats survival because they will win this game for me without my contribution.

Then heph outed himself and pretty much ruined everything. At least I thought. I am pretty sure there is a mafia roleblocker, and in this scenario, they know a very important kill, or target (heph) if they have a converter. With him gone or taken, we will assuredly lose an important role. On the other hand, even if we get him, they could just block him, and start singling us out one by one. Eventually they will get the doctor or sister or whatever.

That is, until everyone started saying that mafia have no role blocker and no converter. I found this suspicious. So lynch me. At the same time, dtewi has been very adamant about discrediting me and he was #1 on my list next to truck. Maybe he is town, maybe not. I found his aggressiveness and "certainty" about so many things puzzling. So I prodded him with loaded questions. Stuff like, "would you agree that titan names= mafia. I wanted him to think I knew his name (if he were a mafia). He didn't quite get the message, but I thought, "maybe he does and is trying to discredit me". Im still not 100% on dtewi. All the voting around he's done today with little factual backup other than hat telling him to do it and someone else agreeing seemed a little.... opportunistic. I voted for nikells because I thought hat was being slick about hiding the SK. I was wrong, and discovered how much it could potentially hurt to lynch nikells accidentally as well as enter the series I described earlier about them picking us off one by one.

So that's that. I'm off to a noise show, I'll be on a bit later and tomorrow, but if I'm doing a terrible job I don't want to contribute to the confusion, which is what people are saying I'm doing. 

Sorry for the headaches everyone.

yeah sorry about that... but I think the lynching & curing idea was what forced things, Afterall Hat wasn't targeted first night, there was time still. Perhaps I should have let Nick get lynched and the town would have had more answers....


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OK so i have a wedding too... gonna be away for a bit, this also means i won't kill tonight, as there is too few certainties (need to think as a townie now) and I wouldn't be back fo nightime anyways.

I'll vote for the only person I openly FoSe, since no other arguments seem incriminating enough for me to vote others.


Vote : Dtewi  (I realize this spreads votes even more, but at least it'll let you close the day if needs be)


Vote Count

10 out of 16 players have voted

votes Nikells (L-7)


 2 votes TruckOSaurus (L-7)

nen-suer, theprof00


2 votes Squilliam (L-7)

noname, sm128

1 votes Vetteman (L-8)


1 vote SciFiBoy (L-8)


1 vote No Lynch (L-8)


1 vote Dtewi (L-8)


8 pages..seriously?!! hep role claimed Kratos hatmoza will try to cure him, there is a posiblity of a mafia recruiter

the only way we can verify that hatmoza sucssesfully cured Kratos is if hatmoza himself live to till us

that's why am not sure if the doctor should protect Kratos.

We can have the doctor protect hatmoza and other roles (like the watcher) target Kratos


My suspects so far:

ToS 60%

Sabby 50%

TheRepublic 45%

am keeping my vote for now, and re-read the thread and see if i missed something

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sabby_e17 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Vetteman94 said:

How is his elaborate theory any better than the other that has been laid out in his opposition?  

Hell I'll play the speculation game for a minute here.  It seems the Gods are pro-town,  its probably a bad assumption but i think its true at least some of them are,  so why and how would he be able to turn a character to aid the very people Kratos seeks for revenge?  And he claims to be someone who also plots against those very Gods

Posting from work, I haven't read to whole thread yet but there was something in this post I wanted to go back on before I forget.

In this post Vetteman is saying "It seems the Gods are pro-town", why would he have to make this an assumption? ANSWER: He's not a God (or he's a dissident God) and he's trying to figure out who the "pro-towns" are so he can like he's one of them. Add to that his jumpy behavior after hatmoza's defense and he's earned my vote.

Vote: Vetteman94

I agree with this.

However, read the above posts and convince us you're not the Kratos. And if you are, maybe we can arrange for you to be a vigilante still!

I personally want it to be Heph >:[ I'll have so much pleasure in lynching him

Sorry to quote myself yet again but nobody except hatmoza commented on this information I dug up on Vetteman. Since j0 asked for people we suspect most, I thought I'd bring it up again.

I'd like to know what everyone thinks of it? Especially Vetteman of course.

Vote: Vetteman94

I've been suspecting Vetteman, Silver-tiger and SciFiBoy for a long time because of them voting Hatmoza based on other players analysis. It was almost like they were bandwagoning on Hatmoza when some other guy dishes out some "evidence". They completely ignore Hatmoza's role-claim and why it would be a very risky thing to do (lynch him). Not only that, but they're ready to unvote Hatmoza when there's some other guy's analyisis on why Hatmoza shouldn't be lynched.

God, reading through approx 350 is disgutsing.

I'm at this point at the moment. I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but I NEVER voted for hatmoza. Pay atttention before you accuse me.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

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theRepublic said:

Moving on to something slightly different, I doubt real scum would bring so much attention to themselves, so I guess you are probably pro-town.

Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see who kept themselves out of this shitstorm when we look back on it.

Well, that would be me .

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Man, a lot of fights going on here:

hatmoza vs. heph

dtewi vs. theprof00 vs. Squilliam

Sabby vs. me

theRepublic vs. SciFiBoy

And I see in no discussion any real progress that could lead to a lynch. maybe I just overlooked something, because, seriously, reading through 400 posts is just unbelievably annoying. So excuse me if I missed something later in the game.

The way I see it, theprof just teared this thread apart. However, I do think it's just his newbess. he brought up so much information and ideas that I doubt he's mafia.

Also Heph, who is pretty much a vigilante now, should protected by the doctor now, as he is the only confirmed pro-town role. Sure, he can also miss and kill a pro-town role, but that's also always the risk with lynching somebody. hatmoza doesn't need to be protected this night, since even he dies tonight (sorry hatmoza, nothing against you) his recruitment still comes through, right?

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Guys...may I remind you that Day 2 ends in 13 hours ?

pick up the slack

This vote spread is getting ridiculous! Also, I think we should extend this day, the idea of time limits was to prevent slow days with little conversation, that's definately not the case for this day!

I'd like nen-suer and theprof to state why they've voted for me exactly?

Since I'm talking about the prof, I'm so glad he made his final post because his behavior was driving me nuts! I was so close to changing my vote to test out his "unlynchable" claims (but now I'm guessing it was just part of the plan to attract Mafia attention).

Signature goes here!

I will extend the time limit by 12 hours if a majority of you guys want it to be extended...

People who want the time limit extended
