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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

hatmoza said:

Ok I'm like 60 posts away from catching and let me say this ... 

Prof is one confused confused very confused person. I take what I said about him being a good player back

Also, the prof said "it's guaranteed that I can't be lynched" on multiple occasions so I'm assuming he has the "unlynchable" role.

Heph you bastard! I don't buy your good intentions for laying low. I believe that you thought you could pull off another SK win. I cornered you, and you came clean. Nothing to justify here. You'll be town by son rise so I don't give a flip anywho.

That said: IN YOUR FACE! I knew I would get you Kratos!

As for lynching, I'm all for lynching the two liars: Prof and Sqilliam today. 

Double lynch anyone?

Oh yeah, you totally had him cornered when he gave you such a gift on day one. lol.

Around the Network
hatmoza said:

As for lynching, I'm all for lynching the two liars: Prof and Sqilliam today. 

Double lynch anyone?

Squilliam at least has posted his explanation.  I'm not sure what to think of it, or him in general, although at the moment I'm going to leave my vote on him.  Fortunately (?) he hasn't posted much.  Unfortunately, Friday night is just getting started over here, so I'm going to be off the clock for some time.

hatmoza said:

Ok I'm like 60 posts away from catching and let me say this ... 

Prof is one confused confused very confused person. I take what I said about him being a good player back

Also, the prof said "it's guaranteed that I can't be lynched" on multiple occasions so I'm assuming he has the "unlynchable" role.

Heph you bastard! I don't buy your good intentions for laying low. I believe that you thought you could pull off another SK win. I cornered you, and you came clean. Nothing to justify here. You'll be town by son rise so I don't give a flip anywho.

That said: IN YOUR FACE! I knew I would get you Kratos!

As for lynching, I'm all for lynching the two liars: Prof and Sqilliam today. 

Double lynch anyone?

double lynching them sounds like a bad idea to me, quite aside from the fact that I dont find Prof suspicious (as ive said, he is way too active to be scum surely? if he is, he is awful at this)

Squilliam certainly has been patchy in his activity, mainly he seems to defend his n00bishness when he is here, can you just remind me when/how he lied? I cant recall off hand!

damn this thread moves fast, lol, im hesitant to fall asleep now, heck knows how many pages of posts I would miss!

like I admitted multiple times, I lack imagination.

Also prof, chill out. You're causing way too much confusion!

Edit @prof

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

theprof00 said:

because that proof would have to come from knowing pretty much one entire team's names. It has not been set in stone. It may well be like that later, but it's precisely why some of the first day posters here are so suspicious.

Stop being thick. Look at the names of people who died. The characters against Zeus were scum and the characters with Zeus were not.

Assumptions are based on some already known information. If I knew every role, I wouldn't be assuming, would I?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network
hatmoza said:

like I admitted multiple times, I lack imagination.

Also prof, chill out. You're causing way too much confusion!

Edit @prof

Am I?

Ok I finally caught up. I am a slow reader and to be honest the sheer quantity of trafic is making this really difficult. What I want is for everyone to slow down and stop posting so much. If everyone is firing off random posts in all directions, lynch / unlynching people all the time then this is an environment of chaos where the Mafia have the advantage.

So this is how I think we ought to proceed:

Everyone, slow down the posting rate! I want you townies to consider that to win this, we have to all work together. We still have assets working for us whom can tip it all in our favour, but not if we end up lynching them or throwing suspicions around like candy which can only factionalise the town. The Mafia work as one, if the town splinters they can play one group against the other.

Hatmoza -> Heph recruit. That gets the serial killer out of the way. I trust from reading that both are who they say they are. Im sorry Hatmoza for what I did earlier, I just had to know because of conflicting information I have.

Remember, the town still has assets we can use to flush out these Mafia. Its a big game, not everyone who has an important town role is dead. Im not saying that im this person however.

I vote No lynch today.

We have plenty of time, we still outnumber the Mafia quite considerably. What we need to do is act together. Remember people, you have players whom you suspect you can trust as well as players who you suspect you cannot trust. Why not find some agreement, some accord which we can work with. This game from what I can tell now is about trust / lack of trust. If someone you trust, trusts someone else then perhaps consider them possibly trust worthy for you too.


noname2200 said:
hatmoza said:

As for lynching, I'm all for lynching the two liars: Prof and Sqilliam today. 

Double lynch anyone?

Squilliam at least has posted his explanation.  I'm not sure what to think of it, or him in general, although at the moment I'm going to leave my vote on him.  Fortunately (?) he hasn't posted much.  Unfortunately, Friday night is just getting started over here, so I'm going to be off the clock for some time.

I'm going to be completely honest, I didn't even see Squilliams post. I'm losing a lot of focus, I'm not completely reading the content of people's post because of prof. He's scattering my thoughts and really making my head spin...he's starting to get on my nerves.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

dtewi said:
theprof00 said:

because that proof would have to come from knowing pretty much one entire team's names. It has not been set in stone. It may well be like that later, but it's precisely why some of the first day posters here are so suspicious.

Stop being thick. Look at the names of people who died. The characters against Zeus were scum and the characters with Zeus were not.

Assumptions are based on some already known information. If I knew every role, I wouldn't be assuming, would I?

right. That's why you're 100% sure.

Anyway, I never like double lynches since I consider them to be quite imbalanced.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you